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13 result/s found for Subconscious being

... race. For below even our most obscure physical consciousness is a subconscious being in which as in a covering and supporting soil are all manner of hidden seeds that sprout up, unaccountably to us, on our surface and into which we are constantly throwing fresh seeds that prolong our past and will influence our future,—a subconscious being, obscure, small in its motions, capriciously Page 181 ...


... below even our most obscure physical consciousness is a subconscious being in which as in a covering and supporting soil are all manner of hidden seeds that sprout up, unaccountably to us, on our surface and into which we are constantly throwing fresh seeds that prolong our past and will influence our future, — a subconscious being, obscure, small in its motions, capriciously and almost ...


... For below even our most obscure physical consciousness is a subconscious being in which as in a covering and supporting soil are all manner of hidden seeds that sprout up, unaccountably to us, on our surface and into which we are constantly throwing fresh seeds that prolong our past and will influence our future, — a subconscious being, obscure, small in its motions, capriciously and almost fa ...


... race. For below even our most obscure physical consciousness is a subconscious being in which as in a covering and supporting soil are all manner of hidden seeds that sprout up, unaccountably to us, on our surface and into which we are constantly throwing fresh seeds that prolong our past and will influence our future,—a subconscious being, obscure, small in its motions, capriciously and almost fantastically ...


... the struggle at the first defeat. As long as they can, they seek to retain possession and even when they are cast out they will, as long as there is any chance of response in the conscious or subconscious being, try to recur and regain their hold. It is no use being discouraged by these attacks. What has to be done is to see that they are made more and more external and all assent refused until they ...


... the same accents and without a mistake. And evidently she knew nothing of the language – that is, the mind did not understand . anything of it. But all the time it was there recorded in the subconscious being. Even the soles of our feet have got a memory of their own. We have divided and analysed these functions but it is, like all analysis, convenient only for under­standing; things in reality ...

... therefore a limited form, mode and movement. These lower modes of consciousness are the conscious-stuff of inferior planes in one indivisible existence. In ourselves also there is in our subconscious being an action which is precisely that of the "inanimate" physical Nature whence has been constituted the Page 330 basis of our physical being, another which is that of ...


... and therefore a limited form, mode and movement. These lower modes of consciousness are the conscious-stuff of inferior planes in one indivisible existence. In ourselves also there is in our subconscious being an action which is precisely that of the "inanimate" physical Nature whence has been constituted the basis of our physical being, another which is that of plant-life, and another which is that ...


... and therefore a limited form, mode and movement. These lower modes of consciousness are the conscious-stuff of inferior planes in one indivisible existence. In ourselves also there is in our subconscious being an action which is precisely that of the "inanimate" physical Nature whence has been constituted the basis of our physical being, another which is that of plant-life, and another which is that ...


... perceptions of an active possibility, that is a possibility that is to be fulfilled or would be fulfilled but for the intervention of another force. Some are more remote being only intentions in the subconscious being that are kept from emergence by the overt nervous & mental activity or thoughts which cannot fulfil themselves in the actual state of the Prakriti. Sort 3) बृहव्ददेम विदथे सुवीराः Aishwaryas ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... waking consciousness only ? Is he only that which apepars to us from outside,—the surface consiousness ? Modern psychology will tell you that man's waking consciousness is only a fraction of his subconscious being. In fact, what man does on the surface-consciousness is very often the result of the action of the subconscient, or even of the environmental consciousness. There is available to man even a ...


... entire, ready & solid participation in the siddhi by the whole conscious existence. The subconscious is being rapidly trained by the force of its obstructed aspiration towards the light. Page 788 The response to the Asiddhi proceeds from the subconscious; as the source of these responses, it is being purified from them and fortified for the response to the Siddhi— In the waking mind the... eventually the end of a more entire & solid participation in the siddhi by the whole conscious existence; for the subconscious is being trained through the aspiration towards the light. It is from the subconscious that the responses to the Asiddhi proceed, & the source of these responses is being fortified and purified. But the waking mind derives from the sense of obstruction a conclusion of unfaith in... complete and is taking the madhura into itself. The bhava is firmly founded on jnana & state of being & the Ishwara is being felt in all thought, feeling & action. The distinction between Ishwara and Prakriti is not yet merged in the unity + difference, but the Prakriti is subordinate & more conscious of being a form of the Ishwara. Mahalaxmi brings with her bhakti & prema, the stable permanence of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... subconscient was certainly the starting point of Sri Aurobindo's breakthrough. The Gradations of the Subconscient The "subconscious" of modern psychology is only the outer fringe of a world almost as vast as the Superconscient, with many levels, forces, beings (or being-forces, if we prefer). It is our immediate as well as distant evolutionary past, with all the impressions of our present life... between the superconscious Agni of heaven and the subconscious Agni of the earth, and we suffer, tossing and turning upon our bed of misery, some of us seeking their heaven, others their earth, yet without ever joining the two. Another race is to be born among us, a whole Being, if only we consent to it: "Weave an inviolate work, become the human being, create the divine race.... Seers of Truth are you... world is still full of jungles: such is the problem in a nutshell. Our mental colonization is a very thin crust over a barely dried Stone Age. The Vedic rishis, speaking of the subconscious forces and subconscious beings, called them "those-who-cover," "those-who-devour," or the "sun-thieves." There could be no better description for them; they are indeed merciless thieves. No sooner do we make some ...