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Surya-loka : the world of Sūrya taken as a symbol of Vijńāna, the spiritual plane of revelatory Knowledge or Intuition.
... world beyond the Rodasi, beyond heaven and earth, and is otherwise called the wide world, uru loka , or the wide other world, uru u loka , or Page 150 simply that (other) world, u loka . This world is described as one of vast light and of a wide freedom from fear where the cows, the rays of Surya, disport themselves freely. So in VI.47.8, we have "Thou in thy knowledge leadest us on to the... Veda. Sometimes it is the finding of Surya, sometimes the finding or conquest of Swar, the world of Surya. Sayana, indeed, takes the word Swar as a synonym of Surya; but it is perfectly clear from several passages that Swar is the name of a world or supreme Heaven above the ordinary heaven and earth. Sometimes indeed it is used for the solar light proper both to Surya and to the world which is formed by... darknesses ill-assured (i.e. loosened their firm hold) so that men might have vision." In the first passage we see that Swar and Surya are different from each other and that Swar is not merely another name for Surya; but at the same time the finding of Swar and the finding of Surya are represented as closely connected and indeed one movement and the result is the slaying of all darkness and limitations. ...
... in the idea of the Rishis a world is primarily a formation of consciousness and only secondarily a physical formation of things. A world is a loka , a way in which conscious being images itself. And it is the causal Truth, represented in the person of Surya Savitri, that is the creator of all its forms. For it is the causal Idea in the infinite being,—the idea, not abstract, but real and dynamic,—that... brilliant herds of the Sun, gāvaḥ , rays, the divine cows of the Veda. Such is the psychological sense of the Vedic symbol. Page 286 But who, then, is Surya, the Sun, from whom these rays proceed? He is the Master of Truth, Surya the Illuminator, Savitri the Creator, Pushan the Increaser. His rays in their own nature are supramental activities of revelation, inspiration, in tuition, luminous... Selected Hymns Selected Hymns The Secret of the Veda Chapter V Surya Savitri, Creator and Increaser Rig Veda V.81 युञ्जते मन उत युञ्जते धियो विप्रा विप्रस्य बृहतो विपश्चितः । वि होत्रा दधे वयुनाविदेक इन्मही देवस्य सवितुः परिष्टुतिः ॥१॥ 1) Men illumined yoke their mind and they yoke their thoughts to him who is illumination and largeness and clear ...
... Purusha, is the Lord of the Sun, Sur or Surya. Those who possess the illumination of the vijnána are called, therefore, súrayah, the Illuminati, and the word may be applied to either class of Page 719 Nri (Purushas), the human Purushas who evolve upwards by the Vedic sacrifice or the luminous gods of the vijnána, the solar gods, the host of Surya, súrayo narah, who aid him in his ascent... divine Tapas. Agni, the Divine Being inHis aspect of Force, is masked in our nervous energies as the A´swa, in the mind takes the forms of the mental gods, in the activities of Surya, he is the divine Power expressed in Surya himself and these luminous hosts of the Sungod are his own brilliant liberated energies. Free from the smoke of the lower regions, free from the excitement and distress of his... the knowledge of the many is illumined always by the knowledge of the one. The Gods of Sat, Tapas & Jana know themselves as one, Agni there is Varuna & Varuna is Agni; even in Mahas or Brihat, the uru loka, the wide & vast world, the world of Vijnana, the devas know themselves as one even in their multitude. There, however, the first possibility of limitation in consciousness is adumbrated. But it is ...
... speak of the Aryan spirit, and the Aryan spirit is not something narrow or communal or racial, but the spirit of the free man that wants to labour and work with wisdom and with one supreme motive of loka sangrah, the motive of preserving and creating solidarity and unity of the people. Page 127 ... an elaborate methodised effort in which various human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection, ...
... speak of the Aryan spirit, and the Aryan spirit is not something narrow or communal or racial, but the spirit of the free man that wants to labour and work with wisdom and with one supreme motive of loka sangrah, the motive of preserving and creating solidarity and unity of the people. Page 49 × Sri Aurobindo:... an elaborate methodised effort in which various human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mxtra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection, ...
... dyavi may equally mean, in sky and sky; for dyu & its congeners have the basic sense of light from which arise diversely the idea of day as in diva, divasa, dina, and of sky or heaven as in divi, dyu-loka, dyuksha; dyu shares in both meanings. It may therefore well be that we have here an allusion to the Vedic theory of the five earths and the three or sometimes five heavens, which correspond to the... progression was a conquering march and not a flight. Therefore, their idea of the gods was a conception of great divine Beings manifesting or born, as they said, variously in all the kingdoms of being. Surya is manifest as creative solar Light in the material world, he is Savitri, the Father; he is manifest in his own home, the Truth-principle, as the divine Light that illuminates our liberated being. To... In the language of Madhuchchhanda, we may almost affirm, it has usually this latter sense and, even when it means primarily cows, always refers obliquely to rays.We have gobhir in connection with Surya in the seventh sukta, where it can only mean rays and nothing else; we have the combination súnritá gomatì in the eighth where coherence & good sense demand the rendering “true & luminous”; we have ...
... every distinct order of consciousness, every stratum or sea of conscious-being (samudra, sindhu, apah as the Vedic thinkers preferred to call them) demanded its own order of objective experiences (lokas, worlds), tended inevitably to throw itself into forms of individualised being (vishah, ganah, prajah). Moreover, in a world so conceived, nothing could happen in this world without relation Page... Indian writings subsequent to Vedic times bear out these indications. To the writers of the Brahmanas the sacrificial ritual enshrined an elaborate symbolism. The seers of the Upanishad worshipped Surya & Agni as great spiritual & moral forces and believed the Vedic hymns to be effective only because they contained a deep knowledge & a potent spirituality. They may have been in error—may have been ...
... All parts of the Vijnana are now being prepared for practicality & combined to that end. This includes sukshma shabda (manushi vak) which is becoming more coherent. It is also being applied to the lokas. Krishna is fixed in the self, but varies between swapada & mentality. 14 December 1914 Predictions of Script— (1) Great stride forward in T³; considerable strengthening of Rupa-samadhi... violent struggle; but the laghima increased to the end. Samadhi Manushi Vak—coherent conversation .. short sentences regarding things of the moment in Europe .. of this world, not the other lokas. Rupa Rupa still attempts to stabilise perfect forms, but increases in general force without getting definite results. Ananda The continuity of Kamananda continues; there is also... event. Devabhava manifest as Vishnu with Agni prominent & in Agni Vayu, in Agni-Vayu Aryaman & Bhaga, Indra concealed in Agni Vayu, Mitra & Varuna behind Aryaman-Bhaga. Vishnu & Brihaspati are one. Surya is Vishnu working as Pushan & Yama. Rudra is a bhava of Vishnu. The Maruts are the host of Agni Rudra. Lipi 1) Fierce tapas 2) disability in the telepathy is not of thought, but of the ...
... carried forward. 22 May 1915 In swapnasamadhi successive scenes coherently connected together, but in themselves fleeting, though absolutely perfect. In jagrat antardrishta a scene of the manasa loka, (affective), coherent, well designed, but dim. The vak of the thought maintains the level it had acquired and yet prepares a more ample & varied form. That it does this without Page 849 ... mind as the centre (samo divo dadrishe rochamâno) & the brihad archis of the vijnana as the source. Page 888 The five purah are being manifested even to the rupadrishti. The vijnana (surya) has yet to ascend into all. The completion of this movement will establish the eighth Affirmation (of the nine, ebhih stomebhih), see May 20. The three Krishna affirmations are almost perfect. The ...
... 385 Lichchhavi-dauhitra, 206 Lichchhavi princess Kumāradevī, see Kumāradevī Lichchhavi Lichchhavis, 112, 114, 199, 206-7, 225, 441, 442, 596 Lohara dynasty of Kāshmir, 479 Loka-vigraha, 491-2 Looda, 269, 278 Luders, Prof, 454 Lycias, 586 Lydia, 55, 56, 465, 466, 482, 484 Macaulay, Lord, 57 McCrindle, J., 118, 164-7, 172, ... 476, 477, 478 Sung-yun, 506 Sunga, Surigas, vi, 9, 78, 225, 242, 476, 495, 594, 595 Sungabhadra, 363, 365 Surasena, 242 Surasenas, 209 ' Suryadeva', 'Soroadeios', 79 Surya Prajndpati, 107 Susthita-varman, 487 Sutlej (Sutudru, Hesidrus), 155 Sutta-nipdia, 292 Suvarnabhumi, Suvarnagiri, 382, 383 Svāyambhuva, 91 Tadmor/TDMR. 235 ...
... rejuvenating itself. Yet there is no reason to think that they were not aware of the possibility, given their pursuit of Soma on all levels. We could also describe this as bringing the Soma of Mahar Loka into the genetic matrix of physical matter. Of course the Asuras would try to prevent this as much as possible as this would mean the end of them." 35 But with the descent of Mahar itself in the e... Supermind that the world came into being, it is Supermind alone who will then bring authentic fulfilment to it in joyous glories of the Truth and Light and Force and Awareness. In it is the work of Surya-Savitri. It is that we celebrate in the Savitri-legend given to us as a great gift. Such is the Savitri Mantra although we call it Gayatri Mantra. There is a certain difference between the two ...
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