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Srinjaya : son of Devavāta & father of King Sahadeva of Pāñchāla.

4 result/s found for Srinjaya

... a seer, a master of the plenitudes and founds for the giver the ecstasies. अयं यः सृञ्जये पुरो दैववाते समिध्यते । द्युमाँ अमित्रदम्भनः ॥४॥ 4) This is he who is kindled in the front in Srinjaya, son of Devavata, he is luminous and a destroyer of foes. अस्य धा वीर ईवतोऽग्नेरीशीत मर्त्यः । तिग्मजम्भस्य मीळ्हुषः ॥५॥ 5) The mortal who is a hero can have mastery over the Fire in its ...


... and the Paravatas, with whose names he compares that of the Satrap Barsentes [of Alexander's time] and the people Paruetae of Gedrosia or Aria [in the same period]. Similarly he suggests that the Srinjaya people, who were connected like Divodāsa with the Bharadvāja family, should be located in Iran, and he finds in the Sarasvatī, which formed the scene of Divodāsa's exploits, not the Indian stream ...


... [Abhyāvartin], a king of the Srinjayas, is celebrated as victorious over the Turvasas and the Vrichīvants." 3 Pusalker also says: "As their allies the Tritsus were in the Madhyadesa, the authors of the Vedic Index rightly suggest that the Srinjayas may well have been a good deal further east than the Indus... 4 Turvaśas were the common enemies of the Srinjayas and Bhāratas... 5 The Bhāratas ...

... Southern India, 1, 24 South Indian Bronzes, 118 . Southerners, 1 Spokes, 55 Spooner, 103 Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, iii Sri Ma - Sri Aurobindo Milan Kendra, iii Srinjayas, 126 Sriramadesikan, S. N., 30fn. Strabo, 86 Sudas, 15, 126 Sudra, 114 Suktas, 78 Sunasepa, 86 Surkotada, 9, 36, 49 Sur Jungal, 61 Suriash ...