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58 result/s found for Surface existence

... obscure and weak and perverted: we have a tremendously long way to go to realise ourselves as individualised divinities. Individualised divinities we may be in our secret recesses: our daily surface existence is pretty far from Godliness. Hence the important query: does our souls' assent from their God-poise to the strange cosmic play confer on what we do in even our ordinary moments a true freewill... imperfection to a supernal splendour. No freewill other than this bare ability is ours, but it is freewill none the less. And at least a faint glimmer of freewill has indeed to be there in our surface existence if we are meant to be conscious co-operators in the work of rising from humanity to superhumanity and bringing into all our constituents what Sri Aurobindo terms the Supermind, the archetypal ...

... of as subliminal. Letters on Yoga, p. 354 The real subconscious is a nether diminished consciousness close to the Inconscient; the subliminal is a consciousness larger than our surface existence. But both belong to the inner realm of our being of which our surface is unaware, so both are jumbled together in our common conception and parlance. The Life Divine, p. 223fn. ... but without any knowledge of the place of origin, — the inspirations, intuitions, ideas, will-suggestions, sense-suggestions, urges to action that rise from below or from behind our limited surface existence. Sleep like trance opens the gate of the subliminal to us; for in sleep, as in trance, we retire behind the veil of the limited waking personality and it is behind this veil that the subliminal ...


... has ascended out of the Inconscient and dwells in the inner being constituting and directing its subliminal existence by the same will and knowledge, has cast up out of the subliminal our surface existence and dwells secretly in it overseeing with the same supreme light and mastery its stumbling and groping movements. If the subliminal and subconscient may be compared to a sea which throws up... more ignorant than of the rest of our being; yet is it into the knowledge of it that our being emerging out of the involution in Inconscience is struggling to evolve. This limitation to our surface existence, this unconsciousness of our highest as of our inmost self, is our first, our capital ignorance. The Life Divine, p. 561 In the superconscience beyond our present level of awareness ...


... A Greater Psychology 2 The Manifold Being Self-knowledge is impossible unless we go behind our surface existence, which is a mere result of selective outer experiences, an imperfect sounding-board or a hasty, incompetent and fragmentary translation of a little out of the much that we are, — unless we go behind this and send down our plummet into the ... connecting soul of all the rest; and in these hidden reaches too lie a mass of numerous pre-existent personalities which supply the material, the motive-forces, the impulsions of our developing surface existence. For in each one of us here there may be one central person, but also a multitude of subordinate personalities created by the past history of its manifestation or by expressions of it on these ...


... boundaries are determined by this separative development of the consciousness, for it shuts us to our true self and to the true self and whole nature of things and obliges us to live in an apparent surface existence. A return or a progress to integrality, a disappearance of the limitation, a breaking down of separativeness, an overpassing of boundaries, a recovery of our essential and whole reality must be... sheds much light on Mind and Life, but cannot result in a total solution of the problem. It may very well be that an exclusive or predominant concentration on the subliminal being, regarding the surface existence as a mere system of symbols for an expression of its sole reality, might throw a strong light on the subliminal and its processes and extend vastly the powers of the human being, but it would ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... or essence in experience, of these things which the surface desire-soul rejects by distaste and refusal or ignores by neutral unacceptance. Self-knowledge is impossible unless we go behind our surface existence, which is a mere result of selective outer experiences, an imperfect sounding-board or a hasty, incompetent and fragmentary translation of a little out of the much that we are,—unless we go behind... × The real subconscious is a nether diminished consciousness close to the Inconscient; the subliminal is a consciousness larger than our surface existence. But both belong to the inner realm of our being of which our surface is unaware, so both are jumbled together in our common conception and parlance. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... knowledge, has ascended out of the Inconscient and dwells in the inner being constituting and directing its subliminal existence by the same will and knowledge, has cast up out of the subliminal our surface existence and dwells secretly in it over seeing with the same supreme light and mastery its stumbling and groping movements. If the subliminal and subconscient may be compared to a sea which throws up the... even more ignorant than of the rest of our being; yet is it into the knowledge of it that our being emerging out of the involution in Inconscience is struggling to evolve. This limitation to our surface existence, this unconsciousness of our highest as of our inmost self, is our first, our capital ignorance. We exist superficially by a becoming in Time; but here again out of that becoming in Time the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... animating soul of all the rest; and in these hidden reaches too lie a mass of numerous pre-existent personalities which supply the material, the motive-forces, the impulsions of our developing surface existence. For in each one of us here there may be one central person, but also a multitude of subordinate personalities created by the past history of its manifestation or by expressions of it on these... from it—but without any knowledge of the place of origin—the inspirations, intuitions, ideas, will-suggestions, sense-suggestions, urges to action that rise from below or from behind our limited surface existence. Sleep like trance opens the gate of the subliminal to us; for in sleep, as in trance, we retire behind the veil of the limited waking personality and it is behind this veil that the subliminal ...


... psychologically round the small separative fragmentary ego. Consciousness itself has to concentrate its small beginnings in a poor surface formation and hide behind the veil of this limited surface existence the depths and infinities of its own being. It has to grow slowly in an external formulation till it is ready to break the crust between this petty outer figure of ourselves, which we think to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... animating soul of all the rest; and in these hidden reaches too lie a mass of numerous pre-existent personalities which supply the material, the motive-forces, the impulsions of our developing surface existence. For in each one of us here there may be one central person, but also a multitude of subordinate personalities created by the past history of its manifestation or by expressions of it on these ...


... persistent aspiration of our partial Consciousness or Ignorance to exceed itself and arrive at the whole conscious Truth of its being and the integral conscious knowledge of all Being. Our surface existence is only a surface and it is there that there is the full reign of the Ignorance; to know we have to go within ourselves and see with an inner knowledge. All that is formulated on the surface is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... inwardness, this spiritual origination, in a too externalised consciousness or by only external means, no greater or divine life is possible. In our present life of Nature, in our externalised surface existence, it is the world that seems to create us; but in the turn to the spiritual life it is we who must create ourselves and our world. In this new formula of creation, the inner life becomes of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... activity an Unmanifest called according to intellectual predilection either the Inconscient or the Subconscient which contains more and in a way unseizable to us knows more and can more than the surface existence. Out of this Unmanifest the manifest constantly emerges. Again we return towards an ancient truth already known to the Vedic sages,—the idea of an inconscient or subconscient ocean of being ...


... which perturbs the equilibrium of Hamlet's soul, a breath blown upon him as if his father's sepulchre   Hath oped his ponderous and marble jaws.   In Lear the occult invades the surface existence like a tremendous storm rather than a sinister breath, whirling in an uncontrollable catastrophe the human figures: the commotion on the heath is but an outward symbol of a mysterious madness ...


... "Collective Unconscious" ("Unconscious" because our ordinary being is not able to keep its consciousness in it) - a mystery in which all men through all time share and have one life beyond the small surface existence and full of strange ageless "archetypes". Blake always claimed a direct insight into ultra-human realities - the huge recesses of a Supernature. And his Zoas are rather complicated figures. Even ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... being, which is what modern psychology mostly deals with, is all that we are normally aware of in our waking existence, but as even modern depth psychology has partly discovered, "our waking and surface existence is only a small part of our being and does not yield to us the root and secret of our character, our mentality or our actions. The sources lie deeper." 7 The aim of yogic psychology has been ...


... Although our dreams are very often constructions of our subconscient, when our inner being develops by Sadhana and we live more and more inwardly away from the madding to-and-fro run of our surface existence, a larger and richer and nobler dream-consciousness opens before us and our dreams take on a subliminal character. When the subliminal thus comes to the front in our dream consciousness ...

... Kleitman, op. cit., p. 793. Page 160 or of the systematically developed occult capacity to withdraw at will and in full awareness from the darkened half-light of the surface existence. Also, it is worth remembering that the body's sleep cannot and does not necessarily mean a state of blank and total unconsciousness. It is rather of the nature of a transference of ...

... Regarding such a distinction, Sri Aurobindo states: "The real subconscious is a nether diminished consciousness close to the Inconscient*; the subliminal is a consciousness larger than our surface existence. But both belong to the inner realm of our being of which our surface is unaware, so both are jumbled together in our common conception and parlance." 9 "The subliminal self stands behind ...

... within, not on the surface — the outer personality is the person only in the first sense of the Latin word persona which meant originally a mask. Letters on Yoga, pp. 304-05 Our surface existence is only a surface and it is there that there is the full reign of the Ignorance; to know we have to go within ourselves and see with an inner knowledge. All that is formulated on the surface ...


... his life with the enlightened reason. But life is not entirely rational, and human vital nature and ego are too strong to be subordinated by the mental reason. And this is not all. Our surface existence is not the whole of our existence. It is only the summit of an iceberg the major portion of which remains submerged in a vast and obscure subconscient, and thus hidden from the outward view ...

... Book X, Canto IV, pp. 648-49. Page 126 By the first movement of inward penetration, we seek to break asunder the wall separating our subliminal self from our present surface existence, leave the surface consciousness and live entirely in the realm of our inner mind, inner life, inner subtle-physical and finally in the inmost soul of our being. This inmost soul or the psychic ...

... universal manifestations that are the same? The "sameness" could be only an appearance, not a fact. The mind sets up rigid laws, and when it does that, you do not cut yourself off from the apparent surface existence, for the surface, in a very obliging manner, seems to satisfy these laws. But that is an appearance, and it does cut you off from the creative Power of the Spirit, cut you off from the true ...

... it—but without any knowledge of the place of origin — the inspirations, intuitions, ideas, will-suggestions, sense-suggestions, urges to action that rise from below or from behind our limited surface existence...The subliminal the seer of inner things and of supraphysical experiences, the surface subconscience is only a transcriber. ”¹ When the subliminal becomes active in our dream ...


... by the individual. But even our mental self comprises and is influenced in its being by a host of things which are not present to our memory, are subconscious and hardly grasped at all by our surface existence. Memory is essential to the continuity of the ego-sense, but it is not the constituent of the ego-sense, still less of the being. Page 25 Neither is moral personality our real self ...


... and analysing the mass of data and facts observed in day-to-day life and then forming ideas and beliefs about life in the universe. However, if life is so simple as to be understood through the surface existence only, why do we see so much of inner conflict, divided personalities, mental and physical breakdown of individuals? There is, often, an opposition between logical analysis by the mind and actual ...


... light of Truth (golden light). Even the Mother's presence is seen, giving blessings to all. In this vision, the importance of calm, steady aspiration is emphasized—aspiration not only in the surface existence but in every part of the being (as symbolised by the “aspiration” flowers going like arrows flitting into different parts of bodies of persons). The entire being should demand God. It is significant ...


... no true psychological knowledge; it has made the discovery which is the beginning of self-knowledge and which all must make who deeply study the facts of consciousness, — that our waking and surface existence is only a small part of our being and does not yield to us the root and secret of our character, our mentality or our actions. The sources lie deeper. To discover them, to know the nature and ...


... much light on Mind and Life, but cannot result in a total solution of the problem. It may very well be that an exclusive or predominant concentration on the subliminal being, regarding the surface existence as a mere system of symbols for an expression of its sole reality, might throw a strong light on the subliminal and its processes and extend vastly the powers of the human being, but it would ...


... gives his medium the mould of his ecstasy, an impress of the manner in which he found contact with a perfection, inviolable and lovely, which smiles in secret behind the fragmentary uglinesses of surface-existence. Of course, one need not believe explicitly in a Jewish or Christian, Hindu or Mohammedan deity in order to be a great poet. One may even, like the earlier Aldous Huxley, consider God just a rich ...


... One Self that has become all beings and things, what is lacking is the Buddhist compassion for and service of the universal multiplicity that can find no rest until it forgets its own changeful surface existence and dissolvingly deepens into a fathomless featureless Unknowable. Page 212 ...


... from it—but without any knowledge of the place of origin—the inspirations, intuitions, ideas, will-suggestions, sense-suggestions, urges to action that rise from below or from behind our limited surface existence. Sleep like trance opens the gate of the subliminal to us; for in sleep, as in trance, we retire behind the veil of the limited waking personality and it is behind this veil that the subliminal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... being or the whole of our personality: it is simply one of the workings of consciousness as radiation is one of the workings of Light. It is Self that is the man: or, if we regard only our normal surface existence, Mind is the man,—for man is the mental being. Memory is only one of the many powers and processes of the Mind, which is at present the chief action of Consciousness-Force in our dealings with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... same reason that we are not aware of the greater part of our own being which is subconscient or subliminal to our waking mind and is always influencing and in an occult manner determining our surface existence. It is because we use, normally, only our corporeal senses and live almost wholly in the body and the physical vitality and the physical mind, and it is not directly through these that the life-world ...


... be no true psychological knowledge; it has made the discovery which is the beginning of self-knowledge and which all must make who deeply study the facts of consciousness,—that our waking and surface existence is only a small part of our being and does not yield to us the root and secret of our character, our mentality or our actions. The sources lie deeper. To discover them, to know the nature and ...


... same reason that we are not aware of the greater part of our own being which is subconscient or subliminal to our waking mind and is always influencing and in an occult manner determining our surface existence. It is because we use, normally, only our corporeal senses and live almost wholly in the body and the physical vitality and the physical mind, and it is not directly through these that the life-world ...


... the secret body-consciousness. It is not to be confused with the subliminal: the subconscient is a nether diminished consciousness, the subliminal is an inner consciousness larger than our surface existence. the subliminal —the inner being, taken in its entirety of inner mind, inner life, inner physical, with the soul or psychic entity supporting them. The subliminal in man is the largest part ...


... mass or subjugation to the mass." (The Life Divine, p. 1027) What is then the solution? The solution is that the individuals constituting any collectivity should move away from their surface existence which is at present the field of unbridled play of ego and try to dwell more and more in their inner consciousness. In Sri Aurobindo's words: "It is only by an inner growth, movement, action ...

... universal manifestations that are the same? The "sameness" could be only an appearance, not a fact. The mind sets up rigid laws, and when it does that, you do not cut yourself off from the apparent surface existence, for the surface, in a very obliging manner, seems to satisfy these laws. But that is an appearance, and it does cut you off from the creative Power of the Spirit, cut you off from the true Power ...

... Page 432 by this separative development of the consciousness, for it shuts us to our true self and to the true self and whole nature of things and obliges us to live in an apparent surface existence. A return or a progress to integrality, a disappearance of the limitation, a breaking down of separativeness, an overpassing of boundaries, a recovery of our essential and whole reality must be ...

... our timeless and immutable self-existence and knowledge only of the cosmic becoming; an ignorance of our cosmic self and knowledge only of our egoistic existence; an ignorance of our eternal becoming in Time and knowledge only of the one life present to our memory; an ignorance of our larger and complex being in the world and knowledge only of our surface waking existence; an ignorance of the higher ... principles of our existence and knowledge only of the life, mind and body; an ignorance therefore of the right law and enjoyment of living and a knowledge only of the confused strife of the dualities.—Our conception of the Ignorance determines our conception of the knowledge and by that of the aim of our existence, which coincides with the ideal of the earlier Vedic thought.—We confirm by it our rejection... rejection of the extreme views which hold the absolute Non-existence or absolute Existence to be alone true and the relative world of being and becoming an ignorance to be renounced. There is the unmanifest Absolute and there is its manifestation; to fulfil the manifestation and live in the sense of it as the Absolute manifesting himself is the Knowledge.—We reject the view that regards the One, Infinite ...


... included within any observation however large, however collective it may be. We have to go always upon a limited amount of data, we are able to construct only a partial and sketchy view of the surface of existence. And then it is these few and doubtful facts that Reason seeks to arrange and classify. That classification may hold good for certain immediate ends, for a temporary understanding of the world ...

... factor behind, within the inner consciousness of man and within the inner regions of the world. As I have said, it is a revolutionary change there that is forcing itself upon the outside and the surface of existence.         Thus there is a two-fold process for the new man to establish himself here. First, of course, there is the psychological or inner change and reorganisation: man's attempt to ...

... factor behind, within the inner consciousness of man and within the inner regions of the world. As I have said, it is a revolutionary change there that is forcing itself upon the outside and the surface of existence. Thus there is a twofold process for the new man to establish himself here. First, of course, there is the psychological or inner change and reorganisation: man's attempt to reach a new ...

... factor behind, within the inner consciousness of man and within the inner regions of the world. As I have said, it is a revolutionary change there that is forcing itself upon the outside and the surface of existence. Thus there is a twofold process for the new man to establish himself here. First, of course, there is the psychological or inner change and reorganisation: man's attempt to reach a new status ...

... separative .consciousness of the mind to the illumined Unitarian consciousness of the Spirit. If the phenomena of life have to be seriously probed, we have to go deep down below the surface of existence. On the surface we find constant changes going on every moment both in ourselves and in our environment. In the field of science and technology specially, changes have been rapid and remarkable during... eternal verities, are subject to constant changes. Morality, on account of the resistance of the recalcitrant life nature, does not touch the roots of existence which is always one though different in the manifestation, in names and forms. "Existence," declares the Veda, "is One ; sages call it by different names." Physically, vitally and mentally men are distinct and different from one another... Page 67 But what lies at the base of all these differences in humanity is the one, immutable and eternal Spirit of which mind, life and body are the ever-changing and perishable surface instruments. And it is the life of the Spirit which is unchanging, one and the same everywhere in spite of the differences of race, religion, climate, culture, tradition and history of the various ...

... plastic mind does not draw back from any effort to progress. Mental plasticity: indispensable for true knowledge. In modern civilisation, men work on the surface. The mind is the surface of existence; they work on the surface and they try to find the Truth that is behind by studying more and more deeply. Whereas the true method is to enter into direct contact with the inner Truth, and impelled... learn to keep your mind silent—this is the true meditation—the brain blank, immobile and turned upward. This is the necessary condition to receive the answers. If you can hand over the care of your existence and your development to the Supreme Consciousness, then peace will enter your heart and your problems will be solved. 16 June 1966 What exactly should I do to accelerate the sadhana? ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler and freer physical consciousness behind the surface bodily existence. And above them it opens to higher superconscient as well as below them to lower subconscient ranges. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - IV: The Subconscient and the Integral Yoga Sweet Mother, what does “the subliminal being” mean, exactly? Well, it... being, upon all its levels. The ordinary man is aware only of his surface self and quite unaware of all that is concealed by the surface. And yet what is on the surface, what we know or think we know of ourselves and even believe that that is all we are, is only a small part of our being and far the larger part of us is below the surface, the frontal consciousness. Or, more accurately, it is behind the... above and superconscient to us. What we call our mind is only an outer mind, a surface mental action, instrumental for the partial expression of a larger mind behind of which we are not ordinarily aware and can only know by going inside ourselves. So too what we know of the vital in us is only the outer vital, a surface activity partially expressing a larger secret vital which we can only know by going ...


... behind the surface vital, a subtler and freer physical consciousness behind the surface bodily existence. And above them it opens to higher superconscient as well as below them to lower subconscient ranges. If one wishes to purify and transform the nature, it is the power of these higher ranges to which one must open and raise to them and change by them both the subliminal and the surface being. Even... explain his surface activities. But the lower vital subconscious which is all that this psycho-analysis of Freud seems to know,—and even of that it knows only a few ill-lit corners,—is no more than a restricted and very inferior portion of the subliminal whole. The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind,... proclaim, 'We are the Lord's favorites!' ... There was something like it in one of Sri Aurobindo's letters, you remember—a letter to people who wanted to bring all the impurities in themselves out to the surface; he told them that was definitely not the way!" (See Sri Aurobindo's two letters on psychoanalysis in the Addendum ) × ...


... self-awareness, but something also high above it: that too is ourselves, other than our surface mental personality, but not outside our true self; that too is a country of our spirit." 1 Also, "if the subliminal and subconscient may be compared to a sea which throws up the waves of our surface mental existence, the superconscience may be compared to an ether which constitutes, contains, overroofs... hours." 1 This concealed self and consciousness is in fact our inner being, our real or whole being, of which the outer waking existence is no more than an instrumental part and a phenomenon, a selective formation for a specific and delimited surface use. "Our waking mind and ego are only a superimposition upon a submerged, a subliminal self, — for so that self appears to us, — or, more... and only secondarily — and that too in a highly insecure way — through inferences drawn from these data. The ordinary man is aware only of this surface self and quite unaware of all that functions from behind the surface. And yet "what is on the surface, what we know or think we know of ourselves and even believe that that is all we are, is only a small part of our being" 1 and by far the larger ...

... event, he knows that all in the universe are knit together by an invisible spiritual bond, and that there is a developing harmony everywhere in spite of the apparent chaos and confusion on the surface of existence. Catastrophes, cataclysms, revolutions, disasters leave him "not only unshaken but untouched, free in the emotions, free in the nervous reactions, free in the mental view, responding with... almost selfless and impersonal; but it cannot be the authentic work of the Divine in man. A gulf still yawns between the spiritual experiences in the depths of the being, and its natural action on the surface: the former are irradiated with the native Light of the Spirit, and the latter only with the pale limpidities of the mind, intermittently shot with flashes of intuition. That is perhaps about the utmost... love veils the light that secretly illumines the path of love. Love leads to knowledge, and knowledge illumines and electrifies love. The more we love the Divine the more we come to' know of His existence and nature; and the more we know of Him, the more passionately we love and adore Him. Therefore, any division of the three indivisible powers of our being—thought and feeling and will—can only cripple ...

... what is in front of his nose, his mind reflects like a looking-glass the surface of existence and never penetrates beyond. Poetry goes beyond the usual knowledge acquired by looking outward or inward. It plunges farther than the objective or subjective surface of being — without really rejecting this surface. It sees the surface as constituting symbols of a hidden reality and, at its intensest, it... it lays a hand however lightly on the body of that reality itself. In various ways it uses the surface of being, objective or subjective, as pointers, peep-holes, glimmerings of a secret Splendour or a magnificent Mystery. It is this activity of poetry that we call its magic. Sometimes the magic is not intense enough and then it can mislead us into thinking that the poet is trying to talk common sense ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... depend on men, on nations. Auroville is the first step towards this goal. + Feb.. 1968 * Page 18 In modern civilisation, men work on the surface. The mind is the surface of existence; they work on the surface and they try to find the Truth that is behind by studying more and more deeply. Whereas the true method is to enter into direct contact with the inner Truth, and impelled... the stand that it is only by a change of consciousness that the true basis of life can be discovered; from within outward is indeed the rule. But within does not mean some quarter inch behind the surface. One must go deep and find the soul, the self, the Divine Reality within us and only then can life become a true expression of what we can be instead of a blind and always repeated confused blur of ...


... but within all these existences, exists not only above and apart from all these universal happenings, but pervades them, contains them and is extended in them. Therefore by Nirvana in the Brahman must be meant a destruction or extinction of the limited separative consciousness, falsifying Page 237 and dividing, which is brought into being on the surface of existence by the lower Maya of... exclusive with the immutable Self alone means the abolition of the whole point of view of the mutable being, not only in its ordinary and inferior action but in its very roots, in all that makes its existence possible, not only in the works of its ignorance, but in the works of its knowledge. It would mean the abolition of all that difference in conscious poise and activity between the human soul and the... self-extinction in the Akshara means the absolute excision of all knowledge and consciousness of the Kshara and of all action in the Kshara. We are accustomed indeed to regard Nirvana and any kind of existence and action in the world as incompatible and we might be inclined to argue that the use of the word is by itself sufficient and decides the question. But if we look closely at Buddhism, we shall doubt ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... react with pleasure or pain to the dualities of the world. It is only the triple nature of mind, life and body that, grouped round and manipulated by the ego, is attached to the shifting surfaces of existence and self-insulated from Spirit, its infinite source and sustenance. Unaware of his soul and the Divine dwelling within it, and identified with the mobile mechanism of his triple nature, man... untiring exploration of the fields of Matter. He must realise that his scientific scepticism is another name for the fanaticism of the materialist, a perverse refusal to see the subtler truths of existence and know the abiding law and essence of his being. A spiritual awakening will widen his consciousness, develop many Page 102 faculties which lie dormant in him, and advance him a... other separate beings and forces, to carve out his own career as best he can by a series of clashes and compromises. He does not suspect that his egoistic individuality, asserting its separate existence and pluming itself upon its free will, is an ignorant tool of Nature, and that all its vaunted endowments of intelligence and independence of judgment, conscience and ethical instincts, are but ...

... behind the surface vital, a subtler and freer physical consciousness behind the surface bodily existence. And above them it opens to higher superconscient as well as below them to lower subconscient ranges. If one wishes to purify and transform the nature, it is the power of these higher ranges to which one must open and raise to them and change by them both the subliminal and the surface being. Even... our being such as the inner or subtle physical consciousness, the inner vital or inner mental; for these are not at all obscure or incoherent or illorganised, but only veiled from our surface consciousness. Our surface constantly receives something, inner touches, communications or influences, from these sources but does not know for the most part whence they come. The subconscient is below the... explain his surface activities. But the lower vital subconscious which is all that this psycho-analysis of Freud seems to know—and even of that it knows only a few ill-lit corners,—is no more than a restricted and very inferior portion of the subliminal whole. The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... Superconscience. It is into this large realm of interior existence that our mind and vital being retire when they withdraw from the surface activities whether by sleep or inward-drawn concentration or by the inner plunge of trance." 29 Page 40 Sri Aurobindo has called the subliminal self the inner being as distinguished from the outer or surface being. Thus he states: "There are, we might... but an immense more which we do not know; our momentary personality is only a bubble on the ocean of our existence. " 1 SRI AUROBINDO "Our mind and ego are like the crown and dome of a temple jutting out from the waves while the great body of the building is submerged under the surface of the waters." 2 SRI AUROBINDO As a metaphysical concept, the unconscious had been spoken... ultimate goal of its evolution. Regarding the superconscient, Sri Aurobindo writes: "If the subliminal and subconscient may be compared to a sea which throws up the waves of our surface Page 42 mental existence, the superconscience may be compared to an ether which constitutes, contains, over-roofs, inhabits and determines the movements of the sea and its waves. It is there in this higher ...

... philosophy to find out that confusion on this topic is rife. The greatest authorities contradict each other with the greatest authority. The point is that as long as the West keeps exploring the surfaces of existence, it cannot find out the fundamentals of things. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s understanding represents the findings of old, in-depth and patiently researched traditions, perfected by their... Nature has evolved beyond Matter and manifested Life, beyond Life and manifested Mind, so she must evolve beyond Mind and manifest a consciousness and power of our existence free from the imperfection and limitation of our mental existence, a supramental or truth-consciousness, and able to develop the power and perfection of the spirit.” 14 And then comes the new development, not only in this series... Supermind is nothing but the consequence of a lack of human spiritual experience. Let us recall, for clarity’s sake, the main rungs of the ladder of being, covering the whole of existence. In the “upper hemisphere” there is Existence, Consciousness-Force, Bliss, and Supermind; in the “lower hemisphere” there is Mind, Life and Matter. Supermind is the manifesting aspect of the Absolute. It is a Truth-Con ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman