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Suffragette : derived from suffrage, the right to vote. In the early part of the 19th century when the Women’s Suffrage Movement in England started an agitation to obtain the parliamentary vote it suffered police action, incarcerations & deaths. On 18 August 1909, Sri Aurobindo’s Karmayogin: “The account of the recent starvation strike of the Suffragettes has shown what callous & brutal treatment can be inflicted by English officials in England itself even on women, & women of education, good birth, position & culture, guilty only of political obstruction & disorderliness. Yet this is the civilisation for which we are asked to sacrifice the inheritance of our forefathers!” In 1920, America granted political suffrage to its women; in 1928, England granted it to its women of thirty & above.

8 result/s found for Suffragette

... system; it alternates with the condition of shanta samata, the latter often tinged in the more subconscient parts with udasinata. Aishwarya in Kriti 1) Immediate fulfilment in one detail of the suffragette movement 2) Final fulfilment in the S. African difficulty. 3) Slight fulfilment in Irish question (Volunteers). Lipi 1) Ideality of light together ideality in tapas. 2) Intense... thoughts which cannot fulfil themselves in the actual state of the Prakriti. Sort 3) बृहव्ददेम विदथे सुवीराः Aishwaryas in Kriti fulfilled. 1) Irish National Volunteers 2) Stress of the Suffragette movement 3) Attempt at forward movement in the Society. Distant Vyapti— 1) The scene in the Alipur Court, presented to the thought day before yesterday, but as an idea not a fact, down to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... inversion of common opinion in order to shake us up from conventional thinking. He sometimes hits on truths whose presence people do not realise. I remember what he said apropos of the result of the Suffragette Movement of nearly fifty years ago. The Suffragettes were the women who under leaders like Mrs. Pankhurst claimed the right of suffrage, the right to vote. In the first decade of the present century... the United Kingdom he was held especially respon-sible for the deaf ear turned by men to the Suffragettes' clamour. Once at the Derby the King's horse was in the lead near the winning post. A Suffragette rushed out to the course and tried, as it were, to twist the horse's moustaches. She was knocked down but the animal too had a toss and the King lost the race. Soon after, World War I broke out ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... that in Europe men can eat as they will, talk as they will, act as they will with impunity. They cannot—or at least they could not, though one hears of strange revolutions, and in the days of the suffragette everything is possible. Society everywhere is exacting, scrupulous, minute, pitiless in punishment of slight departures from its code, however absurd and unreasonable that code may be. But while ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... to be a fact and not a newspaper invention, though probably a police fraud; the fresh demands and threats of Roumania; the falsity of the Vienna rumour; the Moorish resistance in Marrakesh; the Suffragette recrudescence. Only in the Turkish War the trikaldrishti has not worked well; for the imminent denunciation of the armistice reported from Vienna is contrary to what was expected, viz that the Allies ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... community to break or threaten to break the peace to stop others from the exercise of their legitimate rights. On such grounds Mr. Asquith should be debarred from holding any meeting because the suffragettes climb walls and throw stones wherever he goes! Such a principle simply means putting a premium upon lawlessness. In other countries the indiscreet use of powers by Magistrates is restrained by public ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... refined and systematised savagery perpetuating the methods of ancient and mediaeval barbarity in forms that do not at once shock the eye. Besides, the account of the recent starvation strike of the Suffragettes has shown what callous and brutal treatment can be inflicted by English officials in England itself even on women, and women of education, good birth, position and culture, guilty only of political ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... exist because they were discreet enough to lie low and give a minimum of trouble. As for the limitation of the suffrage, it is not at all unlikely that the daring and unscrupulous campaign of the suffragettes may end in the concession of universal suffrage. For, if women are given the vote, the proletariate will not be content to remain without it. They too can lift crowbars and hammers and break glass ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... receptive, she talked about the soul, about spirituality and the Divine. The first decades of the twentieth century were also a time when women fought for their rightful place in society, when the suffragettes did not shrink from extreme action. (One of them threw herself in front of the King’s horse during the Derby, and was killed.) Mirra, like Alexandra David-Néel, was a convinced and active feminist ...