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Tartarus : sunless abyss below Hades where the Titans were confined; or the place of punishment in Hades. In Homer’s lliad it is the very lowest region of the Underworld.

11 result/s found for Tartarus

... a more faithfully Hindu colouring, but it was written a score of years ago when I had not penetrated to the heart of the Indian idea and its traditions, and the shadow of the Greek underworld and Tartarus with the sentiment of life and love and death which hangs about them has got into the legendary framework of the Indian Patala and hells. The central idea of the narrative alone is in the Mahabharata; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... your roads, devour your maidens And infants, tear your strong and armed men Helplessly shrieking like weak-wristed women, Till all are dead. And thou, neglectful priest, Shalt go down living into Tartarus Where knives fire-pointed shall disclose thy breast Page 425 And pluck thy still-renewing heart from thee For ever: till the world cease shall be thy torments. POLYDAON O dreadful ...


... passage, we see things actually happening, and we become almost participants in the action. It may, perhaps, be said that this 'descent' , into Hell is more Greek than Hindu, recalls vaguely Hades and Tartarus and the Circles in Dante than the legendary Patala of Indian mythology. Nevertheless, merely as a poetic projection of other worlds - or nether worlds - the passage must rank among the most unf ...

... just the same—ten years like a second. The only difference was that I had not the same clothes. Ah! what is it that changes... what?... qu'est-ce qui change, quoi ? And Mohini foundered in the red Tartarus: freedom, freedom... And then ? —Then what ? He started. We were near the ramparts of a city; there was an old cistern, with foot-worn granite steps, full of frogs. The night had fallen. Lotuses ...

... ni and Batcha, the white island, the red island—one loses the trail: the point has gone to draw an invisible arc across aeons of fire, nameless seas, lost times, it has pitched over into the blue Tartarus and it re-emerges here, or there, with another colour, another face and other arms, and yet with some indicible resemblance— et pourtant je ne sais quelle ressemblance —or was it always the same story ...

... bear telling. Certain periods of mortal agony there were, each with its own physical surroundings, that I long to forget but cannot. Some of them recalled strangely, not in detail, but in kind, Greek Tartarus and Catholic Inferno. I was the prey of harpies, I was hunted and torn and devoured, I experienced the agonies of the men I had sent to the deliberate and brutal torture of our jails or beggared of ...


... "Dire are the white hairs Reverend, loved, of a father, dreadful his curse to his children. Yet in my heart there is one who cries, 'tis the voice of my country, She for whose sake I would be in Tartarus tortured for ever. Pardon me then, if thou wilt; if the gods can, then let them pardon. For I will sleep in the dust of Troy embracing her ashes, There where Polydamas sleeps and the many comrades ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... a more faithfully Hindu colouring, but it was written a score of years ago when I had not penetrated to the heart of the Indian idea and its traditions, and the shadow of the Greek underworld and Tartarus with the sentiment of life and love and death which hangs about them has got into the legendary framework of the Indian Patala and hells. The central idea of the narrative alone is in the Mahabharata; ...


... a more faithfully Hindu colouring, but it was written a score of years ago* when I had not penetrated to the heart of the Indian idea and its traditions, and the shadow of the Greek underworld and Tartarus with the sentiment of life and love and death which hangs about them has got into the legendary framework of the Indian Patala and hells. 26 Vedic Symbolism and The Human Cycle ...

... born. Then began ten-year-long terrible struggle between the titans and the gods at the end of which the gods prevailed. The titans, defeated, were bound with chains and cast for eternity into Tartarus, the abysmal depths of the earth. Triton: son of Poseidon. He was a sea creature like a merman, the uper half of his body being human, the lower half fishlike. Troad: A territory in ...


... ebb-tide, and my Laurelbank was there, firmly moored to the second wharf. I sang, too. Each time I sang. I was as light as foam on budding life. Mohini had foundered there with her island, in the Tartarus of a previous existence, and hop! to windward! Indeed, it is the best part of life—I have spent my time making impossible lives for myself for the unique joy of that moment. Unfortunately, it does ...