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Taoism : founded in 6th century by Lao-tzu, it is a major religio-philosophical tradition of China, typified by positive, active attitude toward the occult & the metaphysical. It includes ideas & attitudes of his exponents Chuangtzu & Lieh-tzu.

12 result/s found for Taoism

... BC. Confucius had laid down theories of man and the way of human society around 500 BC. Lao Tzu is thought to have expounded his mystical vision of man and the tao or 'way of nature' around 300 BC. Taoism is particularly important to the history of the Chinese martial arts, although it is only recently that Taoist martial arts have spread beyond the bounds of Chinese Asia. Similarly, the philosophy... with the development of martial arts than the more specialized approach of the military men of China. At the level of ideology, however, the doctrines of Buddhism in India and of Confucianism and Taoism in China, laid down during the 500 years before the birth of Christ, have been readily adopted as the philosophical basis of martial traditions in India and China, and indeed throughout Asia. Recorded ...

... look) : No. Only by the negative path you arrive at Non-Being, or what the Gita calls the Indeterminate. As I said, it is the same as in Taoism and Buddhism. But it is not really Nothing. What we can say is that no attribute of Being can be posited of it. Taoism says that Non-Being is Everything rather than Nothing. By the affirmative path you come through Supermind to Sachchidananda which is both ...


... for and guides all the works of the Ashram [i.e. Anandashram] as He does also all the affairs of the world." This put me in mind of a missionary who, trying hard to be liberal and fair-minded about Taoism in China, acknowledged defeat when confronted with the spectacle of Taoist priests conducting a religious ceremony in a brothel for the success of the business. Would it be possible for you to indicate ...


... substance of our own faiths assume a light which never was intended to be there and to see everything in them sub specie Aurobindonis and forget that neither in Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity nor Islam has Sri Aurobindo discerned the immediate knowledge of the Supermind - he has not hesitated even to declare that multifarious'Hinduism itself cannot be equated to his own final ...

... also the study of yogic methods and their results as we find in the esoteric core of a number of religions such as Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and even in Systems like the Chinese Taoism. Our Intention should be to bring to ourselves the treasures that are available in the records of yogic knowledge, so that our efforts result in a systematic and fruitful presentation of the aims of ...


... to do anything by halves; she wrestled - no doubt with encouragement from Richard - with the philosophers and system-makers, the schools of meditation and inner culture. Buddhism, Vedanta, Sufism, Taoism, Zen, Shintoism, Bahaism... all was grist that came to the mill. Yet there was no real breakthrough, no storming of the Gates of Reality. Richard was in politics too, and partly a political mission ...


... difference between them and the parochial reductionists we have become acquainted with, is considerable. Moreover, “their writings are positively loaded with references to the Vedas, the Upanishads, Taoism (Bohr made the yin-yang symbol part of his family crest), Buddhism, Pythagoras, Plato, Plotinus, Berkeley, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Kant, virtually the entire pantheon of perennial philosophers.” 35 ...

... vivid concept of it, give not only a proper meaning to the diversity of religious modes in India but also a true sense to the variety of religions in the world. One comes to see Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Zoroastria-nism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in their specific qualities as well as in their combinations, in a way that none of them by itself can see its own attributes. For, here is an al ...


... other words, the higher echelons of the mind. Almost every evening, she received at her home Madame David-Neel, who had just returned from her first journey to the Far East. Mother heard of Bahaism, Taoism, studied the discipline of meditation, Buddhist dhyana, Buddhist renunciation. But she was searching for something else. At Tlemcen, she had seen a world of an entirely different consciousness ...

... tertiary level. It is here that certain features of universal religions could be studied with the methods of comparative studies. Particularly we may emphasise the study of Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism. Along with these religions, there should be a detailed study of the lives of great personalities associated with these ...

... received Madame David-Neel there, just back from her first journey to the Far East and soon to become “the first woman to enter Lhasa," dis- i guised as a mendicant monk. Mother heard of Bahaism ; and Taoism, watched and listened to everything, explored disciplines of meditation, Buddhist dhyana, Buddhist renunciation; though, truly speaking, I never had much that experience of renunciation.... To renounce ...

... towards a Lord of Love variously and endlessly at play in the cosmic movement, Tantricism's surge towards a World-Mother fighting earth's evils and towards a raising of all desires in her direction, Taoism's sense of a simple universal basis of being which can always rightly uphold and lead one along paths of peace. Buddhism's grand escape into an infinite silence from the mind's "labyrinthine ways" and ...