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The Tagores : Buckland: (1) Dwārkā Nath (1794-1846): 2nd son of Ram Mani Tagore: established 1834 the firm of Carr. Tagore & Co.: helped found the Union Bank & the Landholders’ Society: agitated for the abolition of Suttee, freedom of the Press, repeal of the “Black Act”: first native Justice of Peace: to Europe Jan.1841, entertained in England by Queen Victoria & E.I. Co.’s Court of Directors: returned 1842, refused to perform prāyaschitta: in a public meeting established an endowment in his name to help native youths to go to Europe. (2) Maharaja Ram Nath (1800-77): brother of Dwārkā Nath: adopted theistic views of Ram Mohan Roy & joined the Brahmo Samāj: helped found the Indian Reformer & the British Indian Association of which he was president for about 10 years: made Raja 1873: Maharaja on Jan1.,1877: Member, Calcutta Corporation, Fellow of Calcutta University & a Governor of the Hindu College. (3) Prasanna Kumar (1801-68): in 1854 Gov.-Gen. Dalhousie appointed him clerk assistant to his Legislative Council & later a member: started the Reformer in 1831: a Governor of the Hindu College, member of Council of Education [see Gorst, Sir Eldon], of Bengal Legislative Council & Calcutta Municipal Corporation, Governor Mayo Hospital: disinherited his son Gayendra Mohan because he converted to Christianity: his marble statue erected in Senate House, Calcutta. (4) Maharshi Debendra Nath (q.v.). (5) Maharaja Bahadur Sir Jyotindra Mohan (6) Raja Sir Surindra Mohan (1840- alive, 1904): younger brother of M.B. Sir Jyotindra…. (7) Maharaja Kumar Pradyot Kumar (1873-alive, 1904): son of Raja Sir Surindra Mohan & adopted son of M.B. Sir Jyotindra Mohan: represented city of Calcutta at the coronation of H.M. the King-Emperor 1902. [Tellingly, the last two above were dropped by S.P. Sen by these two dropped by Bucklandà] S. P. Sen: Satyendra Nath (1842-1923): persuaded by his friend Monomohan Ghose (Dr K.D. Ghose’s friend) became, in 1864, the first native Indian to be admitted to the ICS: involved himself to the extent possible in the Hindu Mela sponsored by Nabagopal Mitra under the patronage of his elder brother Dwijendro Nath & cousin Gonendro Nath in 1867: served his full term in different posts all over Bombay Presidency then comprising entire western India including Sind & Gujarat: retired in 1897 as District & Sessions Judge & settled in Calcutta: one of those presiding at the foundation of the Bengal National School. Satyendra’s son Surendra Nath (1872-1940): born in Poona, educated at Bombay’s St. Xavier’s school & college: B.A. 1893: in contact with Pramathanātha Mitra (see Mitra P.), Manindro Nandi, Ashwini Kumar Dutta, Sri Aurobindo, C.R. Das, Okakura, Nivedita, C.F. Andrews, & W.W. Pearson: started industries in Bengal to raise funds for his nationalist activities: helped founding the Anushilan Samiti, was its Secretary: one of the leaders of the anti-Partition movement: supported the Congress, connected with the Ādi Brahmo Samāj of his great grandfather Debendranath: advocated free compulsory primary education as had been done by Sayājirao. [Dict. of National Biography in 4 vols., Calcutta Institute of Historical Studies, 1972-74]