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Standard Bearer : monthly started by the Prabartak Saṇgha at Chandernagore in 1920.

44 result/s found for Standard Bearer

... defective version of this piece was published in The Standard Bearer on 7 November 1920, and subsequently in The Harmony of Virtue (1972). Shivaji, Jaysingh. Chandernagore Manuscript, II: 6-7. The typed copy, which is subsequent to the manuscript, has been used as the text. A defective version of this piece was published in The Standard Bearer on 26 December 1920, and subsequently in The... 775 was published under the title "Academic Thoughts" in The Standard Bearer on 2 January 1921, and subsequently in The Harmony of Virtue (1972). Passing Thoughts [3] : Achar ; Vichar ; Vivek ; Jnanam . 1910. CMS III: 1-2. A defective version of this piece was published in The Standard Bearer on 26 September 1920, and subsequently in The Harmony of Virtue . ... Hathayoga. 1910. CMS II: 3-5. A defective version of this piece was published in The Standard Bearer on 12 December 1920, and subsequently in The Harmony of Virtue . Rajayoga. 1910. CMS III: 3-5. A defective version of this piece was published in The Standard Bearer on 19 December 1920, and subsequently in The Harmony of Virtue . Historical Impressions: The French ...


... defective texts of the poems (as well as some of the other contents of the manuscript) were published in the Standard Bearer , a journal brought out from Chandernagore. Sometime after their publication, Sri Aurobindo revised the Standard Bearer texts. In 1942, the Standard Bearer versions were given to Sri Aurobindo for further revision before inclusion in Collected Poems and Plays... . Evidently he and the editors of the volume had by this time forgotten about the existence of the original manuscripts. These manuscripts, however, are superior to the defective Standard Bearer texts and also to the 1942 version, which is based on those texts. The editors of the present volume have therefore based the texts printed here on the original manuscripts, incorporating... The Rákshasas . 1910. This poem was intended for the first issue of the Karmayogin to be printed from the manuscript described in the above note. A corrupt version was printed in the Standard Bearer on14 November 1920. This version was revised by Sri Aurobindo for inclusion in Collected Poems and Plays in 1942. The present version is based on the original manuscript. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Great Mind, a Great Will" in Early Cultural Writings , volume 1 of T HE C OMPLETE W ORKS OF S RI A UROBINDO . To the Editor of the Standard Bearer . On 11 November 1920 , Sri Aurobindo wrote to Motilal Roy, editor of the Standard Bearer , in regard to certain claims that had been made about his political opinions in the Calcutta press. His letter is published on pages 248 - 49 of... Bakshi (1897 - 1962), a young man of Chandernagore, served in Mesopotamia during the war. [22] Apparently towards the end of 1919; certainly earlier than the next letter, which refers to the Standard Bearer by name. [23] 2 January 1920. A short time before this letter was written, M. K. Gandhi sent his son Devdas to speak to Sri Aurobindo on his behalf (see Gandhi's letter to Sri Aurobindo on... information on the "marriage idea", see Light to Superlight , pp. 93 - 96. [26] 11 November 1920. The portion of this letter placed by Sri Aurobindo within inverted commas was reproduced in the Standard Bearer on 21 November 1920. See pages 278 - 79. [27] In 1922, Motilal's relationship with Sri Aurobindo soured. In May 1925 Motilal wrote asking for permission to visit Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry ...


... explanatory material not found in the chapter itself (see especially the footnote). These three pieces are reproduced here from his manuscripts. PART FOUR: FROM THE STANDARD BEARER (1920) The Standard Bearer was launched in August 1920 by the Prabartak Sangha of Chandernagore, a group then working under the inspiration of Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo wrote at least one article... earlier writings (for example, "Hathayoga" and "Things Seen in Symbols", included in Early Cultural Writings ) were also published in the Standard Bearer. Ourselves. This essay was written for publication in the first issue of the Standard Bearer , 15 August 1920. The editors have compared the sometimes defective text published in the journal with that of a manuscript draft. PART... pieces: Part One, essays from the Karmayogin , 1909 - 10; Part Two, The Yoga and Its Objects , written around 1912; Part Three, writings from the Arya , 1914 - 21; Part Four, an essay from the Standard Bearer , 1920; Part Five, writings from the Bulletin of Physical Education , 1949 - 50. P ART O NE : E SSAYS FROM THE K ARMAYOGIN (1909 - 1910) Sri Aurobindo ...


... Unity , The Future Poetry (all of which were later published in book form, many in revised editions), as well as other series and separate essays. Page 375 The Standard Bearer English Weekly Chandemagore Published by the Prabartak Sangha,,a group working under the inspiration of Sri Aurobindo. Its first issue came out on August 15, 1920 with a... Karmayogin, November 20, December 11 and 18, 1909 respectively; "To R", first published in the Modern Review , April 1910; "The Rakshasas", "Kama", "The Mahatmas", first published in the Standard Bearer, November 14 and 28 and December 12, 1920; "Ahana" (revised and enlarged version of 520 lines; See 3). Translations: The Century of Life (See 11), "Hymn to the Mother" ("Bande Mataram";... Karmayogin; only two of the pieces were published in the journal: "Dinshah — Perizade" and "Turiu — Uriu", February 12 and 19, 1910 respectively. The others were first published by the Standard Bearer : "Mazzini — Cavour — Page 382 Garibaldi", November 7, 1920, "Shivaji—Jai Singh", December 26, 1920, "Littleton — Percival", May 29 and June 5, 1923. ...


... itself become a means of the inner siddhi. Kali [22] [end 1919] Dear M. About your scheme of a weekly paper—as for the name it is not difficult to find; it could be called the "Standard-bearer". But are you quite sure you will be able to live up to the name and carry the thing on in the requisite manner? Nalini and Suresh are not likely to be able to write; one does not write at all... not ready to join in the old politics and had no Page 234 new programme formed for a more spiritual line of work, and it would be no use my going out till I saw my way. As to the Standard-bearer , I cannot write now, as it would take too long and delay this letter. I shall write afterwards or send word. Your insured packet reached us yesterday. The increase comes in a good moment, as with... occupied with pushing forward to its own perfection that I do not quite like the idea of the heavy drain on it such a struggle would entail. This at least is my present view on the matter. The Standard Bearer is, I am afraid, subject to the criticism passed on it; the criticism is general and I felt it myself. It is a sort of weekly "Arya"; but the Arya style and method are not what is wanted for a ...


... Aurobindo, had brought out a weekly paper The Standard Bearer. Motilal Roy had come into close contact with Sri Aurobindo and his visits to Pondicherry helped him to avail himself of Sri Aurobindo's direct guidance. But after 1920 he separated from Sri Aurobindo who then withdrew his inner help and guidance. To some of the issues of The Standard Bearer Sri Aurobindo contributed articles on different... let it remould and direct life is the only way to national resurgence. Page 424 The Mother and Sri Aurobindo, 1950 OURSELVES The Standard-Bearer comes into the field today entrusted with a special mission and as the bearer of an ideal and a message. The standard it carries is not that of an outward battle, but the ensign of a spiritual ...

... the Editor of the Standard Bearer Sri Aurobindo's declaration In view of the conflicting rumours that have been set abroad, some representing Sri Aurobindo as for the Reforms and others as for Non-co-operation, Sri Mati Lal Roy, his spiritual agent in Bengal was requested by those in charge of their spiritual organ, in this humble instrumentality of our "Standard Bearer," to write to him ...


... preoccupation, 522; letter to Barindra, 523ff; wanted "a deva sangha", 524; on the discipline of thought, 524; "the catch of the Infinite", 525; on Tilak's death, 527; editorial in Standard-Bearer, 527; call to the young, 528; reply to Moonje on Nagpur CongressPresidentship, 528ff; talk with Saraladevi, 530; reply to C. R. Das, 531; discussion with Das, 531-2; on HinduMuslim unity, 532;... 68,71, 72 Sophocles, 21 Sorokin, Pitrim A., 751 Spiegelberg, Frederic, 17,20,751 Spinoza, 418 Srinivasachariar, Mandayam, 375ff, 391, 405,525 Standard-Bearer, The, 527 St. Paul, 445 Statesman, The, 222-23, 237, 247 Strachey, Lytton, 177,241 Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, The, also Mind of Light, 438-39 ...

... Mother, Light used to be the standard bearer of the ‘E’ group (women) walking in front of us holding aloft the Mother’s blue symbol on a white silk flag. It was truly admirable the way Light marched upright with steady steps holding the enormous flag of the Mother. Light exuded beauty and power. I felt the Mother was pouring power into her. Abhay Singh was the standard bearer of the men’s group. Light ...


... returned to Pondicherry. She stayed at first in the Magry Hotel, then moved to Subbu's hotel on Rue St. Louis near Rue St. Martin, and later to a house at 1, Rue St. Martin. On 15 August the Standard Bearer , a weekly journal, was started by the Prabartak Samgha of Chandernagore. It was discontinued after a few years of somewhat irregular publication. Sometime after September Nolini and Moni went... Sri Aurobindo, called the Prabartak Samgha, had taken form around Motilal. All Bengali books and many English books connected with Sri Aurobindo as well as the two journals Prabartak and The Standard Bearer were being published by the Prabartak Samgha. Motilal and others had been expecting that when Sri Aurobindo ¹ Dilip Kumar Roy, Among the Great (Bombay: Jaico Publishing House, 1950) ...


... the Prabartak Sangha at Chandernagore. The watchwords of the Sangha were "Commune, Culture, Commerce", and besides, the Sangha published Prabartak in Bengali and later the English Weekly, the Standard Bearer . Sri Aurobindo had hoped that the Prabartak Sangha would grow into a centre of spiritual and economic awakening in Bengal, translating something of his vision of the Future into contemporary... hoped he would benefit by timely counsel and make good. In fact Motilal was on a visit to Pondicherry in August 1920, and had key discussions with the Master about the Prabartak Sangha and the Standard Bearer. IV Once, in a moment of startling divination, Mirra actually saw India free. She was to refer to it more than once in after-years, but the only time she dwelt on its date at length ...


... of the awakened intelligence and of human idealism and sympathy, this predominance of religion has been violently attacked and rejected by that portion of humanity which was for that time the standard bearer of thought and progress, Europe after the Renascence, modern Europe. This revolt in its extreme form tried to destroy religion altogether, boasted indeed of having killed the religious instinct ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Ourselves 15-August-1920 The "Standard Bearer" comes into the field today entrusted with a special mission and as the bearer of an ideal and a message. The standard it carries is not that of an outward battle, but the ensign of a spiritual ideal and of a life that must be its expression and the growing body of its ...


... for Nature's own purpose; for without it the mixture, the downward gravitation would make the spiritual emergence impossible. The extremist of this absolutism, the solitary, the ascetic, is the standard-bearer of the spirit, his ochre robe is its flag, the sign of a refusal of all compromise,—as indeed the struggle of emergence cannot end by a compromise, but only by an entire spiritual victory and the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... The constant inspiration of his thoughts was wanting, the impetus of his presence ceased to move the springs of Nationalist endeavour. Tomorrow he resumes his place at the post of honour, the standard-bearer of the cause, the great voice of its heart, the beacon light of its enthusiasm. We were in a semi-darkness while that light was absent, uncertain and bewildered as to our course while that voice ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... own life experiences, including his reflections and thus his scientific thinking, is according to his own assumptions something unmeasurable and therefore scientifically unreal. Science too, the standard bearer of matter and of the concrete, has declared the human experience and consequently the experienced world to be an illusion! Material and Spiritual Evolution It may seem amazing how near ...


... 8. Long Skulls and Broad Skulls Hitler and his God The White Man’s Pride We have met the noble Aryan – the “Prometheus of mankind”, “standard-bearer of human progress” and “highest image of the Lord” – when leafing through Hitler’s Mein Kampf. We recall that the discovery of an Aryan root language was made around 1800, in that fecund period of literary ...


... motto and live by it will be likely to succeed. There's many a way to win in this world, but none of them is worth much without good hard work back of it. I think we should have lost our big Standard-Bearer that day, if our bigger Dwarf had not been at hand to bring him out of the melee when he was wounded. He was unconscious, and would have been trampled to death by our own horse, if the Dwarf had ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Joan of Arc

... process has been brought to the issue of physical strife, and the present stage of human society has not yet discovered a better arrangement than the instrumentality of war for the champion and standard bearer of the Right to ensure that the standard of Right and Justice is not allowed to trail in the dust and be trampled into mire by the bloodstained feat of the oppressor. A day may come, must surely ...

... inspiration from Sri Aurobindo who gave him detailed instructions from time to time. A Bengali fortnightly journal, Prabartak, was started in September 1915 and later an English weekly, the Standard Bearer. Sri Aurobindo wrote occasionally for both the journals. The Sangha at first made good progress — its watchwords were 'Commune, Culture and Commerce' — and visitors who came to Chandernagore spoke ...


... Mahatmas. The Mahatmas are said to be living some-where in Bhutan among Rishis who are thousands of years old, I hear. DR. MANILAL: Not true? You wrote, a long time ago, a poem on Koothoomi in the Standard-Bearer. From it we have thought of a being with great spiritual realisation. SRI AUROBINDO: It was purely a play of the poetic imagination. DR. MANILAL: What do you think of Madame Blavatsky? ...


... biography and a history Bibliography Sri Aurobindo's writings have appeared in journals (notably Indu Prakash, Bande Mataram, Yugantar, Karmayogin, Dharma, Standard-Bearer, Arya and Bulletin of Physical Education), as also in book form in successive editions and impressions. For this edition the references to Sri Aurobindo's writings are from the Sri Aurobindo ...

... consequence". (Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, p. 53) Page 324 certainly stop the publication of the paper". 41 And that was how this great paper that had made history as the flaming standard-bearer of Indian Nationalism went down in blazing colours, fighting till the last. Wasn't Sri Aurobindo shaken - wasn't he at least disturbed - by the chain of events: the framing of charges, the ...

... her future national existence. These ideas - here as it were casually thrown in - found fuller expression in an editorial article "Ourselves" which Sri Aurobindo contributed to the Standard Bearer, a new weekly journal launched at Chandernagore by Motilal Roy, the first issue appearing on 15 August 1920. The paper had come into the field, Sri Aurobindo said, with a special mission, which ...

... Bepin Chandra Pal," wrote Sri Aurobindo, "but the speaker of a God-given message; not the man but the voice of the Gospel of Nationalism." 23 In a subsequent article, he described Pal as "the standard-bearer of the cause [of Nationalism], the great voice of its heart, the beacon-light of its enthusiasm". 24 It was partly as a result of Bepin Pal's sensational tour of Madras in 1907 that, like Bengal ...

... Sandhya and other Nationalist journals suppressed, the fire would only become silent, pervading, irresistible. A hundred hands would catch the banner of Nationalism as it fell from the hands of the standard-bearer and a hundred fiery spirits rush to fill the place of the fallen leader. In Bengal, therefore, other measures have been adopted. But the moment the bureaucrats were sure that the fire had caught ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... for some time. Then asked “What made you come here?” I answered in some detail. Sri Aurobindo: “Do they read any papers there?” C: “I don't know.” Sri Aurobindo: “Do you read the Standard Bearer ?” C: “At times. When I find there something that ought to be practised I note it down.” Sri Aurobindo: “How long did you stay in Bombay?” C: “Four days.” Sri Aurobindo: “Where did ...


... es and plans for the edifices of all human progress; only the way in which these plans have been executed is to be attributed to the qualities of each individual race.” 282 The Aryan was “the standard-bearer of human progress”. “It will be a greater honour to be a citizen of this Reich, even as a street-sweeper, than to be the king of a foreign state.” 283 For the Aryan is “the highest image of the ...


... object of profound longing on the part of hundreds of thousands for many centuries before, until finally one of them comes forward as a herald to announce the will of that multitude and becomes the standard-bearer of the old yearning, which he now leads to a new realization in a new idea.” 295 To dominate the masses, Hitler-the-Leader had been gifted with the power of the spoken word and was very much ...


... justice and injustice, the force that protects and the force that violates and oppresses, and when this has once been brought to the issue of physical strife, the champion and Page 64 standard-bearer of the Right must not shake and tremble at the violent and terrible nature of the work he has to do; he must not abandon his followers or fellow-fighters, betray his cause and leave the standard ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Then went to sleep in Her Divine Lap awaiting the Golden Calendar. One day They will return in Their body of Glory and change this earth of ours You will come back as Their standard-bearer and gardener of perfumed flowers. We all look forward to that Supreme Advent and the long-awaited Incarnation In the meantime rest in Her Lap, Rajabhai, and dream of that ...


... process has been brought to the issue of physical strife, and the present stage of human society has not yet discovered a better arrangement than the instrumentality of war for the champion and standard bearer of the Right to ensure that the standard of Right and Justice is not allowed to trail in the dust and be trampled into mire by the blood-stained feat of the oppressor. A day may come, must surely ...

... 1920 January 20 Letter to Joseph Baptista. April 7 Letter to Barindra Kumar Ghose. April 24 The Mother returns to Pondicherry from Japan. August 15 First issue of the Standard Bearer, a monthly published from Chandernagore under the inspiration of Sri Aurobindo; his article "Ourselves" appears in this issue. August 30 Letter to B.S. Munje declining the presidentship ...


... — January 20 Letter to Joseph Baptista. April 7 Letter to Barindra Kumar Ghose. April 24 The Mother returns to Pondicherry from Japan. August 15 First issue of the Standard Bearer, a monthly published from Chandernagore under the inspiration of Sri Aurobindo; his article "Ourselves" appears in this issue. August 30 Letter to B. S. Munje declining the presidentship ...

... 830 Sri Aurobindo's Action 788-9 Sri Aurobindo Society 685-6, 717, 726 Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library 788 Srinivasachariar, Mandayam 85, 220 Sri Prakasa 596 Stalin, Joseph 395 Standard Bearer, The 79, 205 Still-sitting movement 153, 175-6, 194, 221, 302 Subbarao, G. V. 222 Subramaniam, C. 716 Sudhir Ghose 488 Sundaram (Tribhuvandas Luhar) 691 Sunil Bhattacharya 681, 700, 718 ...


... Prometheus of mankind”. All the same, this is an intriguing statement by Hitler, the supreme racist: if one could not discuss what race or races were “the original standard-bearers of human culture”, how could he maintain that those standard bearers were the Aryans? Was this then nothing to him but a blunt political assertion, a pseudo-scientific fancy without any foundation? “I know of course as well... God Hitler’s Racism Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: “It would be futile to attempt to discuss the question as to what race or races were the original standard-bearers of human culture and were thereby the real founders of all that we understand by the word ‘humanity’. It is much simpler to deal with this question in so far as it relates to the present time... sort of racial homogeneity. The danger to the mongrels [which is what the Germans had become at the time these words were written] ceases only when this higher stratum, which has maintained certain standards of homogeneous breeding, ceases to be true to its pedigree and intermingles with mongrels. This principle is the source of a slow but constant regeneration whereby all the poison which has invaded ...


... world,… who are free in mind and heart to accept a completer truth and labour for a greater ideal…. It is with a confident trust in the spirit that inspires us that we take our place among the standard bearers of the new humanity that is struggling to be born amidst the chaos of a world in dissolution, and of the future India, the greater India of the rebirth that is to rejuvenate the mighty outworn ...

... is most difficult and yet which is most urgent and imperative. Page 214 For accomplishing these three tasks, we, who belong to India, have to play the role of torchbearers and of standard bearers. India invites all her children to turn to her soul and power and to generate a new dynamo of action that would transform the entire world of confusion and disorder into a new world of clarity ...


... society, — a task which is most difficult and yet which is most urgent and imperative. For accomplishing these three tasks, we, who belong to India, have to play the role of torchbearers and of standard bearers. India invites all her children to turn to her soul and power and to generate a new dynamo of action that would transform the entire world of confusion and disorder into a new world of clarity ...

... Sweden and Australia and China and Japan, and from almost every part of India. The stream expands as it pours in and rushes forward to bathe the Mother's feet. Fired with the new spirit, the standard- bearers of the new Light gather round her to help fulfil her mission. Each day brings, as if by miracle, a more admiring appreciation of the Ashram and its expanding activities. Is it any wonder that ...


... of the realisation, unheard of before Sri Aurobindo, is the most conclusive evidence of the identity of their souls and their mission upon earth. Page 69 the new spirit, the standard-bearers of the new Light gather round her to help fulfil her mission. Each day brings, as if by miracle, a more admiring appreciation of the Ashram and its expanding activities. Is it any wonder that ...


... n by Sri Aurobindo. × During the Darshan and 2nd December March Past, the Groups are led by standard bearers. ...

... but all who are free in mind and heart to accept a completer truth and labour for a greater ideal It is with a confident trust in the spirit that inspires us that we take our place among the standard-bearers of the new humanity that is struggling to be born amidst the chaos of a world in dissolution, and of the future India, the greater India of the rebirth that is to rejuvenate the mighty outworn... call themselves moderates, conservatives or extremists and manage their conduct and opinions in accordance with a formula. We like to think by systems and parties and forget that truth is the only standard. Systems are merely convenient cases for keeping arranged knowledge, parties a useful machinery for combined action; but we make of them an excuse for avoiding the trouble of thought. One is... more modern the more true because held as opinion by the lettered and instructed citizen of Paris or Berlin. Neither position can be accepted. Verification by experience and experiment is the only standard of truth, not antiquity, not modernity. Some of the ideas of the ancients or even of the savage now scouted by us may be lost truths or statements of Page 99 valid experience from ...
