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The Siege of Mathura : CWSA’s Vol.10-11 (Record of Yoga)’s “Undated or partly dated Script, 1912-13”, notes on p.1291: “The literary Karma falls under three heads – poetry, prose & scholarship…. The prose comprises – philosophical writings, fiction & essay in its many forms…. The fiction includes romance, ordinary novel & short stories…. To begin with you have to complete...the Idylls of the Occult, The Return of Moro Giafferi & The Siege of Mathura (Prose fiction).”

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... dramas and a third; the revision of your other poems; the completion of the Stone of Ishtar and a number of occasional verses (Poetry); the Idylls of the Occult, The Return of Moro Giafferi and The Siege of Mathura (Prose fiction); your study of the Vedas (first mandala) along with an explanation of the Vedic Gods (the Secret of the Veda). Page 1290 Script - II There is no Script in this ...

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