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25 result/s found for Superconscient existence

... not the whole or the chief part of our existence, not the highest, not self-existent, not master of itself. It is an outer fringe, a lower result, an inferior working of something beyond; a superconscient Existence has developed, supports and governs this partial and fragmentary, this incomplete and unsatisfying consciousness and activity of the mind, life and senses. To rise out of this external and... satisfied because in all it enjoys its eternal self unimprisoned by the divisions of Space, unoccupied by the moments of Time, undeluded by the successions of Cause and Circumstance. This superconscient Existence, one, conscious of itself, conscious both of its eternal peace and its omniscient and omnipotent force is also conscious of our cosmic existence which it holds in itself, inspires secretly... assumption of the figure of mortality, it is an assumption and Page 71 not a subjection, a help brought to the world and not a help to be derived from it, a descent of the ensouled superconscient existence not from any personal necessity, but from the universal need in the cosmic labour for those yet unfree and unfulfilled to be helped and strengthened by the force that has already described ...


... Nihil; eventually it could only be a supreme superconscient existence exceeding our notion of Being. A true Nihil would necessarily be as incapable of consciousness as of existence; out of it nothing could come as in it nothing could be, neither spirit nor soul nor mind nor Matter. We have then at one end of things a supreme superconscient existence and [at the other] a supreme inconscient existence ...


... by acquisition of the knowledge of a hidden Being within us; it is through it, through that ether of superconscience, that we can pass to a supreme status, knowledge, experience. Of this superconscient existence through which we can arrive at the highest status of our real, our supreme Self, we are normally even more ignorant than of the rest of our being; yet is it into the knowledge of it that ...


... by acquisition of the knowledge of a hidden Being within us; it is through it, through that ether of super-conscience, that we can pass to a supreme status, knowledge, experience. Of this superconscient existence through which we can arrive at the highest status of our real, our supreme Self, we are normally even more ignorant than of the rest of our being; yet is it into the knowledge of it that our ...

... the degrees of the cosmic evolution within him. It is, as the traditions say, a “microcosm”. “Man, the microcosm, has all these planes in his own being, ranged from the subconscient to his superconscient existence.” 939 ...


... many into the One, from the finite into the infinite, from form into the formless, from the life of the material universe into the Spirit, from the hold of the inconscient upon us into the superconscient Existence. In this solution there is supposed Page 665 to be a fixed opposition, an ultimate irreconcilability in each case between the two terms of our being. Or else, if both are a means ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... therefore superconscient now to him that he can emerge from his inability and his ignorance. His full liberation and enlightenment will come when he crosses the line into the light of a new superconscient existence. That is the transcendence which was the object of aspiration of the mystics and the spiritual seekers. But in itself this would change nothing in the creation here; the evasion of a liberated ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... reality of the Self-Existent. Or even the sense of self becomes inadequate; both knowledge and ignorance disappear into sheer Consciousness and consciousness is plunged into a trance of pure superconscient existence. Or even existence ends by becoming too limiting a name for that which abides solely for ever; there is only a timeless Eternal, a spaceless Infinite, the utterness of the Absolute, a nameless ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... or by acquisition of the knowledge of a hidden Being within us; it is through it, through that ether of superconscience, that we can pass to a supreme status, knowledge, experience. Of this superconscient existence through which we can arrive at the highest status of our real, our supreme Self, we are normally even more ignorant than of the rest of our being; yet is it into the knowledge of it that our ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... consciousness beyond the mental line... that [man] can emerge from his inability and his ignorance. His full liberation and enlightenment will come when he crosses the line into the light of a new superconscient existence. That is the transcendence which was the object of aspiration of the mystics and the spiritual seekers. Page 45 “But in itself this would change nothing in the creation here ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolution II

... that supreme Life which is greater than all our utmost actual and Page 83 potential vitality; the Mind must resign itself to be no more than a faithful mirror of the image of the superconscient Existence. By this conscious surrender of mind, life and senses to the Master of our senses, life and mind who alone really governs their action, by this turning of the cosmic existence into a passive ...


... therefore superconscient now to him that he can emerge from his inability and his ignorance. His full liberation and enlightenment will come when he crosses the line into the light of a new superconscient existence. That is the transcendence which was the object of aspiration of the mystics and the spiritual seekers.     But in itself this would change nothing in the creation ...


... that the Ancestors who incarnated or typified the powers of the luminous Truth have established him in his right place in the sacrifice in such a way that he pervades the upper ocean, to the superconscient existence, and occupies two places in man, his conscious mortal being and his secret divine being. In the mortal man he drives the rapid swiftnesses of the vital strength upwards to the ocean of the ...


... principles a world or series of worlds with its beings who live in the nature of that principle. Man, the microcosm, has all these planes in his own being, ranged from his subconscient to his superconscient existence. By a developing power of Yoga he can become aware of these concealed worlds hidden from his physical, materialised mind and senses which know only the material world, and then he becomes ...


... rapidly effective, by which all outward-going thought is excluded and the mind forced to sink into itself where in its absolute quietude it can only reflect the pure Being or pass away into its superconscient existence. The method differs, the object and the result are the same. Here, it might be supposed, the whole action and aim of Rajayoga must end. For its action is the stilling of the waves of c ...


... he says this, which he said many times but which I understand differently: "His [mental man's] full liberation and enlightenment will come when he crosses the line into the light of a new superconscient existence...." And then he says: Page 281 "But in itself this would change nothing in the creation here, the evasion of a liberated soul from the world makes to that world no difference ...


... cosmos. This is why it was called a microcosm in the occult mysteries and by the alchemists. ‘Man, the microcosm, has all these planes in his own being, ranged from his subconscient to his superconscient existence,’ 9 wrote Sri Aurobindo referring to the sheaths described above. ‘All things are potentially present in the substance out of which man has been formed … In an essential way every human ...


... reality of the Self-Existent; or even the sense of Self becomes inadequate. Both, knowledge and ignorance, disappear into sheer consciousness and consciousness is plunged into a trance of pure superconscient existence or even existence ends by becoming too limiting a name for that which abides solely forever. There is only a timeless Eternal, a spaceless Infinite, the utterness of the Absolute, nameless ...


... reality of the Self-Existent, or even the sense of Self becomes inadequate. Both knowledge and ignorance disappear into sheer consciousness and consciousness is plunged into a trance of pure superconscient existence. Or even existence ends by becoming too limiting a name for that which abides solely for ever. There is only a timeless Eternal, a spaceless Infinite, the utterness of the Absolute, a nameless ...

... reality of the Self-Existent, or even the sense of Self becomes inadequate, both knowledge and ignorance disappear into sheer consciousness and consciousness is plunged into a trance of pure superconscient existence. Or even existence ends by becoming too limiting a name for that which abides solely for ever; there is only a timeless Eternal, a spaceless Infinite, the utterness of the Absolute, a nameless ...

... therefore superconscient now to him that he can emerge from his inability and his ignorance. His full liberation and enlightenment will come when he crosses the line into the light of a new superconscient existence. That is the transcendence which was the object of aspiration of the mystics and the spiritual seekers. But in itself this would change nothing in the creation here, the evasion of a liberated ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi claimed to be the highest status of spiritual attainment and assiduously sought after by every seeker after trance. In this ultimate trance-state of pure superconscient existence, in this supra-mental immersion in the infinite being and the unconditioned bliss, time and space and hence the world of names and forms vanish into nothing, all action of mental awareness ...

... fullness of his soul-force. The Truth-consciousness is the foundation of the superconscient, the nature of which is the Bliss. It is the supreme of the supraconscient, paramā parāvat , from which the being has descended, the paramā parārdha of the Upanishads, the existence of Sachchidananda. It is to that highest existence that those arise out of this physical consciousness, ataḥ , who like the ancient... illuminated in mind, open to the full inflow of the superconscient. They were thus able to bring into the front of the conscious being that activity of the soul-thoughts which works usually in the background, veiled, and to make it the leading activity of their nature. As a result Brihaspati in them became able to taste for them the bliss of existence, the wine of Immortality, the supreme Ananda. The... of these rapid, luminous and joyous perceptions the Truth-consciousness, Ritam Brihat, which is the womb or birth-place of this conscient being. For it is out of the Page 320 superconscient that existence descends into the subconscient and carries with it that which emerges here as the individual human being, the conscious soul. The nature of this Truth-consciousness is in itself this that ...


... the original Vedic vision, this incontingency of soul's immortality has been fully claimed in life itself, thus making death dispensable, in fact as a starting prerequisite for the superconscient delight's existence here. That would make the operative phrase about the day when "Satyavan has to die" preciously significant. To match with this mythic-symbolic substance is also its language.... a transcendental truth that has formulated itself by occult means seeking self-expression here. It is a pregnant legend delivering to us the profound mystery of existence in the world of death; it bears the breath of a superconscient wakened life that from every limb of the mortal creature may radiate the same immortality which it carries with it. But even if the tale is to be taken as a simple... perhaps a disproportionately large space at the moment. That could be the entire meaning of things in this purposeful mortal creation, not a fixed settled unevolving glory or a spectrum of typal existences, but a quest to newer infinities that may come here and work themselves out in the unending Time's process. Death is truly an aspect of life, for it to become deathless life. That would remind ...

... enlarging the original Vedic vision, this incontingency of soul's immortality has been fully claimed in life itself, thus making death dispensable, in fact as a starting prerequisite for the superconscient delight's existence here. That would make the operative phrase about the day when "Satyavan has to die" preciously significant. To match with this mythic-symbolic substance is also its language. And... of a transcendental truth that has formulated itself by occult means seeking self-expression here. It is a pregnant legend delivering to us the profound mystery of existence in the world of death; it bears the breath of a superconscient wakened life that from every limb of the mortal creature may radiate the same immortality which it carries with it. But even if the tale is to be taken as a simple... perhaps a disproportionately large space at the moment. That could be the entire meaning of things in this purposeful mortal creation, not a fixed settled unevolving glory or a spectrum of typal existences, but a quest to newer infinities that may come here and work themselves out in the unending Time's process. Death is truly an aspect of life, for it to become deathless life. That would remind us ...
