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Swarajya : a nationalist Urdu journal of Allahabad. In 1908, in the wake of the bombing in Muzaffarpur, its editor Shanti Narayan was sentenced in July to three & a half years’ R.I. After ‘convicting’ three successive editors, along with those of scores of other nationalist papers all over, the Press Act of 1910 killed all nationalist voices.
... Government will not give us the true rights of Swarajya even by degrees. It is afraid that if some rights are given, more will be demanded. To say that we shall compel Government to give us our rights is as dangerous as to cherish an ambition for absolute Swarajya. We must adopt whatever remedies other nations of the world adopted to attain Swarajya, having regard to the present conditions. A final... work before we are able to speak of Swarajya; but no nation ever came into prominence by helping a foreign government. Lessons of independence must be learnt only in the school of liberty. If we wait for centuries the weakness of our nation will increase. We cannot afford to wait. If you want to acquire Swarajya, try for it now; otherwise give up the name Swarajya once for all. The present agitation... such as the colonial form of Swarajya is both inconvenient and vague. The effect of the agitation is also partial and indistinct. If the final goal is very high, exalted and Page 857 inspiring, then only will the workers be filled with enthusiasm and activity. Hence we ought to have a high ideal before us. We have to travel towards this ideal of absolute Swarajya. We are often ridiculed that ...
... wave Page 863 of political ideas ought to reach the remotest, unknown regions of the country. There is no good in looking back. When you secure commercial Swarajya and educational Swarajya, then the way to political Swarajya will be easy. Page 864 ... Speeches 22.Dec.1907 - 1.Feb.1908 Bande Mataram Commercial and Educational Swarajya 01-February-1908 My countrymen, I am greatly obliged to you for the reception you have given me. This is not respect paid to me, but to our motherland through me as medium. The people of whatever place I have been in have shown a wonderful enthusiasm, which clearly... hands all the trades and industries, and our rich people should gird up their loins for the same purpose. We ought to change the ways or methods of expenditure. These attempts to secure commercial Swarajya must be vigorously carried out. There will be difficulties and losses in attaining this, but it cannot be helped. Such troubles must be suffered until the demerits of the nation are exhausted. ...
... thrust his own idea of the "final goal" upon others and, if they do not consent, to drive them out of the meeting? Mr. Gokhale knew that one particular party did not accept as the final goal partial Swarajya and slow reform. Still, in the draft he had prepared of the constitution, he tried to thrust the final goal of one particular party upon another and to drive out the latter from the Congress. The... last year were merely trivial and verbal and were made to make the meaning clear and to put them in better language. It is surprising to find that a man like Mr. Gokhale says so! The resolution of Swarajya was passed last year at Calcutta. I have already told you how the final goal, which was clearly laid down in that resolution, has been rendered doubtful and insignificant by the introduction of the... lives, then only will we be able to obtain that which is our final and exalted goal, the realisation of all happiness, the final achievement of all that is to be achieved and the desired object of all—Swarajya. I shall speak tomorrow on what is to be done in the future. Page 854 ...
... proposed by the committee. As you know, I do not believe that Mahatma's principle can be the true foundation or his programme the true means of bringing genuine freedom and greatness of India, her Swarajya and Samarajya. On the other hand others would think that I was sticking to the school of Tilakite Nationalism. That also is not the fact as I hold that school out of date. My own policy, if I were... nothing and the fetish worship of non-cooperation as an end in itself rather than a means and thereby to create conditions more favourable for the wide and complex action necessary to prepare the true Swarajya. Secondly, it arose from the rapidity with which he seems to be developing many of the ideas which I have long put down in my mind as essentials of the future. I have no objection to his making use ...
... war with itself or badly governed; for the lord, the Purusha, is subjected to his ministers, the faculties, subjected even to his subjects, the instruments of sensation, emotion, action, enjoyment. Swarajya, self-rule, must be substituted for this subjection. First, therefore, the powers of order must be helped to overcome Page 35 the powers of disorder. The preliminary movement of Rajayoga... state to acquire directly whatever knowledge and exercise whatever mastery may be useful or necessary to his activities in the objective world. For the ancient system of Rajayoga aimed not only at Swarajya, self-rule or subjective empire, the entire control by the subjective consciousness of all the states and activities proper to its own domain, but included Samrajya as well, outward empire, the control ...
... 94-96. ² Cf. Ibid., pp. 208-09. Page 186 present political situation and Das's own spiritual life were the main topics of conversation. There was also some talk about the Swarajya Party: Sri Aurobindo gave his support to the formation of the party. Sri Aurobindo was ready to help Das in his spiritual life, if Das was willing to leave politics and devote himself exclusively... questions and did not want to make an exception as it would begin a new line, (2) other papers might make similar requests and (3) there would be a disturbance to the silent help he was giving to the Swarajya Party. 28 September. Talk on true attitude in sadhana. October. An interview with G. V. Subbarao: "It was in October, 1923, that I first saw Sri Aurobindo in his Ashram, at Pondicherry. He ...
... the Committee. As you know, I do not believe that the Mahatma's principle can be the true foundation or his programme the true means of bringing about the genuine freedom and greatness of India, her Swarajya and Samrajya. On the other hand others would think that I was sticking to the school of Tilakite Nationalism. That also is not the fact, as I hold that school to be out of date. My own policy, if... nothing and the fetish-worship of non-cooperation as an end in itself rather than a means, and thereby to create conditions more favourable for the wide and complex action necessary to prepare the true Swarajya. Secondly, it arose from Page 334 the rapidity with which he seems to be developing many of the ideas which I have long put down in my mind as essentials of the future. I have no objection ...
... Beyond the darkness and the enemies, the suffering and evil of the lower existence. × Swarajya. Swarajya and Samrajya, perfect empire within and without, rule of our inner being and mastery of our environment and circumstances, was the ideal of the Vedic sages, attainable only by ascending beyond ...
... proposed by the committee. As you know, I do not believe that Mahatma's principle can be the true foundation or his programme the true means of bringing genuine freedom and greatness of India, her Swarajya and Samrajya. On the other hand others would think that I was sticking to the school of Tilakite Nationalism. That also is not the fact, as I hold that school out of date. My own policy, if I were... nothing and the fetish worship of non-cooperation as an end in itself rather than a means and thereby to create conditions more favourable for the wide and complex action necessary to prepare the true Swarajya. Secondly, it arose from the rapidity with which he seems to be developing many of the ideas which I have long put down in my mind as essentials of the future. I have no objection to his making use ...
... especially the British and encourage local products or 'swadeshi' goods. This would be one of the ways to drive the alien Englishman from our Motherland and establish Swarajya and Independent India. The words 'Swarajya' and 'Swadeshi' were in the air in those days and thrilled people. Besides speaking in public, VOC floated a corporate enterprise. He garnered the support of local merchants ...
... control life & matter by mind, but mind by a higher principle. Mind can only become free by self-subjection to God above mind and without freedom there is no true mastery. Samrajya is unreal without Swarajya. Mind that has mastered its inferior Page 537 principles without obeying the law of a higher Truth, is figured for us in epos and Puran as the victorious Titan, Hiranyakashipu or Ravana ...
... actions, or fall in the societal order due to despicable actions. Dayanand saw no sanction for untouchability in the Vedas or for the discrimination against women. He was the first to use the term Swarajya , and perhaps the first nationalist to advocate Swadeshi . Dayanand, in other words, anticipated the agenda of Indian nationalism and, in particular, one sees Gandhiji's non-violent Satyagraha ...
... sufficiently asserted in all the activities. The Mayavin of the Manomaya opposes & has hardened his heart against the Light. He has to be expelled, not fostered. 7) His opposition is to both the Swarajya & Samrajya, but the denial of the latter is his instrument. Aiswarya-Ishita is therefore the key to the perfection of the rest of the siddhi. Samadhi. Coherent & vivid swapna converted ...
... barrister of Calcutta who became famous for successfully defending Sri Aurobindo in the Alipore Bomb Case (1908 - 9), Chittaranjan Das (1870 - 1925) later entered politics and became the leader of the Swarajya Party, which advocated entering the government's legislative assemblies in order to "wreck them from within". Sri Aurobindo wrote this letter to Das on the same day that he wrote another to his brother ...
... Dayananda, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda (iii) Birth of Indian National Congress (iv) The first demand. The Moderates: Ferozshah Mehta, Ranade and Gokhale (v) The demand of the Nationalists: Swarajya as the goal (vi) Tilak and Sri Aurobindo (vii) The Mantra of Bande Matram (viii) Birth of new literature, art and science (ix) Bankim Chandra, Jagdish Chandra Bose, Rabindranath ...
... Karma Yoga. But since this Yoga has to be worked out progressively, the path of sacrifice is conceived as a gradual path of Ascent, and each step of this ascent is a step towards Page 72 swarajya and samarajya, the free rule of the true self over one's own self and free rule of the self over all that comes within the empire of the self. 21. Ascent of the Sacrifice Sacrifice ...
... control of various states and activities proper to subjective consciousness but included also the control by the subjective consciousness of its outer-activities and environment; it aimed at both swarajya and samrajya. The path of Knowledge, Jnana Yoga, aims at the realisation of the unique and supreme Self. It proceeds by the method of intellectual reflection, vichara, to right discrimination ...
... unity were the goal towards which humanity aspired and advanced. In the poet's dream it figured as the emergence of the universal man, in the mind of the spiritual seeker it meant the attainment of Swarajya, and in the vision of the Rishi it was the Integral Yoga destined to transform half-animal man into a dynamic divinity. "In Indian politics there were three men embodying in various degrees ...
... session of the Congress; the goal of Swaraj is eclipsed by the Khilafat agitation. 1923, June 5 - Chittaranjan Das meets Sri Aurobindo. 1923, Sept -Creation of the Swarajya Party. 1925, Jan. 5 - Lala Lajpat Rai and Purushottama Tendon meet Sri Aurobindo. 1925,June 16 - Deshbandu Chittaranjan Das passes away. 1926,Nov. 24 ...
... know, I do not believe that the Mahatma's principle [of non-cooperation] can be the true foundation or his programme the true means of bringing out the genuine freedom and greatness of India, her Swarajya and Samrajya.* On the other hand ... I hold that school [of Tilakite nationalism] to be out of date. My own policy, if I were in the field, would be radically different in principle and programme ...
... of Sri Aurobindo with Speeches Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram Love Me or Die 09-April-1908 The Editor of the Urdu Swarajya has been warned to refrain from seditious writings. The Magistrate in conveying the warning unctuously remarked that "the Government never dissuades righteous criticism, it is only a disaffectionate ...
... Speech delivered at the Venkatesh Theatre, Page 1175 Nagpur, on 31 January 1908. See the note to "The Aims of the Nationalist Party". Commercial and Educational Swarajya . Speech delivered at the Itwari Bazar, Nagpur, on 1 February 1908. See the note to "The Aims of the Nationalist Party". Part Six. Bande Mataram under the Editorship ...
... having self-mastery & self-knowledge, & being king over his whole system, physical, vital, mental & spiritual, free in his being, [one] is able to guide entirely the harmonious action of that being. Swarajya is spiritual Freedom. One is Samrat when one is master of the laws of being, ritam, rituh, vratani, and can therefore control all forces & creatures. Samrajya is divine Rule resembling the power of ...
... lower condition to the high divine condition & becomes no longer of this world where ishita weakens into wish & longing but of the world of the Isha and in touch with the conditions of that state of Swarajya in which the ishita is the natural state of the soul. The sortilege was an answer to the depression caused by asraddha and an assurance of fulfilment by ishita. (3) अन्नं ब्रह्मोति व्यजानात् । ...
... stand in the way of their manifestation. This rule is true even on the levels of our actual human mentality, where we can only get a limited perfection. But the ideal of Yoga takes up this aim of Swarajya and Samrajya and puts it on the larger spiritual basis. There it gets its full power, opens to the diviner degrees of the spirit; for it is by oneness with the Infinite, by a spiritual power acting ...
... nation finds the norm and scheme of self-rule that suits its temperament and character and changes and modifies that also in its own characteristic manner. Even so India must find her own scheme of Swarajya. If she is to live and be great and contribute something to the enrichment and glory of human civilisation, she must look to herself, enter into herself and know and bring out what lies there buried ...
... ¹ Wordsworth: Ode on the Intimations of Immortality Page 119 proper domain, exclusively its own, and its own inalienable identity. It is the domain where the Soul enjoys its swarajya , its absolute freedom, dwelling in its native light and happiness and glory. But the story changes, the curve of its destiny takes a sudden new direction when it comes down upon earth, when it ...
... and Motilal went ahead, however, and unmindful of the rebuff at the Gaya Congress (December 1922) where the "no-changers" led by Rajaji (C. Rajagopalachari) had their way, the "rebels" organised the Swarajya Party with a policy and a programme that were a via media between Tilakite "responsible cooperation" and Gandhian non-cooperation. On 5 June 1923, Das visited Pondicherry during his South Indian tour ...
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