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Sirish : Srishchandra Ghosh of Chandernagore; he smuggled revolvers into Alipore Jail to kill Noren Gossain. In February-March 1910, Srish assisted Sri Aurobindo during his stay in Chandernagore, & on 31 March helped him get to Calcutta.

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... [ Postscript in another hand: ] In a few days you will be getting 50 copies of "War & S. D." K. Amrita [24] Pondicherry May 1920 Dear M. It is only now for the first time since Sirish left that I get some time to write. It is not possible for me to write all I have to say, much must wait till you come here; I will confine myself to what is of pressing importance for the work. ... receive their inspiration from the same source and have the same ideal. A spiritual unity and a readiness for cooperation must be the guiding principle of their relations. I have already answered to Sirish the first very natural question that arose in your mind at the inception of these new conditions, why Barin and others should cast themselves separately into the অরূপ to create a रुप out of it, when... of separation and competition rather than of activities supplementary to each other in the same work. In addition he has now the chance of getting hold of a strong publishing agency in Calcutta, as Sirish must already have told you, but he hesitates to take it up from fear that it may be regarded as a rival agency to the Prabartak Publishing House. He is not afraid of any misunderstanding between you ...


... than an incident over which there need be any exultation. Recently there was a secret conclave of high dignitaries in the Maharaja's house, at which there were some strange planetary conjunctions, Sirish Sarvadhicari of the Hindu Patriot sitting cheek by jowl with Srijut Surendranath Banerji to consult on the situation. At this meeting of opposites it was proposed, we believe, to issue a loyal manifesto ...

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