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Tertullian : Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus (c.160-220), Christian (Carthaginian) theologian: initiator of Latin theological words & phrases de rigueur in Western Churches for 1000 years: founded his own sect in Africa: wrote on eschatological themes, his vision of the Millennium, & depicted the other world based on Judeo-Christian apocalyptic images.
... tradition argued that the Lord's 'brothers' were either His reputed half-brothers, children of Joseph by a former marriage (so Epiphanius and Origen), or else His cousins (so Jerome and others). Tertullian and Helvidius among ancient writers Page 41 defended the more natural interpretation." 6 Perhaps we shall be told: "What Matthew and, before him, Mark report are... s post partum) "depends on how one understands the family relationship implied in the reference to Jesus' brothers (and sisters) in Mark 6:3; Matt 13:55; and John 2:12; 7:5. Were they siblings (Tertullian, Helvid-ius, modern Protestants); or were they stepbrothers (Epipha-nius) or cousins (Hegesippus, Jerome, principal Reformers)?" Out of the three courses supposedly open, the one towards ...
... and regulations. For her there is only one absolute—the transcendent, the Supreme Divine himself—the Brahman, nothing else, netaram. 1 Credo quia impossibile is actually a phrase of Tertullian vide his De Came Christi, V— though often ascribed to St. Augustine Page 155 The Indian spiritual consciousness considers the secular distinction of good and evil as otiose: both ...
... the end it shall conquer. Already Europe does homage to humanity with her lips and in the gateways of her mind; perhaps some day she will do so with her heart also. At any rate the millennium of Tertullian is out of date. But still it is the Christian ideal, the Syrian interpretation of the truth and not the truth itself, which dominates the best European thought and the Christian ideal is the ideal ...
... has no sign of it, nor has the Jewish Mishnah which was nearing completion in that period. Only around the end of the 2nd century it seems to have suddenly become widespread. "In North Africa, Tertullian, writing ca. * All the defamations are detailed in W. D. Davies, The Setting of the Sermon on the Mount (Cambridge: the University Press, 1966), pp. 278-9, 282. Page 217 ...
... sidelight on this point is cast when Brown 256 mentions the "earliest Jewish apologetics against the resurrection": "they explain that the body was taken by the disciples or someone else. For instance, Tertullian, De Spectaculis xxx (PI 1:662A) gives us the Jewish legend of the role of the gardener (see John 20:15): Jesus was buried in a vegetable garden, and the gardener removed the body because he did ...
... regulations. For her there is only one absolute – the transcendent, the Supreme Divine himself – the Brahman, nothing else, netaram. ¹ Credo quia impossibile is actually a phrase of Tertullian vide his De Carne Christi, V – though often ascribed to St. Augustine Page 290 The Indian spiritual consciousness considers the secular distinction of good and evil as otiose: ...
... Aurobindo International Centre of Education, 32n Srotas, 330 St. Augustine, 290, 338 Stone Age, 155 SunahsheIta, 318 Surra, 221, 327 TAGORE,97 Tantras, the, 182-3, 326 Tertullian, 290n – De Carne Christi, 290n Troy, 399 UNITED STATES, THE, 362 Upanishads, the, 188, 221, 246, 272-3, 27.5, 284, 297, 310-11, 320, 334, 340,371,377,379, 388-9,400 – Katha, 284n ...
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