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... (Correspondence with Amal Kiran) Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother 19 September 1967 ( Amal wrote again about the body of St. Francis Xavier, but his letter is not available. The Mother wrote on a separate sheet of paper. ) Your questions are mental ratiocinations and are not interesting. 19 September 1967 ...
... work is being done for them, they know it only too well! ( Laughing ) No need to insist!" × St. Francis Xavier. × It is the story of the Raja of Bhaowal, which created a sensation in the Indian press around ...
... Kiran) Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother 18 September 1967 Dearest Mother, I found your reply to R’s question about the body of St. Francis Xavier extremely interesting, quite a new vision of things. Could we infer from it that the undecayed condition here points to a hitherto unrealised natural possibility of result by dehydration — opening ...
... 18 September 1967 ( Letter to the Mother from M, sent through Amal: ) Beloved, My daughter R has been constantly puzzling over the fact that the body of St. Francis Xavier is still undecayed after centuries. There does not seem to be any embalming done. R wants to know how this “miracle” has happened. What keeps the body incorrupt? Would you write a few words about ...
... basis for it. It was among these men that God had placed him, and it was of them that he once exclaimed in his missionary zeal, 'These are the Indies that call me with even more urgency than St. Francis Xavier's.'" What de Lubac and Rideau suggest is valid, as far as it goes, for Teilhard certainly wanted to reconcile science and religion; but he never thought that the shortcoming lay always... preserving "Christ on the scale of and at the head of creation". 1 According to Teilhard, such an exclusive regard is "the most essential aim and criterion of Christian orthodoxy" 2 and, "since St. John and St. Paul, the fundamental rule of theology". 3 The divine power so figured is the Cosmic or Universal Christ and, naturally, his central function is related to the cosmos with whose space-time he... 'pantheism'" as the factors introducing the universal aspect of his religion. The Christian contribution is restricted to "personalism". Teilhard is often disposed to talk of the Christianity of St. Paul and St. John as supplying the universe-ingredient to make up his Universal Christ. Why has he not talked here of Pauline or Johannine "totality" plus the usual personalism of the Christ preached in the ...
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