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Sun Yat-sen : (1866-1925), led in the overthrow of the Manchu dynasty (1911). He headed the Chinese Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) & was provisional president of the Republic of China for four months in 1911-12. The Communists overthrew the Republic in 1940s. His followers withdrew to Formosa, now Taiwan.

7 result/s found for Sun Yat-sen

... demonstrates the basic unity of inorganic and living matter at the International Congress of Physicists; Swami Vivekananda is present. — Zeppelin builds his first dirigible. -In China, Sun-Yat-Sen founds the Socialist Revolutionary Party; Boxer rebellion in Peking. - Sri Aurobindo makes first contacts with revolutionary Page 584 groups in Maharashtra and Bengal. ... experimentally confirms Page 587 the existence of the electron and sets forth the 'planetary model' of the atom. October — In China, formation of the Kuo-min-tang by Sun-Yat-Sen; revolutionary movement against the Manchu dynasty. December 12 -'Delhi Durbar' for the visit of King George V. December 14 — Norwegian explorer Amundsen is the first to reach the South... explorer Scott reaches the South Pole a month after Amundsen, but perishes along with his companions on his way back. February 2 -The Chinese Emperor abdicates; China becomes a Republic under Sun-Yat-Sen. April 14 -The Titanic collides with an iceberg off Newfoundland and sinks; 1,517 victims. October 10 -Outbreak of the Balkans War over Serbia. December 23 — India's capital is ...

... × It should be noted that even the democratic idealism of the modern mind in China has been obliged to crystallise itself round the "leader", a Sun Yat Sen or Chiang Kai Shek and the force of inspiration has depended on the power of this living centre. × ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... victors. As these victors themselves owe big amounts to the USA, they are dependent on these reparations. 1921 —First session of the League of Nations in Geneva. 1925 — Chiang Kai-Shek succeeds Sun Yat-Sen to the leadership of the Kuomintang and leads the Nationalist government in Nanjing. 1929 — Chiang Kai-Shek terminates the treaties granting extraterritoriality to Western nations. Railroad co ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... race that never forgot the one thing needful. India of today, we repeat, is fundamentally and essentially the India of the Vedas, even in a more literal sense than that China of Mao-tse- Tung (or Sun-yat-Sen) is the China of Lao-tse. A race dies out altogether or continues to lead a superficial mechanical existence, that is to say, vegetates as an inchoate mass, when it knows to live only in its ...

... said,] it will happen in exactly five years” … I noted it down. And exactly five years later it happened.’ The last Chinese emperor, a child, was overthrown in 1911 by the revolutionaries led by Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925). ‘That,’ the Asura said, ‘will be the beginning, the first terrestrial movement heralding … the new world upon Earth.’ But then, who was Théon? The Mother has said repeatedly that ...

... , 52 St. Bernard, 150 St. Francis, 150, 164 St. Peter, 382 St. Teresa, 150 St.. Thomas Aquinas, 150 Stalin, 106, 125 Sumeria, 223 Sun-yat-Sen, 242 TACITUS, 87 Tagore, Rabindranath, 195, 197-8, 200-1 Tantras, the, 63, 216, 248 Thales, 329 Thebes, 91 Thor, 201 Tibet, 177n ...

... wondered at? Surely not. For was she not Revolution incarnate? Apart from Sri Aurobindo and Mother who else has striven to revolutionize evolution itself? Do we know anyone ? 1. In 1905, Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) made a loose alliance with other anti-Manchu groups and formed the TONGMENGHUI, which was the direct ancestor of KUOMIN-TANG. After several abortive uprisings the Revolt of October 1911 ...