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Swami Brahmananda : believed to have been Bhao Sadāshiv Rao (q.v.) who after the battle at Pāṇīpat (q.v.) in 1761, roamed around the country & finally settled on the banks of the Narmadā. His ashram near Chāndod (q.v.) is on a hill called Ganganath. He died from infection caused by a nail that pierced his foot when he was walking on river bank. In May 1905, a ‘national school’ was started at Ganganath called Ganganath Vidyālaya. Keshavānanda, a disciple of Brahmānanda, was already running a school for boys there. He helped in collecting donations & getting the school building constructed. The school, its curriculum & people associated with it in various ways, are all mentioned in at least four known reports of the British CID. One of them refers to it as ‘a quasi-religious school with which the anarchist gang of Calcutta had a close connection’. The police believed that the idea of the school originated with K.G. Deshpande, Sri Aurobindo, Madhavrao Jādhav, Barindra, & A.B. Deodhar, who was also in the Baroda Service. Along with some of the rich businessmen in the region, Sayājirao was also one of the financiers of the school.

23 result/s found for Swami Brahmananda

... a yoga of life based on spiritual realisation. This has always been Sri Aurobindo's idea and it was never otherwise. He saw Swami Brahmananda only once when he went on a boat trip to visit the Belur math; he had then about fifteen minutes' conversation with Swami Brahmananda but there was no talk about spiritual things. The Swami was preoccupied with a communication from the Government and consulted... according to Sri Aurobindo's own statement. The new story now told that Devabrata Bose and Sri Aurobindo both asked to be admitted into the Ramakrishna Mission and Devabrata was accepted but Swami Brahmananda refused to accept Sri Aurobindo is another myth. Sri Aurobindo never even dreamed of taking Sannyas or of entering into any established order of Sannyasis. It ought to be well known to everybody... was any need of an answer. Sri Aurobindo said no and the Swami agreed. After seeing the math Sri Aurobindo came away and nothing else happened. He never by letter or otherwise communicated with Swami Brahmananda before or afterwards and never directly or indirectly asked for admission or for Sannyas. There have been hints or statements about Sri Aurobindo taking or asking for initiation from certain ...


... politics and one became a part of the other. At this time, that is around 1905, Sri Aurobindo visited the Ashram of Swami Brahmananda of Karnali on the banks of the river Narmada, had the darshan of the maha yogi and was greatly impressed. Usually when receiving pranams Swami Brahmananda sat with closed eyes but for Sri Aurobindo he made an exception and gazed at him with his eyes fully open as if... person or kindred soul had come. 'He had very beautiful eyes,' Sri Aurobindo said, 'and his penetrating look saw everything inside me.' In later years Sri Aurobindo made some observations about Swami Brahmananda which were very interesting. There was much speculation about the age of the Swami, some claiming that he was more than 400 years old. Sri Aurobindo wrote: '400 years is an exaggeration. It is ...


... Page 131 was on the top storey of Mazumdar's house by the way that I sat with Lele in 1908 and had my decisive experience of liberation and Nirvana). Mazumdar learned that he (Swami Brahmananda) was suffering from a bad tooth and brought him a bottle of..., a tooth wash then much in vogue. The Yogi refused, saying: 'I never use medicine. My one medicine is Nannada water. As for the... energy of youth even to a comparatively late or quite advanced age - but this may not be uncommon among those who practise both Raja and Hatha Yoga together." 168 Describing his visit to Swami Brahmananda, Sri Aurobindo says again: "He had the most remarkable eyes. Usually his eyes were either closed or half-shut. When I went to see him and took leave, he opened his eyes full and looked at me ...

... It was something from behind which got the idea accepted by the mind; mine was a side-door entry into the Spiritual Life." Sri Aurobindo consulted engineer Devdhar, who was a disciple of Swami Brahmananda of Chandod, for details about Pranayama. There was an idea current that yoga could not be done without Pranayama. Sri Aurobindo describes the results of his practice as follows: "My own... to Chandod for the last time. He had been there twice or thrice before, during his stay at Baroda, with K .G. Deshpande and others. On one of these visits, at Karnali, near Chandod, he saw Swami Brahmananda. At the time of leaving the Swami, each one who was present did pranām (bowing). Brahmananda generally kept his eyes closed and those who bowed used to get up and leave. But when Sri Aurobindo ...


... results of any Yogic sadhana. When presently he started practising pranayama, he did so by himself, without a    Page 386 Guru, getting the rule from one of the disciples of Swami Brahmananda of the Ganga Math. At one time, Sri Aurobindo used to practice pranayama for six hours or more a day! At this time there was no conflict between Yoga and politics, and he had no suspicion that... the secret, who would be able to tell him how to proceed in his endeavour to wrest the ultimate secret of Knowledge and Power from Nature and God. After the contacts with the Naga Sannyasi and Swami Brahmananda (mentioned in chapter, both of whom impressed him although neither became his Guru, Sri Aurobindo at last found in Yogi Lele a real helper in his sadhana, but this too was only for a short ...

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Five 8 Swami Brahmananda Today's visitors can, however, see the Tapoban hills on the outskirts of Deoghar. It was in a small cave of Tapoban that Balananda Brahmachari Maharaj practised tapasya. When Rajnarain Bose was alive, Balanandaji was already engaged in his tapasya. He had great regard for Rajnarain. In... Aurobindo was first taken to Brahmananda by his friends like Deshpande — who wanted him to take up yoga — and Deodhar, a disciple of the Yogi. Sri Aurobindo went to Chan-dod several times and saw Swami Brahmananda. It is said that he lived several hundred years. When Rajani Palit wrote to Sri Aurobindo, putting the Swamiji's age at 400, he replied in detail in a letter dated 1 st February 1936. "There... ry aspect and energy of youth to a comparatively late or quite advanced age — but this perhaps may be not uncommon among those who practise both Raja and Hatha Yoga together." Regarding Swami Brahmananda Sri Aurobindo recalled another incident. "While I was residing at Baroda," he told his disciples in January 1939, "a Bengali Sannyasi came to see me and asked me to help him financially. I did ...

... which he got all the credit. But after Page 14 all, according to the nature, to each one his Eden. 7 November 1938 The Age of Swami Brahmananda Captain Guha, an Assistant Surgeon, asked me whether there was any proof that Swami Brahmananda of Chandod lived for 400 years. Could you possibly enlighten me? There is no incontrovertible proof. 400 years is an exaggeration. It is known ...


... met was Swami Brahmananda, Deshpande’s guru, who had an ashram on the banks of the river Narmada and was supposed to be well over a century old. ‘He was, when I met him just before his death, a man of magnificent physique showing no signs of old age except a white beard and hair, extremely tall, robust, able to walk any number of miles a day …’ Usually when receiving pranams ‘Swami Brahmananda sat with ...

... sadhana as such. It was some years after his return to India that he started certain practices on his own, just getting the rule from an Engineer friend, Mr. Devadhar, who was a disciple of Swami Brahmananda of Ganga Math, Chandod, on the banks of the Narmada; this was, however, confined for the time being to sustained prānāyāma, for three hours in the morning and two in the evening. The immediate... brain seemed to race with a new energy and a clearer sense of direction, and Sri Aurobindo had besides the experience of certain unusual psycho-physical phenomena. Sri Aurobindo had darśan of Swami Brahmananda at his ashram. He also visited one of the temples of Kali in the neighbourhood, and what he saw was not just an image but a Presence, even as he had an experience of the vacant Infinite when ...

... long time where I am now. Q: How are you keeping, Abhay? A: Very fine. There is great joy here. I have to go away soon today, for many are waiting for me. Q: Who were you in your last birth? A: Swami Brahmananda [the first President of the Ramakrishna Mission] whom Ramakrishna used to call 'Rakhal'. Q: What is your mother doing now? A: Mother wants to go out for a walk with me; therefore, she is calling ...

... agitators' as the then rulers dubbed them. But Barin felt a deep need of spiritual power for their enterprise. He, therefore, set out in search of a guru along with Upen. Barin had heard about Swami Brahmananda when he was in Baroda. But Brahmananda was no more. In his stead was his disciple Swami Keshavananda who ran the ashram. Keshavananda seems to have been a Hatha yogi, at any rate he knew a lot ...

... as well as for training and giving initiation to his boys. Lele came in February 1908 and put up at Sejda's Scott's Lane house. He even went one day to Belur Math and sat in meditation with Swami Brahmananda. He also met Baba Bharati. But it seems that Lele "knew the man by the dress" only ! Lele also used to think that the appearance has some value," Sri Aurobindo said. "Once I met X with him. ...

... But as you don’t fall under the category of “anyone” – I must tell you everything – so I have no qualms in asking you. The sloka I quoted was from the book [Dharmo Pras-angy] of Swami Brahmananda. He says then, uttamo brahmasadbhavo madhyama dhyanadharana stutirjapodhamo bhavo bahyapujadhamadhama [The highest is to dwell rightly in the Brahman, meditation and concentration ...

... irresistible songs I could not go all the way with him in decrying religious ardour, having already at thirteen come under the influence of two direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa: Swami Brahmananda, the founder of Ramakrishna Mission, and "Sri M" the famous chronicler of the great Messiah. I cannot here possibly enlarge any more on my father's great though some-what enigmatic personality ...


... sadhu (monk) had cured his brother Barin’s fever by muttering some words, drawing with a knife a crosswise figure in a glass of water, and making his brother drink it. He had met the great yogi Swami Brahmananda of the Ganga Math in Chandod and been impressed. In England he had already been familiar with the writings of Ramakrishna Paramhamsa and Vivekananda. Maybe he would find in yoga some resource ...


... Aurobindo told the story of a yogi who could prolong his life at will (and lived for more than 200 years), but who kept the same toothache till the end, without ever being able to cure it. He was Swami Brahmananda, who, one day in the 1900s, told a disciple of his (Sardar Mazumdar), "As for the tooth, I have suffered from it since the days of Bhao Girdi," that is, since 1761. ...


... Rabindra Bharati Universities; president of Akhil Bharatiya Banga Sanskriti Samelan, Chandigarh. Many saints and celebrities visited his Ashram, including Sri Sri Anandamayee Maa, Srimat Anirvan, Swami Brahmananda of Uttarkashi, Maha Mahopadhya Dr. Gopinath Kaviraj, the then President Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and others and all experienced the great peace pervading the Ashram. 17 Nov. 1973 ...

... the war there was a perfect organisation to prevent epidemics and that succeeded well. But after the war they broke out with great force. All that is not conquering death. Disciple : Swami Brahmananda of Chandod lived for more than 200 years. Sri Aurobindo : Yes. If you know Hatha Yoga you can keep the body safe against disease. You can also reduce the slow process of ageing by supplying ...

... due to the vital casting its own glow upon the physical. The vital Purusha is immortal and that creates a sense of immortality in the body but that is not the real conquest. In the case of Swami Brahmananda (of Chandod) he lived upto 300 years Page 310 so that he was practically immune from the action of age but one day a rusty nail pricked him and he died of that slight wound ...

... it for the national cause. Sri Aurobindo returned to Baroda in June 1906, but presently took leave on loss of pay for a year, and after a visit to Chandod where he met the successor of Swami Brahmananda, came back to Calcutta in July. For all practical purposes, he was leaving the Baroda service for good. He hardly gave a thought to the settled salary, and the seductive prospects. The Mother ...

... vital—you can establish a general law leaving out the details; the physical is not so; it requires constant patience and minutiae. ,.. 35 And Sri Auro­bindo gave an example: In the case of Swami Brahmananda (of Chandod) he lived up to 300 years so that he was practi­cally immune from the action of age, but one day a rusty nail pricked him and he died of that slight wound. On the physi­cal plane something ...

... afraid of her revolutionary activities and asked her to keep them separate from the Page 552 Mission's work. She refused. In January 1903 the Mission's authorities, headed by Swami Brahmananda, made her write an open letter which was published the next day in the Amrita Bazar Patrika, and in The Statesman whose editor Ratcliffe was a friend of hers; in the letter she said that she was ...

... not so very far from Swami Brahmananda's place. Both Page 182 Chandod and Karnali are places of pilgrimage. "Once," Sri Aurobindo said describing one of his pre-yogic experiences, "I visited Ganganath after Brahmananda's death, when Keshava-nanda was there." Ganganath, on the banks of the Narmada, is about two kilometres from Chandod. It was Swami Brahmananda's Ashram; upon his passing ...