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Themis : ‘the fixed or firm one’; personifies law & justice.

13 result/s found for Themis

... around you, O war-starved Achilles, Achaeans armed for the fight, And up the plain from them the Trojans did likewise. But powerful Zeus, from the many-ridged peak of Olympus, Bade Themis call the gods to a meeting, and quickly She went to them all and summoned them to the assembly At Zeus' palace. Not one river-god was absent Except Oceanus, nor any nymph, of all those... cloud-gathering god, all the immortals took seats Within the rows of bright columns which skillful Hephaestus Had made for Zeus their Father. Nor did earth-shaking Poseidon ignore Themis' call, but emerged from the brine* _____________ *The brine: the sea. Page 47 To join them. And now he sat in their midst and inquired About Zeus's purpose: "Why, O lord ...


... Poseidon; Space grew full of his stride and his cry. Immortal Apollo Shone and his silver clang was heard with alarm in our kingdoms. Ares' impetuous eyes looked forth from a cloud-drift of splendour; Themis' steps appeared and Ananke, the mystic Erinnys; Nor was Hephaestus' flaming strength from his father divided. Even the ancient Dis to arrive dim-featured, eternal, Seemed; but his rays are the shades... that wait more than strengths soon fulfilled and exhausted. Archeress, brilliance, wait thine hour from the speed of the ages."     So they departed, Artemis leading lightning-tasselled. Ancient Themis remained and awful Dis and Ananke. Then mid these last of the gods who shall stand when all others have perished, Zeus to the Silence obscure under iron brows of that goddess,– Griefless, unveiled... not in the sun and his splendours. Troy to the Night I will gather a wreath for my shadows, O grower." So in his arrogance dire the vast invincible Death-god Triumphing passed out of heaven with Themis and silent Ananke. Zeus alone in the spheres of his bliss, in his kingdoms of brilliance Sat divine and alarmed; for even the gods in their heavens Scarce shall live who have gazed on the unveiled ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... stride and his cry. Immortal Apollo Shone and his silver clang was heard with alarm in our kingdoms. Ares' impetuous eyes looked forth from a cloud-drift of splendour; Page 75 Themis' steps appeared and Ananke, the mystic Erinnys; Nor was Hephaestus' flaming strength from his father divided. Even the ancient Dis to arrive dim-featured, eternal, Seemed; but his rays are... more than strengths soon fulfilled and exhausted. Archeress, brilliance, wait thine hour from the speed of theages." So they departed, Artemis leading lightning-tasselled. Ancient Themis remained and awful Dis and Ananke. Then mid these last of the gods who shall stand when all others have perished, Zeus to the Silence obscure under iron brows of that goddess,- Griefless... sun and his splendours. Troy to the Night I will gather a wreath for my shadows, O grower." So in his arrogance dire the vast invincible Death-god Triumphing passed out of heaven with Themis and silent Ananke. Zeus alone in the spheres of his bliss, in his kingdom of brilliance Sat divine and alarmed; for even the gods in their heavens Scarce shall live who have gazed on ...


... and self-will and violence dashes up in the end, as the old Greek poet said of the haughty insolence and prosperous pride of man, against the very foundation of the throne of Zeus, the marble feet of Themis, the adamantine bust of Ananke. There is the secret of an eternal factor, the base of the unchanging action of the just and truthful gods, devānāṁ dhruvāṇi vratāni in the self-sufficient and impartial ...


... Our Light and Delight (1980) The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo (2d ed. 1992) Some Talks at Pondicherry (1974) Page 895 Shraddhalu Shyam Kumari Themis Light and Laughter (1974) The Technology of Consciousness (1991) Vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (2d ed. 1990) More Vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ...


... the kingdom of Tyndareus, foster-father of Helen. Menelaus succeeded him to the throne and led the Spartan contingent against Troy. Taygetus: Highest Mountain range in the Peloponnesus. Themis: Titaness who came to personify law and justice; her name probably meant "steadfast". Page 124 Thetis: A sea goddess, one of the Nereids. She was desired by Zeus, but he learned that... titans form what the Greeks called "the first race". There were twelve of them, six male and six female: Oceanus, Coeus, Hyperion, Crius, lapetus, Cronus.Theia, Rhea, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Thetys and Themis. Cronus married his sister Rhea and fathered three daughters: Hestia, Demeter and Hera; and three sons: Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. When Zeus reached manhood he liberated his brothers and sisters ...


... of her golden hair like the moon in its halo. 90 And others too, "aegis-bearing Athene, shielded and helmeted", "Artemis, archeress   Page 641 ancient", "immortal Apollo", Themis, and Ananke, and Hephaestus, and the "ancient Dis", "into the courts divine they crowded, radiant, burning". In Sri Aurobindo's play, Eric, as we saw earlier (Chapter VI), the end-note is "not ... view, some of the divinities - Ares, Aphrodite, Apollo - are on the side of the Trojans, while others, Poseidon and Hera and Athene, are with the Greeks. And above them all are the "awful three" - Themis, Dis and Ananke - and Zeus of course is above everybody. These gods and goddesses have their divers powers and personalities, yet they are not the ultimate Power - as Agni, Vayu and Indra are made ...

... much good, puṇya . It is my capital, my accumulation and balance. I must have it paid out Page 367 to me in so much coin of prosperity, the legal currency of this sovereign and divine Themis, or why on earth should I at all do good? I have done so much evil. That too must come back to me in so much exact and accurate punishment and misfortune. There must be so much outward suffering or ...


... yet there is no fixity. Yet the moral ideas of other ancient races,—Aryan races—seem to have been otherwise clear, concrete & definite. The Greeks knew well what they meant by Fate, Necessity,Ate, Themis, Dike, Koros,Hubris; we are in no danger of confusing morally Zeus with Ares, or Ares with Hephaistos, Aphrodite with Pallas or Pallas with Artemis! We will suppose, however, that the higher spiritual ...


... free To pass across my scroll. O Word of God, immaculate. From silences deep heard, From inward pureness liberate In me the truth-born word. Tehmes The Mother had told Tehmi to use Themis, the name of the Greek goddess of Justice and Law for the publication of her poems and her play Demeter and Persephone. The following are Sri Aurobindo’s comments conveyed through Nirodbaran ...


... jealous of the happiness and well-being of men and were all the time scheming to disrupt the smooth flow of their lives. A few of the Greek Gods had specially bad repute in this matter: these were Zeus, Themis, Nemesis and Ananke. While speaking about a special trait of the consciousness of the ancient Greeks the Mother once observed: "The Greeks had a keen and exceptional sense of beauty , of eurythmy ...

... The Hidden Love behind all universe Sends ruby fire and ever-living flow, -  And night is fading, dreams of self disperse. 58 And thus, thirteen years later (1948), Themis after her darśan: The far voices of the earth die; And in the vast lone hush of Being, Thou Foldest Thy love around my cry.... O power-winged Love, Thou ...

... 581-2; on physical education and the Body Divine, 582; as Witness Spirit, 582; "minute-to-minute miracles", 587; on daman and pranam, 592ff; effect of darsan on disciples, 593-4; Nirod, Arjava, Themis on darsan, 5945; on a 'vacant' and a 'calm mind', 599; on suicide, 599-600; on care of material things and waste, 601; on need for food and sleep, 600-2; on susupti state, 602; on role of 'hostile' ...