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... descent into, 82 Subliminal consciousness, 257-60 Tagore, Rabindranath, 60 Subtle physical, 157-8, 207, 216-7, 258 Telepathic phenomena, 258 Testing, 88 Theon, Max, 28-30, 32, 33-8 Theon, Madame, 29-34, 38 Tiemcen, 29-31, 33, 35 Tokyo, 58 Transformation, 3, 38, 72-6, 87, 165, 175, 181, 199, 202-6, 206-8, 221 ...
... to Tlemcen to try and find out more about Theon and visit Zarif where Mother had had so many experiences. After several false trails he hit upon the idea of visiting the local old men's club. At first the old men shook their heads when he asked them if they remembered Max Theon or Aia Aziz. No, the names evoked no response. Then he brought out a photo of Theon and showed it to them. It was then that... taken to a hotel — the nearest available —rather than to a hospital because of her critical condition. The newspaper states further that a telegram was sent to her Page 255 husband, Max Theon, editor of The Cosmic Review in Algeria, who arrived by S.S. Cygne. She was buried in the cemetary of the Croix-Grouville in the island of Jersey. Théon of course had to register her demise... 18 —Dear Theon has gone to Alger about autos. "1913, October 24—Theon came home accident with the auto." He must have suffered agonies, because she went on to note down: " 1913, November 1 —Doctor has now set the fracture, so dear Theon will suffer less & less now, I hope, for he has suffered terribly." Then two months later, she wrote: "1914, January —Theon left his ...
... Supreme. Soon thereafter, she went to Tiemcen in Algeria to work with Max Theon and his wife Madame Theon. Theon was well versed in the Rigveda and he was the first to talk to the Mother of the idea that the earth is symbolic where universal action is concentrated allowing divine forces to incarnate and work concretely. Madame Theon was an extraordinary occultist, having incredible faculties. She could... She married a pupil of Gustave Moreau, Henri Morisset, and she came to know Rodin and the great impressionists of that era. The second direction in which she turned was opened up when she heard of Max Theon and his teachings. At this stage, she had a series of visions, and in several of these visions she saw Sri Aurobindo just as he looked physically, but glorified. She was to meet Sri Aurobindo ...
... MORISSET, is born in Paris. 1903-1904 -First contact with the Cosmic Movement. -Series of visions of Sri Aurobindo, or Krishna as Mirra thought. 1905 -Mirra meets MAX THEON. 1906, 14 July to15 October -First visit to Tlemcen. 1906 1907,July to October -Second visit to Tlemcen. 1908 -Mirra lives in 49 Rue de Levis. 1908,March -Divorce from ...
... she became an accomplished artist. Gifted from an early age with a capacity for spiritual and occult experience, she went to Tlemcen, Algeria, in 1906 and 1907 to study occultism with the adept Max Theon and his wife. Between 1911 and 1913 she gave a number of talks to various groups of seekers in Paris and began to record her deepening communion with the Divine in the diary later published as Prayers ...
... of him in the trembling whispers of a young neophyte. "He" lived far away in Algeria, in Tlemcen. That was all. And "He” knew. Then, one fine day, Max Theon unexpectedly turned up in Paris—he already knew who Mirra was. Indeed, he knew many things. Theon was rather tall, about the same size as Sri Aurobindo, and thin, slim, with quite a similar profile. But Mirra immediately knew that he was not the... speck of dust ; it is a magical forest of all dimensions. A Doge in Dark Purple It was through a friend of Matteo’s that one day in 1904 Mirra was to meet a singular man who called himself Max Theon—The "Supreme God,” no less. He never said who he really was or where he was born, nor his age, nor anything. 1 It seems he was a Russian or Polish Jew, who was forced to leave his country for... Thebes’ gutters) superimposed itself over Theon's face in a flash. Absolutely Theon! HIS portrait, you know, as if it had just been done. 3 It was the portrait of one of the doges —Mirra had certain suffocating memories from the Palazzo Ducale. She must have swallowed a little hard, and then flashed a broad impassive smile, which probably did not fool Theon for a minute. Things were off to a good ...
... to Tlemcen in Algeria where Max Theon and his wife Madame Theon lived. Theon was European, either Polish or Russian, but more probably Russian, of Jewish descent. When she saw him, she recognised him as a being of great power. _____________________ ¹ Mother's Agenda, Vol. 2, p. 404. Page 29 And he bore a certain likeness to Sri Aurobindo: Theon was about the same size (not... 'the beloved'). Then, he began to set his 'cosmic group' and Cosmic Review. At that time, he called himself Max Theon, meaning supreme God! He had an English wife. She was an extraordinary occultist, having incredible faculties. Mother has narrated several stories about her (Madame Theon). A few of them can be noted here. The location of all these stories was Tlemcen. Someone had wanted... will, through successive exteriorizations. It was a voluntary process. Mother's life in Tlemcen was very interesting and Theon and Madame Theon taught her many things. Theon also taught me how to turn aside lightning.... Oh (laughing), he had a formidable power! Theon had a formidable power.... One stormy day (there were terrible thunderstorms there), he climbed to the high terrace above the ...
... that Christ rebelled? Christ? He brings us back to Mother and Theon. She said in a laughing voice, "He used to call Christ, 'that young man'!" Vast as was Max Théon's reservoir of knowledge yet he knew God only as the Master of man ; I doubt he had any conception of God as man's 'infinite Lover' as said Sri Aurobindo. "Theon had no idea of the path of bhakti, none whatsoever," said Mother... 100 from the remote past, this Jewish mystic thought was committed as secret doctrine to a privileged few in the eleventh century. Theon did not always agree with the secrecy. He said one day, "We are working to de-occultize the occult." Theon, the excellent gardener that he was, had culled many seeds from the Cabala and cross-fertilized them with others from various ancient traditions... and again in his wide and profound occult waters and came up with so many treasures! "Theon was the first to give me the idea that the earth is symbolic, representative —symbolic of universal action concentrated to allow the divine forces to incarnate and work concretely. I learned all this from him." Theon was a great teacher, and he taught Mirra a multitude of things. But that Love Incarnate ...
... of Arabic origin meaning 'the beloved'). Then, when he began setting up his Cosmic Review and his 'cosmic group,' he called himself Max Theon, meaning the supreme God (!), the greatest God! And no one knew him by any other name than these two—Aïa Aziz or Max Theon. He had an English wife. He said he had received initiation in India (he knew a little Sanskrit and the Rig-Veda thoroughly), and... occultists and those of Eastern occultists exhibit great similarities. The only difference is in the way they are expressed, but the manipulation of the forces is the same. I learned all this through Theon. Probably, he was ... I don't know if he was Russian or Polish (a Russian or Polish Jew), he never said who he really was or where he was born, nor his age nor anything. He had assumed two names:... tradition which he called the 'cosmic tradition' and which he claimed to have received—I don't know how—from a tradition anterior to that of the Cabala and the Vedas. But there were many things (Madame Theon was the clairvoyant one, and she received visions; oh, she was wonderful!), many things that I myself had seen and known before knowing them which were then substantiated. Page 219 So personally ...
... ary activities. 1903 Sri Aurobindo has the experience of the Infinite. 1904 Mother has her first vision of Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo begins yoga. Mother’s first meeting with Max Theon. 1905-06 Voyages to Tlemcen. 1906 Mother founds her first group, Idea. 1907 First arrest of Sri Aurobindo. 1908 Divorce from Henri Morisset. Mother moves to 49 rue de ...
... session of the Con- gress. 1905 - Einstein sets forth the special theory of Relativity and postulates the existence of the photon. - Sri Aurobindo writes Bhawani Mandir. -Mother meets Max Theon. January — Sri Aurobindo becomes Vice-Principal of the Baroda College. January 22 -"Bloody Sunday" massacre in St. Petersburg: repression from the Czar against petitioners. April 4... the following year. January 15 — Swami Vivekananda lands at Colombo, and on his way north delivers many lectures throughout India. 1899, October — Beginning of the Boer War. 1900 — Max Planck lays the foundation of quantum physics. — International Exposition in Paris. -J.C. Bose demonstrates the basic unity of inorganic and living matter at the International Congress of ...
... have remained 'theoretical,' she showed the way to a practical form. For Mirra had brought with her all the accumulated knowledge of her own experiences, over and above all that she had learnt from Max Theon and Alma. She shared it all with Sri Aurobindo. She also shared Sri Aurobindo's love for India, which she made her home for more than fifty years. On the day of Independence, 15 August 1947, ...
... first explosion of appearances (Max Planck, 1900, Einstein, 1905), which was curiously linked to the Impressionists’ explosion of color—as if all were not closely bound together! One and the same seed is sown at a given time, and it bursts open everywhere under different names, forms or faces. And now it was as if She were at the crossroads of evolution with Theon, perhaps facing an old resurrection... change Matter ... to change death. We would be doing an injustice to Theon if we thought he was in search of the great, dazzling powers from the lower door, and besides, he did not have to search for them: he had them fully at his disposal. He was in quest of something far grander—which he was not fated to attain. This may be Theon's tragedy: the underlying defiance and pain and irony of a greatness... fourth,” turiyam svid. So Mirra was working. Theon was not satisfied with making speeches, he wanted results. It would last for an hour every morning, a dangerous work, at that—all the body's vital energy would go out—all of it, as it does when you die. And She would go from plane to plane, methodically, twelve times in a row, like Madame Theon: I could even do it with great dexterity; I could ...
... Soon thereafter, she went to Tiemcen in Algeria to work with Max Theon and his wife Madame Theon. Theon was well versed in the Rigveda and he was the first to talk to the Mother of the idea that the earth is symbolic where universal action is concentrated allowing divine forces to incarnate and work concretely. Madame Theon was an extraordinary occultist, having incredible faculties. She could... She married a pupil of Gustave Moreau, Henri Morisset, and she came to know Rodin and the great impressionists of that era. The second direction in which she turned was opened up when she heard of Max Theon and his teachings. At this stage, she had a series of visions, and in several of these visions she saw Sri Aurobindo just as he looked physically, but glorified. She was to meet Sri Aurobindo ...
... Mother's Chronicles - Book Three 19 Mirra Learns to Discourse They landed in France. We presume that Max Theon proceeded to rejoin his wife who had gone to Italy. As for Mirra, at a guess, she went to her new apartments in Paris' 17 th arrondissement. This was on 49 Rue de Levis, a multistoreyed building. Her flat was on the ...
... Divine, Vol.19, p.891. 93 The Mother was born in Paris on 21st February, 1878. She had spiritual experiences from childhood, but she received the first explanation of her experiences from Max Theon, a powerful personality of extraordinary occult capacities. She also learnt occultism from him at Tiemcen in Algeria. In 1914, she came from Paris and met Sri Aurobindo. In 1920, she came to Pondicherry ...
... months after the last piece of New Lamps for Old appeared in the Indu Prakash, a new series of articles was begun on Bankim Chandra Chatterji 'by a Bengali' who signed himself 'Zero' (and not: Max Theon, the supreme God!). From criticizing the Congress to Bankim the novelist! Those unacquainted with our young A. Ghose may be surprised at this prodigious jump from one pole to the other. True... culture not to forget our own culture. "Therefore, I Page 39 say, do not lose your reverence for the past," he told his audience in March 1894, after denouncing European scholars led by Max Müller. "It is on the past that you must plant your foot firmly, if you wish to mount high in the future." He reminded young Indians, "You are not a race of savages who have no past to remember; you ...
... education of music, painting and higher mathematics. A student of the French painter Gustave Moreau, she befriended the great Impressionist artists of the time. She later became acquainted with Max Theon, an enigmatic character with extraordinary occult powers who, for the first time, gave her a coherent explanation of the spontaneous experiences occurring since her childhood, and who taught her ...
... painting and higher mathematics. A student of the French painter Gustave Moreau, she befriended the great Impressionist artists of the time. She later became acquainted Page 510 with Max Theon, an enigmatic character with extraordinary occult powers who, for the first time, gave her a coherent explanation of the spontaneous experiences' occurring since her childhood, and who taught her ...
... She made thorough studies in piano, painting and higher mathematics. At the age of 26, she had several dreams of Sri Aurobindo - of whom she had never heard before. She later became acquainted with Max Theon, an enigmatic character with extraordinary occult powers, who for the first time gave a coherent explanation of her experiences and taught her occultism during her two long visits to his estate in ...
... well the tremendous force she bore within herself.' Around 1906 Mirra came in contact with Max Theon, a Polish exile who was a great adept in occultism. His wife Alma was also highly gifted spiritually. They lived in Tlemcen, a small town in Algeria on the border of the Sahara desert. This meeting with Theon strengthened Mirra's resolve to study occultism in greater depth and for the next two years ...
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