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... a saga worthy of the unwinding of the cycles and their arrival at “the giant point” of the turn into “the subjective age”. One should not be misled by the word “subjective”, which may be seen as rather narrow considering the unimaginably large development it indicates. The subjective age represents everything Sri Aurobindo and the Mother foresaw for the future. The twentieth century has been branded... significant rapidity. And their emergence and greater dominance means the transition from the rationalistic and utilitarian period of human development which individualism has created to a greater subjective age of society. The change began by a rapid turning of the current of thought into large and profound movements contradictory of the old intellectual standards, a swift breaking of the old tables. ...
... imperfect states through which humankind has so far travelled, and it may be very long before that law can be attained. But Sri Aurobindo maintains that the present is the stage of what he calls the subjective age of humanity, when knowledge is increasing and diffusing itself with an unprecedented rapidity, when individuals, societies and nations are attempting to discover their potentialities and their... cohesion at different stages of development, namely, through symbolism and later by typal thought, conventional thought and by subjective self-awakening both of the individual and collectivity. In the subjective age, which is marked by preponderance of Reason as also by a revolt against conventions, customs and traditions, Sri Aurobindo perceives the possibility of a true flowering of the inner spirit, which ...
... its growth, its expression and the creation of a true, beautiful and helpful environment for it as the one thing of first and last importance. The signals must be there that are precursors of a subjective age in humanity's thought and social endeavour. These ideas are likely first to declare their trend in philosophy, in psychological thinking, in the arts, poetry, painting, sculpture, music, in... an inner preparation and, for the rest, radical or revolutionary experiments of a doubtful kind with the details of the vast and cumbrous machinery under which life now groans and labours. A subjective age may stop very far short of spirituality; for the subjective turn is only a first condition, not the thing itself, not the end of the matter. The search for the Reality, the true self of man, may... swift evocation of the possibilities of each level; for that would show that there is a readiness in our subconscient Nature and that we need not linger in each stage for centuries. But still a subjective age of mankind must be an adventure full of perils and uncertainties as are all great adventures of the race. It may wander long before it finds itself or may not find itself at all and may swing back ...
... The Human Cycle Chapter III The Coming of the Subjective Age The inherent aim and effort and justification, the psychological seed-cause, the whole tendency of development of an individualistic age of mankind, all go back to the one dominant need of rediscovering the substantial truths of life, thought and action which have been overlaid by the falsehood... significant rapidity. And their emergence and greater dominance means the transition from the ratio-nalistic and utilitarian period of human development which individualism has created to a greater subjective age of society. The change began by a rapid turning of the current of thought into large and profound movements contradictory of the old intellectual standards, a swift breaking of the old tables.... vitalistic or as a psychical subjectivism, and it is here that we shall see most clearly what is its actual drift, its deficiencies, its dangers as well as the true purpose and conditions of a subjective age of humanity and the goal towards which the social cycle, entering this phase, is intended to arrive in its wide revolution. Page 34 ...
... the momentous experiment of the subjective German nationality, we shall see the starting-point of these possible errors. The first danger arises from the historical fact of the evolution of the subjective age out of the individualistic; and the first enormous stumble has accordingly been to transform the error of individualistic egoism into the more momentous error of a great communal egoism. The individual... and vitalistic thought of recent times and equipped it with a subjective philosophy. Thus she arrived at a bastard creed, an objective subjectivism which is miles apart from the true goal of a subjective age. To show the error it is necessary to see wherein lies the true individuality of man and of the nation. It lies not in its physical, economic, even its cultural life which are only means and adjuncts ...
... which a subjective age makes at least possible, and if at the same time it raises to the last height of active power things which seem the very denial of such a potentiality, that need be no index of a practical impossibility of the new birth, but on the contrary may be the sign of its approach or at the lowest a strong attempt at achievement. Certainly, the whole effort of a subjective age may go wrong; ...
... preparing not only "to be oneself", which is entirely right, but to live solely for and to oneself, which, if pushed beyond a certain point, becomes a disastrous error. For it is necessary, if the subjective age of humanity is to produce its best fruits, that the nations should become conscious not only of their own but of each other's souls and learn to respect, to help and to profit, not only economically... lain almost entirely in the two spheres of philosophy and music, is clearly predestined to lead in the turn to subjectivism and to produce a profound result for good or evil on the beginnings of a subjective age. This was one side of the predestination of Germany; the other is to be found in her scholars, educationists, scientists, organisers. It was the industry, the conscientious diligence, the fidelity ...
... settle and conceptions are on the way to apply themselves in the field of practice which promise to give the succession of the individualistic age of society not to a new typal order, but to a subjective age which may well be a great and momentous passage to a very different goal. It may be doubted whether we are not already in the morning twilight of a new period of the human cycle.” 968 Sri Aurobindo... significant rapidity. And their emergence and greater dominance means the transition from the rationalistic and utilitarian period of human development which individualism has created to a greater subjective age of society.” 969 Yet so profound was the change, including the globalisation of mankind, that it led to the explosion of two “hot” world wars and a potentially still more destructive “cold” third ...
... almost entirely in the two spheres of philosophy and music is clearly predestined to lead in the turn to subjectivism and to produce a profound result for good or evil on the beginnings of the subjective age. “This was one side of the predestination of Germany; the other is to be found in her scholars, educationists, scientists, organizers. It was the industry, the conscientious diligence, the fidelity ...
... settle and conceptions are on the way to apply themselves in the field of practice which promise to give the succession of the individualistic age of society not to a new typal order, but to a subjective age which may well be a great and momentous passage to a very different goal. It may be doubted whether we are not already in the morning twilight of a new period of the human cycle. Secondly, the ...
... temperament which would enable him to follow the law of liberty and harmony rather than the law of discord and regimentation, compulsion and adjustment and strife. Still it is the very business of a subjective age when knowledge is increasing and diffusing itself with an unprecedented rapidity, when capacity is generalising itself, when men and nations are drawn close together and partially united though ...
... greater subjectivity now only beginning, is there a better hope; for by that turning it may discover that the real truth of man is to be found in his soul. It is not indeed certain that a subjective Page 224 age will lead us there, but it gives us the possibility, can turn in that direction, if used rightly, the more inward movement. It will be said that this is an old discovery and that it ...
... The Human Cycle Chapter XXIV The Advent and Progress of the Spiritual Age If a subjective age, the last sector of a social cycle, is to find its outlet and fruition in a spiritualised society and the emergence of mankind on a higher evolutionary level, it is not enough that certain ideas favourable to that turn of human life should take hold of the general ...
... subjectivity now only beginning, is there a better hope; for Page 37 by that turning it may discover that the real truth of man is to be found in his soul. It is not indeed certain that a subjective age will lead us there, but it gives us the possibility, can turn in that direction, if used rightly the more inward movement." The simultaneous need for individuals who are able to recreate ...
... object of education and indeed of all human life if it would find and live according to the hidden Truth and deepest law of its own being. Sri Aurobindo The Human Cycle: The Coming of the Subjective Age The psychic being is formed by the inner Truth and organised around it. The Mother Words of the Mother - III: 18 January 1951 Does the psychic being identify itself with the inner ...
... the mentalised physical life for his field and reason for his highest attribute and his highest possibility. But if we follow to the end the new vistas opened by the most advanced tendencies of a subjective age, we shall be led back to a still more ancient truth and ideal that overtops both the Hellenic and the modern levels. For we shall then seize the truth that man is a developing spirit trying here ...
... expansion of the human mental being. Reason cannot do its work, act or rule if the mind of man is denied freedom to think or freedom to realise its thought by action in life. But neither can a subjective age be the outcome; for the growth of subjectivism also cannot proceed without plasticity, without movement of self-search, without room to move, expand, develop, change. The result is likely to be ...
... (1856-1915) as his point of departure, Sri Aurobindo divides the curve of human evolution in a symbolical, a typal 94 , a conventional and an individualistic age, and to this he adds a future subjective age. The symbolical age is the one at the very origin of man as a social being at the time of ‘the thickly veiled secret of our historic evolution’ when the social structures, culture and all human ...
... directly from a need of the heart. (The impressionists, however bourgeois in part of their personality, may be considered as the forerunners or the first wave of what Sri Aurobindo called “the subjective age”.) A new scientific paradigm originated simultaneously with the artistic revolution. “Every historian is struck by the fact that the revolutionary transformation of the scientific world view ...
... towards a greater subjectivity now only beginning, is there a better hope; for by that turning it may discover that the real truth of man is to be found in his soul. It is not indeed certain that a subjective age will lead us there, but it gives us the possibility, can turn in that direction, if used rightly, the more inward movement. It will be said that this is an old discovery and that it governed ...
... or independence. When Western individualism and rationalism had made inroads into India, the legend attracted the attention of Sri Aurobindo at a point where the transition to a deeper subjective age of the cycle was being attempted. His initial reading of it, focusing on "the power of a woman's silent love," belongs to this stage. Finally, taking up the theme in earnest when his Yoga ...
... intensity of a point of experience in these forms reaches in Sāvitrī its epic height and grandeur. In "The Future Poetry", Sri Aurobindo has indicated that man in his evolution is moving towards the subjective age and the poet who is the precursor and in his highest function, the prophet, would certainly enter into or ascend those higher regions of consciousness as yet unattained by man. This is what he ...
... mass over its constituent groups and units" 48 - and this would apply to national and international situations alike. In The Human Cycle, Sri Aurobindo saw the curve of the present 'subjective' age culminating in a spiritual age, human thought and action transfigured by the infusion of the consciousness of oneness and harmony. The grand argument of The Ideal of Human Unity leads to a similar ...
... Sleep-self, 23, 75 Sleep-State (su ṣ upti), 213, 206-09, 215,216 Soul-personality, see Psychic being Social evolution, psychological stages of, 250-55 subjective (spiritual) age, 285-87 three stages of, 262-270 Sorley, Professor, 185, 186 Soul, 14, 20, 85-95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 119, 379 See also Psychic entity cf. Psychic being ...
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