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Sudas : Vedic king whose court was graced by Rishis Vasishtha & Vishwāmitra.

8 result/s found for Sudas

... designations flung at unquestionably Aryan leaders such as the ten kings who fought against Sudas. Mookerji, listing the definitions of the so-called non-Aryan tribes, draws our attention to a number of them being "also applied to Aryans": "In Rv., vii, 83, 7 all the ten kings and their allies who were the enemies of Sudas are branded 'non-sacrificers' (ayajyavah) and in vii, 18, 16 as animdra, 'not ... Rigvedic age, in the region between the Saraswati and Yumunā. The Bhāratas appear prominently in the Rigveda in relationship with [King] Sudās and the Tritsus... 6 Among the tribes who were hostile to Sudas, the Druhyus, Turvasas and Anus lived between the Asiknī [Chenāb] and Parushnī.. Zimmer identifies Turvaśas and Vrichīvants, but the passages merely show that they were allies." 7 From all this we... actually the Vrichīvants, like the Turvasas and the other peoples listed in the several encounters, never figure in the Rigveda as anything except Aryan. Pusalker speaks of the Bhāratas, whose king was Sudas, as displaying "their military prowess, in the Rigvedic age,... in their successful campaigns both against the Aryans in the west and the non-Aryans in the east". 9 In fact, even the non-Aryanism of ...


... Sir Aurel, 189 stirrup, 324 Strabo, 207 Strednij Stog culture, 247, 248, 250 Page 432 Studia Orientalia, 204 Sudas, 163, 283, 286-90, 329, 330, 353-8, 366 Sudras, 339 Sughdha (Sogdiana), 321 Sukkur, 189 sukra, 243, 340 Sumer, 156, 245, 252 sun symbols in ...


... north-west, beginning with the Ganges, in accordance with the course of Aila expansion and its outflow beyond the north-west. Similarly, in the Rigvedic account of the Battle of the Ten Kings against Sudas who was an Aila king of north Panchala... he is described as pushing his conquest westwards into the Punjab. This is also in keeping with the view that the bulk of the Rigveda was composed in the Upper ...


... Aryan from west to east, and proffers in this regard the verse (Rgveda X, 75) which mentions rivers in their order from the east to the north-west beginning with the Gangā. He also cites references of Sudas, an Aila King, who is described as pushing his conquest westwards into the Punjāb. I cannot emphasise too much that we must never forget that the Rgveda was composed over centuries and by different ...


... Spokes, 55 Spooner, 103 Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, iii Sri Ma - Sri Aurobindo Milan Kendra, iii Srinjayas, 126 Sriramadesikan, S. N., 30fn. Strabo, 86 Sudas, 15, 126 Sudra, 114 Suktas, 78 Sunasepa, 86 Surkotada, 9, 36, 49 Sur Jungal, 61 Suriash, 67 Sūrya, 39, 67 Susa, 72, 73 Sushna, 110, 112 ...


... movement we shall get to through the clash of the battle. (7) Thou, thou, O Indra, Thunderer, warring brokest for Purukutsa the seven cities. When easily thou hadst cut out the seat of his session for Sudas, then didst thou turn, O King, evil of suffering into good of bliss for the Puru. (8) Thou, thou, O Indra, O pervading godhead, increasedst for us like the waters that rich and varied moving force ...


... 10 Stein, Sir Aurel, 505 Sten, Otto, 259, 581 Strabo, 99, 101, 116, 136, 146, 158, 170, 177, 185, 193, 201, 203, 212, 230, 234, 238, 246, 260, 261, 322, 435-6 Sudas, father of, 257 Sudhanvan, 69 Sūdraka: Mrichchhakatika, 564 Sūdras, 426, 530 Suklapaksha Panchami, 52 Sumandala copper-plate inscription, 490-93 Sundara Sātakarni, 476, 477 ...


... and Hindu cultures, occurring in the areas of language, law, religious attitudes 2 and mythology, music and caste." How come? I was reminded of the Battle of Ten Kings. A battle fought by King Sudas of Vedic times against ten kings who were, it seems, his kin, all of them descendants of Nahusa of the Lunar dynasty. The defeated kings scattered, some going east, some going west, some north. The ...