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Sugriva Sugrive : ‘one with a strong neck’, brother of Vāli, king of the Vānaras of Kishkīndā (now in Karnataka).
... Rsyamuka) the monkey chief described (to Srī Rama) the (unique) strength of Valī (his elder brother), since Sugriva was ever full of misgivings concerning Sri Rama (a scion of Raghu) in the matter of prowess (vis a vis his opponent, Valī). (63) In order to convince Sri Rama (of Valī 's strength) Sugriva actually showed to him the (exceptionally) tall skeleton of (the demon) Dundubhi (killed by Valī ),... confidence in (the mind of) Sugriva, further pierced on that (very) occasion with a single mighty shaft seven palmyra trees (standing in a line adjacent to one another), a hillock (standing by) as well as Rasatala (the sixth subterranean plane including the five preceding ones). (66) Reassured by the latter feat and accompanied by Srī Rama, that great monkey (Sugriva) then marched at once with... of Valī with a single arrow. (69) Having (thus) killed Valī on the field of battle at the instance of Sugnva, Sri Rama (a scion of Raghu) then installed Sugriva himself on Valī's throne. (70) Bringing together all the monkeys, the said Sugriva (the jewel among the monkeys) too despatched them, in all directions, keen as he was to have Sī ta (the daughter of janaka) traced out. (71) Then, according ...
... at will, felt highly rejoiced, duly inquired of Bharata his welfare on that occasion. (45) Embracing Sugriva, the foremost of monkeys, prince Bharata, a jewel among the virtuous, who was endowed with ex traordinary energy, said, "You are a fifth brother to us four (brothers),0 Sugriva! A friend is made through (beneficence actuated by) goodwill (and a friend is as good as a brother), while ... a look at the princess of the Videha kingdom." (30) Becoming thoughtful when commanded thus by Śrī Rāma, Vibhīsana reverently conducted Sīta to the presence of the for mer. (31) Laksmana and Sugriva as well as the monkey chief, Hanūmān, thereupon felt greatly distressed to hear the order of Śrī Rāma. (32) From his stern gestures, which were lacking in regard for his consort, they concluded Śrī... the insult that was inflicted. (6) The laudable achievement of the celebrated Hanūmān in the shape of leaping across the sea and the devastation of Lanka has borne fruit today. (7) The exertion of Sugriva, who exhibited his prowess on the battle field with his army, and tendered friendly counsel, is fruitful to Page 235 day. (8) Fruitful likewise is the exertion today of Vibhīsana, who ...
... whom we had our own private differences, but he has himself by calling for the official sword to exterminate us removed that error. He publishes himself now as the righteous Bibhishan who, with the Sugrives, Angads and Hanumans of Madras and Allahabad, has gone to join the Avatar of Radical absolutism in the India Office, and ourselves as the Rakshasa to be destroyed by this new Holy Alliance. Even this ...
... means of deception, abducts Sita and carries her to Lanka and the subsequent search by Sri Rama and Lakshmana in the course of which they receive the help of Sugriva, the king of Kishkindha and Hanuman, the most valiant hero and ally of Sugriva. Hanuman, who has found in Sri Rama the Supreme Lord of his heart and being, succeeds in his bid to find Sita by crossing the ocean between India and Lanka and ...
... both in space and time. Let us take some examples. In the Ramayana we come to the episode after the abduction of Sita when the efforts to locate her whereabouts are on. The party sent by Sugriva to find her has arrived at the inaccessible Vindhya Mountain. But as yet there is no success in fulfilling the difficult mission, as there are no clues available to carry out the search. While all ...
... lover, a loving and obedient son, a tender and perfect brother, father, friend—he is friend of all kinds of people, friend of the outcaste Guhaka, friend of the Animal Page 491 leaders, Sugriva, Hanuman, friend of the vulture Jatayu, friend even of the Rakshasa Vibhishan. All that he was in a brilliant, striking but above all spontaneous and inevitable way, not with a forcing of this note ...
... civil strife, brother-murder - all Hell verily is let loose. Commenting on the 'imagery' of the play, Prema Nandakumar writes: In our epic Ramayana... Vali and Sugriva fight for a kingdom and a girl. Did something of the Vali-Sugriva atmosphere enter the play? Was the 'bestial nature' of the blood-feud the cause of the animal imagery in the play - Rodogune is a study of blood-feud and perverted ...
... Karmayogin came out with a slashingly sarcastic editorial which concluded with these pointed and envenomed words: He [Gokhale] publishes himself now as the righteous Bibhisan who, with the Sugrives, Angads, and Hanumans of Madras and Allahabad, has gone to join the Avatar of Radical Absolutism in the India Office, and ourselves as the Rakshasa to be destroyed by this new Holy Alliance. ...
... faithful husband and a lover, a loving and obedient son, a tender and perfect brother, father, friend — he is friend of all kinds of people, friend of the outcast Guhaka, friend of the Animal leaders, Sugriva, Hanuman, friend of the vulture Jatayu, friend of even the Rakshasa Vibhishana. All that he was in a brilliant, striking but above all spontaneous and inevitable way, not with forcing of this note ...
... Presence of the Mother in the image. We reproduce below the poem which he wrote later on this experience: 165. Rama, who wanted the ape-king Sugriva to help him in his search for the missing Sita, killed Vali, who had dispossessed his brother, Sugriva, of his kingdom and wife. (Ref. the Ramayana) 166. In order to save the Pandavas from annihilation at the hands of the redoubtable Dronacharya... rational judgment, to call in question Rama's spiritual greatness, because he wept for the missing Sita in the forest, or killed (unjustly, as the Puritan would say) Vali, brother of the ape-king Sugriva, 165 or Sri Krishna's divine character, because he made love (so it appeared outwardly) to Radha and any number of Gopis, and induced Yudhishthira to tell a camouflaged lie. 166 The mind of man should ...
... loving and obedient son, a tender and perfect brother, rather, friend—he is friend of all kinds of people, friend of he kinds of people, friend of the outcast Guhaka, friend of the Animal leaders, Sugriva, Hanuman, friend of the vulture Jatayu, friend even of the R ā ksasa Vibhisana. All that he was in a brilliant, striking but of this note or that like Harishchandra 42 or Shivi, 43 but with a ...
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