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Teucer : (1) the son of Scamander of Crete by the nymph Idaea, & father-in-law of Dardanus; (2) son of Telamon by Hesione, daughter of the Trojan king Laomedon, & half-brother to Ajax the Greater.
... Troya? Sons of the ancients, race of the gods, inviolate city, Firmer my spear shall I grasp or cast from my hand and for ever? Search in your hearts if your fathers still dwell in them, children of Teucer." So Deiphobus spoke and the nation heard him in silence, Awed by the shadow vast of doom, indignant with Fortune. Calm from his seat Antenor arose as a wrestler arises, Tamer of beasts in... conquered the vanquished, with peace as in battle; There where discord had clashed, sweet Peace sat girded with plenty, There where tyranny counted her blows, came the hands of a father. Neither had Teucer a soul like your chiefs' who refounded this nation. Such was the antique and noble tradition of Troy in her founders, Builders of power that endured; but it perishes lost to their offspring, ... slaves and drives to the battle Careless more of their wills than the courser's yoked to his war-car. Therefore they fought while they feared, but gladly abandon us falling. Yet had they gathered to Teucer in the evil days of our nation. Where are they now? Do they gather then to the dreaded Anchises? Or has Aeneas helped with his counsels hateful to wisdom? Hateful is this, abhorred of the gods, ...
... living in the mountains of Thessaly. Chiron: centaur renowned for his skill in medicine. Dardanus: son of Zeus and Electra, the daughter of Atlas; he married the daughter of Teucer and became the ancestor of both the younger and older branches of the royal house of Troy. Deiphobus: son of Priam and Hecuba, a great Trojan hero. Dius: Trojan, son of ...
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