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Taine : Hippolyte (-Adolphe) (1828-93), French thinker, critic, historian, exponent of 19th cent. French Positivism which applies scientific method to humanities.

11 result/s found for Taine

... in infinite mischief. The true elements in them save a country by firing men with social hope and patriotic faith, and the good done is well worth having even at the price of much harm and ruin. M. Taine gives the same explanation of the success of Rousseau and Voltaire in influencing the minds of the French people, though there were Montesquieu with a sort of historic method, Turgot and the school... long-gathered aspirations, the hereditary faculties. It might seem strange if it were not so consonant with past examples, that a man like Mr. Morley who has so heartily admired the discernment of Taine about the secret of the great movements of human history and explained and elaborated it as clearly as possible, should look upon the present happenings in India as mere effervescence due to accidental ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... as has been often said, to cut out poetry according to a uniform & mechanical pattern. Cowper said that Pope Made poetry a mere mechanic art; And every warbler has his tune by heart and Taine has expanded the charge in his History of English Literature, II p. 194, "One would say that the verse had been fabricated by a machine, so uniform is the make." The charge though exaggerated is well ...


... even a mummy meets someone who understands it. Had anyone pronounced the word “reincarnation," prob­ably it would have been Mirra’s turn to stare—let us not forget that we are in the century of Taine and Renan, caught between Mathilde and her banker husband. But at Mirra’s age it all seems quite natural; it is just another way for Nature to behave, no stranger than the ladies beneath their parasols ...

... rather conspicuous, wherever I went I attracted a great deal of attention." But the attention was not due to her dress and her looks alone. For Mira Ismalun was no featherbrain. She read Renan, Taine, Nietzsche, Darwin. She was also endowed with a remarkable poise (exactly like Mother) and knew how to reconcile opposites: Page 18 "One of my most consistent character traits has ...

... can see), but, since my attire was quite elegant and rather conspicuous, I attracted a great deal of attention wherever I went.” Yet, for all that, Mira Ismalun was no featherbrain. She read Renan, Taine, Nietzsche, Darwin, and, like Mother, was endowed with a remarkable poise and knew how to reconcile opposites. "One of my most invariable policies has been to maintain the head and the heart in a constant ...

... capable of understanding the tones of this light which for a moment flushed the dawning skies of its own age Page 124 or tracing it to the deep and luminous fountains from which it welled. Taine's grotesquely misproportioned appreciation in which Byron figures as the colossus and Titan of the age while the greater and more significant work of Wordsworth and Shelley is dismissed as an ineffective ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... realised which vowels are long and which are short. Let me present you with some guidance in general. In the following list are words starting with the consonant most in evidence in the quotation and con-taining the long and the short versions of every vowel: lake, lack. lethal, letter. light, lit. lo, long. lute, lug. loot, look. The first half of our opening line has short vowels: ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... writings, he electrified the nation and surcharged the people with a new energy which ultimately led the nation to her freedom. It was, therefore, significant that when India at Page 137 tained her liberation in 1947, it was on the 15th August, the birthday of Sri Aurobindo. The pioneering work that Sri Aurobindo did for the liberation of India was evidently a part of his larger work ...

... Brahman without attributes and the Lord of the universe with attributes, the inadequacy of Knowledge alone or of Ignorance alone for attaining Immortality, Immortality ob- Page 385 tained by simultaneous worship of Knowledge and Ignorance, the supreme liberation and realisation gained not by the constant cycle of birth, not by the dissolution of birth but by simultaneous accomplishment ...

... stand here won back (by me) after conquering the enemy on the field of battle, 0 blessed one! That which was most befitting to the highest heroic valour has been accomplished by me. (2) I have at tained the reward of my indignation; the wanton offence given to me (by your abduction) has been fully requited and the in dignity offered to me, as well as the enemy (who did it), have been wiped out all ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... confused. You have to persevere until it is valid.         Une partie de mon etre a contracte la mauvaise habitude de devenir miserable apres le Pranam. Elle devient jalouse de cer-taines personnes, ne pensez-vous pas que je dois avoir la puissance de rejeter cet obstacle?       Certainement - mais alors il faut le faire en toute sincerite et n'admettre d'aucune facon les mouvements ...