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The Independent : English journal launched by Motilal Nehru at Lucknow in 1919 ‘to support the cause of Indian nationalism’. Motilal had joined the Congress after the reactionary Montague-Chelmsford Reforms were published in April 1918. In 1922, he joined C.R. Das, N.C. Kelkar, Viṭhalbhai, & Ajmal Khan, in launching the Swaraj Party (q.v.). In 1924, with C.R. Das down with ill-health & having practically thrown Viṭhalbhai out of the party, Motilal sent a letter to Sri Aurobindo to contribute to this paper then edited by B.C. Pal – no longer the fiery nationalist he was in 1906-07. Sri Aurobindo remarked in private, “Evidently the Swarajists are very much afraid of Gandhi.” [Durga Das, India – From Curzon to Nehru; A.B. Purani, Evening Talks…, 2007, p.282]
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