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Talavakara : Rishi mentioned in 9th chapter of Talavakāra Brāhmaṇa of Sama-Veda.
... Āshvalāyana Brāhmana, Gālav Brāhmana, Charak Brāhmana, Shwetāshvatara Brāhmana, Kāthava Brāhmana, Maitrayāni Brāhmana, Jhābālak Brāhmana, Khāndikeya Brāhmana, Rauraki Brāhmana, Shatyāyana Brāhmana, Talavakara Brāhmana, Āruneya Brāhmana, Parashara Brāhmana, and Kāpeya Brāhmana. According to many ancient scholars hymns of the four Vedas and their explanations in the Brāhmanas both together constitute... and Kaushitaki Āranyakas are related to Rigveda, Taittiriya and Sānkhayāyana Āranyakas are related to Krishna Yajurveda, while Page 93 Brihadāranyaka is related to Shukia Yajurveda. Talavakara Āranyaka belongs to Jaiminiya Shākhā of Samaveda; and in fact this Āranyaka is Jaiminiya- Brāhmanopanishadbrāhmana, and this Brāhmana contains Āranyaka and Upanishad as well. The most important ...
... Amnyaka Literature 1. Aitareya Aranyaka } which belongs to the Rigveda 2. Shankhayana Aranyaka 3.Talavakara Aranyaka which belongs to the Samaveda ...
... always so designed as to suggest or even sum up, if not all that comes afterwards, yet the central and pervading idea of the Upanishad. The Isha Vasyam of the Vajasaneyi, the Keneshitam manas of the Talavakara, the Sacrificial Horse of the Brihad Aranyaka, the solitary Atman with its hint of the future world vibrations in the Aitareya are of this type. The Chhandogya, we see from its first and introductory ...
... abstains from the discussion of the nature of these organs & their essential relation to the supreme Existence. For this knowledge we have to resort to other Scriptures. The subject of the Talavakara Upanishad is indicated and precisely determined by its opening word, Kena, very much as we have seen the subject of the Isha Upanishad to be indicated and precisely determined by its opening words ...
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