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Sir Harvey : Adamson (1852-1929): Judicial Commissioner, Upper Burma 1900-03; Additional Member, Viceroy’s Council 1903-05; Chief Judge, Burma 1905; Member, Viceroy’s Council 1906-10; Home Member c.1907-08; Lt.-Gov., Burma 1910-15.
... liqueurs to a regale of confidences and confessions by Sir Harvey Adamson which was perhaps the most enjoyable dish of the evening. The inventive Briton has discovered the great truth that out of the fullness of the stomach the heart speaketh and the result is that great British institution, the after-dinner speech. So the clans gathered and Sir Harvey of the clan of the sons of Adam spoke from "beneath... dropping into poetry in its fervour assured us in sonorous blank verse) and behold! even as was the state of his stomach, so was the speech of Sir Harvey full-stomached and packed with choice titbits, comfortable, placid and well-pleased. Of course Sir Harvey talked of the unrest, but his speech was eminently restful; it had all the large benevolence, sweet reasonableness and placid self-satisfaction... s, if it does not feel as full-fed and happy as Sir Harvey after his haggis, well, they are ungrateful brutes and there is an end of it. Unkind people have said that the intention of the Government was not to satisfy the aspirations of the educated class but to exclude them from the Councils under the cover of a misnamed "reforms". Sir Harvey is naturally shocked at so gross an imputation against ...
... Remember Sir Harvey? His lamentations on the Yugan-tar? Well, he was always strong on the 'seditious' press, in other words, the organs of anti-bureaucratic Nationalism. Lambasting the Scottish official's slander of such publications, which he said had "discovered that sedition is a commercial success," Sri Aurobindo wrote in the Bande Mataram's columns : "Fudge, Sir Harvey! If you could be... a Nationalist newspaper for the first year or two of its existence, you would 'discover' at what tremendous pecuniary and personal sacrifice these papers have been established and maintained. If Sir Harvey knew anything about the conditions of life in the land he is helping to misgovern, he would know that an Indian newspaper, unless it is Page 372 long established, and sometimes... even then, can command immense influence and yet be commercially no more than able to pay its way, especially when on principle it debars itself from taking all but Swadeshi advertisements. Fudge, Sir Harvey! The Nationalists are not shopkeepers trading in the misery of the millions; they are men like Upadhyay and Bepin Chandra Pal and numbers more who have put from them all the ordinary chances of life ...
... The Milk of Putana 01-April-1908 A spirit of conciliation is evident in some of the recent acts of the bureaucracy, such as the separation of Judicial and Executive of which Sir Harvey Adamson has given the details in his speech in Council. The policy of Sir Sydenham Clarke in Bombay is of the same type, and from the Mofussil we hear of politician Magistrates who are busy re-e ...
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