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The Roman Catholic Church : headed by the Pope (Bishop of Rome), it traces its origin to the Apostles of Jesus Christ in the 1st century.
... early church and has remained a central observance of the Christian church ever since. For example, the Mass, with the Eucharist is performed daily by priests of the Roman Catholic Church. According to the belief of the Roman Catholic Church, the bread of the Mass becomes the actual body of Jesus, while the wine becomes the actual blood of the Saviour. The priest after his training is ordained, upon ...
... Birth but only of the Virginal Conception and he goes on to observe that the doctrine of the Page 45 Virginal Conception itself is not yet affirmed by the highest levels of the Roman Catholic Church as a compulsory dogma. You seem to have an undue reverence for the pronouncement of the early "universal Church" and to think that what it declared is automatically shown as "congruous with... stand on its working in Paul's Epistles the Gospels and the Apocalypse. And, in regard to the Second Coming, the Christianity I discern there - the Christianity of Jesus rather than of the Roman Catholic Church - does not by any chance lend itself to an evolutionary interpretation. Now I reach that ticklish topic: pantheism. Pantheos has been the experience of numerous mystics. He is a fact ...
... (1) In Rideau's book we have found from his Teilhard-quota-tions that Teilhard's Christianity has no vital concern for any traditional dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church but concentrates solely on preserving "Christ on the scale of and at the head of creation". 1 According to Teilhard, such an exclusive regard is "the most essential aim and criterion of... by sheer force of reasoning. Situated as Teilhard was, the direct communication could be conceived only as Judaeo-Christianity and the incarnation as the Man-Jesus and the Mystical Body as the Roman Catholic Church. But when we have traced the broad shape of the Teilhardian apologetics we have not yet got to the heart of the matter: we have not yet explicated all the definite and decisive terms of the ...
... Christian clergy and the laity alike felt no shame in doing everything in the name of their Lord. The wars fought in the name of the 'Apostle of Peace,' and the cruelties perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Church in the name of the 'Apostle of Love,' beggar all description. It was Europe's awakened intellectual spirit that began to revolt against the horribly inhuman acts of the Church in the... (1766-1817), and Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826). Voltaire, who dominated the intellectual world of the eighteenth century, was also endowed with a lion's heart. He took on the might of the Roman Catholic Church. Throughout his life he waged a war to cut Christianity to size. His discerning intellect saw through the deliberate falsehoods spread by the missionaries, not to mention the cupidity of the ...
... first annotation we have quoted begins by saying that the Vulgate version - the Latin translation from the Hebrew and the Greek by Jerome, 331-420 A.D., and the earliest to be accepted by the Roman Catholic Church - omits the name "Philip" on account of "the difficulty the name seemed to create". We are further told: "Josephus himself calls him Herod." In fact, the husband of Herodias was known as Herod ...
... nothing against Freemasonry. My father was a master mason of the Lodge "Rising Star" and I would have been initiated if my father had not died at the age of 44. I do not share the prejudice of the Roman Catholic Church against Freemasons, though I may admit that certain sections of them had political interests as part of their work and had even an anti-clerical shade in their outlook on life, as in France ...
... depression and weeping? Let me tell you a small true story. You must have heard of Martin Luther, the German priest who initiated the Reformation and started Protestantism as opposed to the Roman Catholic Church. Once he got into a mood of great depression. For days he would not smile and would hardly talk. One day his wife, fed up with his "blues", dressed herself in total black as if for mourning ...
... Christianity and Sri Aurobindo's Expose of the Ancient Vedanta Roman Catholicism and Pantheism The Roman Catholic Church has shown deep concern over the real religion behind the scientific-spiritual philosophy of the Jesuit priest and palaeontologist Teilhard de Chardin. Apropos of some declarations of his, ...
... plenitude of a humanity gathered together in a Superconscious Super-organism. Formulated wholly from within outward in a spontaneous fashion instead of partially from without inward with the Roman Catholic Church now and again in view, the real religion of Teilhard de Chardin would be this Indianised Christianity as modified and modernised by his brilliant many-faceted reading of biological fact. ...
... × " POPE RESIGNING? (Vatican City, April 30) Speculation is growing again that Pope Paul may resign as head of the Roman Catholic Church. Talk of such a possibility has become widespread not only in Vatican circles but also among civil officials in Rome. The State-run National Television network is said to have prepared a special ...
... connecting up as he does with the Christian tradition without being really committed to it. It was after his philosophy had been developed in most of its characteristics that he entered the Roman Catholic Church and its true ties are with all mystical aspiration in general that is founded on what he calls "the Mystery of Being". To this Mystery he brings a concrete Page 219 ...
... meet the same objectionable feature as there is in the attempt at unity through the racial principle. For religious imperialism cannot succeed in unifying humanity, as amply demonstrated by the Roman Catholic Church; and like political imperialism it was more or less an experiment in the line, effecting nothing beyond a moral atmosphere. Even a federation of religions, contemplated by some idealists, ...
... historical truth. From their own history they come to learn that Christianity arose as a revolt against the idolatry of the Romans, again Martin Luther and Protestantism stood out against the Roman Catholic Church. Likewise they are, as it were, eager to discover a revolt in the religious history of India. It is not that such a spirit of antithesis is altogether absent in the history of Indian religions ...
... certain poetry in Joan's speech, action, etc. But here the whole thing is knocked out and instead you have vulgar modern prose. In order to write about that age you ought to know about the Roman Catholic Church, feudalism etc. Bernard Shaw has his own views about them and instead of giving a picture of those times he has given his own opinion on them. 4-12-1925 There was an article ...
... and before the English entered the town. Society of Jesus. This order of priests, the Jesuits, was founded in 1534 in Paris by Ignatius Loyola, Francis Xavier, and others, to defend the Roman Catholic Church and propagate its faith. Its members' duties are to preach, to educate, and to hear confession. The pro-Church politics of Louis XV was opposed by the Parliament of Paris, which obtained the ...
... utterance as he broke the bread and gave of the wine to his disciples "This is my body and this is my blood" and the remarkable rite of the Eucharist and the doctrine of Transubstantiation which the Roman Catholic Church has founded upon it. "Corruption! superstition! blasphemous nonsense!" cries the Protestant. "Only a vivid Oriental metaphor and nothing more." If so, it was certainly an "unmeaning, artificial ...
... or at least a partial condemnation of the prosecuting Government and the martyrdom it has chosen to inflict on the rebellious Cardinal. And what is the pertinence of the past history of the Roman Catholic Church, especially at a time when we have one of the most liberal minded Popes or even the most liberal minded Pope in Roman Catholic history? Even if it is only a fight between the Holy See of Rome ...
... perhaps any possible power of fusing creation. The turn of the allegory must be at once ethical, ecclesiastical and political in one fell complexity; his witch of Faery-land embodies Falsehood, the Roman Catholic Church and Mary Queen of Scots in an irritating and impossible jumble. The subject of a poem of this kind has to be the struggle of the powers of good and evil, but the human figures through whom ...
... breakaway from that scene into a "trans-human". Teilhard does not always speak with one voice here and the "modem" in him often runs counter to the "traditional" but his anxiety to stay within the Roman Catholic Church in spite of grave disagreements prevents him from being a thorough evolutionist. The supermind of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother has a greater potency for earth's fulfilment in the this-worldy ...
... all side-tracks the flame of prayer to be free kept burning - and finally he got over his sensual hankerings. His tremendous difficulties and his ultimate triumph over them has made him in the Roman Catholic Church "the patron saint of chastity." He exemplifies the Mother's saying that our chief weakness points to what we are meant to represent in the list of the Divine's victories. A line to the very ...
... which are given by Paul. Even without that phrase from another place in Brown's book, we can deduce his chronological outlook on Paul, for he is no subscriber to the view which long made the Roman Catholic Church accord primacy in time among the four Gospels to the one called Matthew's and which as late as 1966 the prestigious Catholic production, The Jerusalem Bible, was still loth to abandon. 4 ...
... The Shroud of Turin and the Biblical Evidence As the result of several years of strict scientific examination of the famous Shroud which is now kept at Turin (Italy) by the Roman Catholic Church and which shows the figure, front and back, of a crucified man as if on a photographic negative, we are at last certain that the Shroud was not worked upon by any painter. It carries a genuine ...
... the divers mood-expressions over the years 1919-1955 the main persistent lines of Teilhard's attitudes and commitments. The lines show themselves in summary under two aspects. These aspects the Roman Catholic Church did not seem to accept. He hoped to make it accept them by a constant struggle not against its basic existence but with the narrow old-worldly non-evolutionary form under which it presented ...
... attempt after attempt to present his Christianity in a fashion that might make it look orthodox in the ordinary sense of the term. He remained respectfully within the Society of Jesus and the Roman Catholic Church, believing in the great destiny of those institutions as well as in his own great mission of changing them from within. Now and again he reduced the sharp angles of his dissension from accepted ...
... called "Mother of the Country." Two of Catherine's recommendations became law: the abolition of torture and the establishment of religious toleration. This was widely extended: it allowed the Roman Catholic Church to compete with the Greek Orthodox; it protected the Jesuits Page 58 even after the dissolution of their order by Pope Clement XIV (1773); it permitted the Volga Tatars ...
... competitor in God and religion. SRI AUROBINDO: But Mussolini didn't, though Mustafa Kamil did. Mussolini has, on the contrary, given more powers to the Pope and the Vatican. He has recognised the Roman Catholic Church as the State religion. PURANI: I read somewhere that Kamil in one of his drinking moods slapped an Egyptian because he came to the party with a fez on. SRI AUROBINDO: You haven't heard ...
... manifestation—none of that. Like this: action in silence. Page 302 × This is the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church's great reforms. × Let us note that Mother does not mind in the least speaking of "Christ's... vision comes to me the very day when I am told that the Holy Father has given instructions to his closest collaborators for the formation of a program of action to shake the lethargy of millions of Catholics asleep in the routine of unconscious religious practice. 1 Here are the most important names in the committee: X Italy's cardinal; Y, France's cardinal; Z, the Pope's factotum; then Msgr. Z...... put into my psyche. Right from the first moment of the day my tenderness rises towards her, and then I see that what I do is not important, but the MANNER is...." ( long silence ) How many Catholics does he say there are? Five hundred million, I think. !!! That's half the population of the earth? Not quite, I think, but... ( Mother remains in meditation for a long time ) Still ...
... dissipate with profit. For Russell is not merely a destroyer; he has several good things to offer - a sane and frank attitude towards sex, for instance. He is particularly acid about the Roman Catholic Church's ban on birth-control and divorce. He regrets also Gandhi's sympathy with such a ban just as he regrets the belief Gandhi shares, with many great men, in the soul and God. He offers us science ...
... can dissipate with profit. For Russell is not merely a destroyer; he has several good things to offer - a sane and frank attitude towards sex, for instance. He is particularly acid about the Roman Catholic Church's ban on birth-control and divorce. He regrets also Gandhi's sympathy with such a ban just as he regrets the belief Gandhi shares, with many great men, in the soul and God. He offers us science ...
... at the stake Dec. 1455 The Process of Rehabilitation of Joan of Arc begins at Rouen July 7, 1456 Pope Calixtus III declares 1431 verdict against Joan of Arc null and void 1920 Roman Catholic Church admits Joan of Arc to the catalogue of saints Page 113 Europe in the late Middle Age: a time of great confusion and uncertainty. The fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries... poorly documented times, as not much more than a beautiful legend. Nearly five hundred years afterwards, in 1919, Pope Benedict XV raised the peasant maid of Domremy to the altars of the Catholic Church among the saints of God. Lamartine, the great French poet, says of her: "Joan of Arc, the prophetess, the heroine, and the saint of French patriotism, the glory, the deliverance, and equally... scholars and professors made one grand assault all along the line, fairly overwhelming Joan with objections and arguments culled from the writings of every ancient and illustrious authority of the Roman Church. She was well nigh smothered; but at last she shook herself free and struck back, crying out: 'Listen! The Book of God is worth more than all these ye cite, and I stand upon it. And I tell ...
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