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Theosophical Society : founded in New York by Blavatsky & H.S. Olcott in 1875. In 1886, its headquarters were moved to Ādyār, Madras. Its objects are: to form a universal brotherhood of humanity, encourage the study of comparative religions, philosophies, & sciences; & investigate the laws of nature & of man’s latent powers.

27 result/s found for Theosophical Society

... as a member of the Theosophical Society. Devoted and diligent, she was chosen president of the Society after the death of Col. Olcott. Her interest in theosophy and Hinduism brought her to India in 1893. She lectured on Hinduism and glorified it as the fount of all religions and the cradle of civilisation. Soon after becoming a member of the Theosophical Society she visited India for... Society was then led by Henry Steel Olcott and Besant and is today based in Chennai, and is known as the Theosophical Society, Adyar. Thereafter, she devoted much of her energy not only to the Society, but also to India's freedom and progress. Besant Nagar, a neighbourhood near the Theosophical Society in Chennai, is named in her honor. Annie Besant entered the political scene in 1913 when she ...

... "The prestige of an institution claiming to be a centre of spirituality lies in its spirituality ( Mother laughs ), not in newspaper columns or famous people." This, I know, is about the Theosophical Society. I don't know whom he wrote it to. 7 "A sincere heart is worth all the extraordinary powers in the world." It's lovely. Then there is this... ( Mother shows a note ). You know... × In fact, the text of this letter was given truncated to Mother. Sri Aurobindo was referring to the Ashram and not to the Theosophical Society. Here is the full text of the letter: "Queer idea all you fellows seem to have of the 'prestige' of the Asram. The prestige of an institution claiming to be a centre of spirituality lies in ...


... him. My Master — how great he was! An Avatar! He mixed with me as if he was one of us, and had taken hold of my soul. How could I then be drawn to others? My friends urged me to join the Theosophical Society and, later on, some of them pressed me passionately and untiringly to join the Non-cooperation Movement of Mahatma Gandhi. My mind gave no response to such talks. How could it respond... night, during my sleep, they would remain under my pillow. Throughout the day they would be in my pocket. I would read them time and again. In Madras my association with the members of the Theosophical Society began to grow by degrees. The "Home Rule" movement was in full swing. On the first floor of the house No. 2 at Broadway, almost facing the Law College, the "Home Rule" library was opened by ...

... d the Indian subcontinent. On 18 November 1911 she reached Mandapam via Rameswaram from Colombo. From there she took the train to Pondicherry, then to Madras. She took her lodgings with the Theosophical Society at Adyar. At Madras that was the cheapest she could find, because "any hotel worth the name asked 8 Rs. a day" ("equivalent to 13 F 60," she noted) 1 Mother's Chronicles, Book... 28; Book IV, chapter 3. What follows is from her book, Journal de Voyage. Page 256 and she added charitably that Madras was a big city and it was the tourist season. At the Theosophical Society they offered to lodge her for Rs. 25 a week (which was 42 F 50 and came to 6 F a day, she told Philippe). She was also hopeful of getting there vegetarian food "which is sure to suit me better ...

... France a month earlier. It should be mentioned that the H.B. of L. had for some time been considered a serious rival of the fledgling Theosophical Society, which had been founded by H.E. Blavatsky and Colonel Henry Olcott in America in 1875. The Theosophical Society permitted itself to speak denigratingly of the H.B. of L. only after the latter had collapsed in such an inglorious way. When he moved... techniques to open the way to inner experience was something of a novelty at the time. Most esoteric groups, including the Theosophical Society, were content to disseminate secret doctrines … The popularity of the practical approach of the H. B. of L. encouraged the Theosophical Society to open its own “esoteric section” in 1888.’ 31 It was exceptional for well-known occultists, as the Théons had... a bell, but he should be regarded as the brain behind the French occult revival. ‘He knew and was known to everyone that counted.’ Not only was he a founder-member of the Paris branch of the Theosophical Society and ‘the father of the astrological movement in France,’ he was also one of the six known members – there were six unknown too – of ‘the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix’ founded by Stanislas ...

... after January 1908, when Sri Aurobindo met V. B. Lele, the "member of the Theosophical Society who [gave] me spiritual help" mentioned in paragraph six). This article, like the others on Theosophy, was never published by Sri Aurobindo. However much he disagreed with some of the methods or doctrines of the Theosophical Society, he was well aware of the pioneering work done by this movement, which "with... the circle of its professed adherents" ( The Renaissance in India , CWSA vol. 20, p. 70). He assured a disciple who had been associated with the Theosophists: "I have nothing against it [the Theosophical Society] nor against any of the Theosophists, to all of whom I wish the best. I am not against them" (Talk with a disciple, 11 January 1926). Science & Religion in Theosophy. Circa 1910-12. Heading ...


... him. My Master — how great he was! An Avatar! He mixed with me as if he was one of us, and had taken hold of my soul. How could I then be drawn to others? My friends urged me to join the Theosophical Society and, later on, some of them pressed me passionately and untiringly to join the Non-cooperation Movement of Mahatma Gandhi. My mind gave no response to such talks. How could it respond... night, during my sleep, they would remain under my pillow. Throughout the day they would be in my pocket. I would read them time and again. In Madras my association with the members of the Theosophical Society began to grow by degrees. The "Home Rule" movement was "1 full swing. On the first floor of the house No. 2 at Broadway, almost facing the Law College, the "Home Rule" library was opened "y ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... him. My Master — how great he was! An Avatar! He mixed with me as if he was one of us, and had taken hold of my soul. How could I then be drawn to others? My friends urged me to join the Theosophical Society and, later on, some of them pressed me passionately and untiringly to join the Non-cooperation Movement of Mahatma Gandhi. My mind gave no response to such talks. How could it respond, when... night, during my sleep, they would remain under my pillow. Throughout the day they would be in my pocket. I would read them time and again. In Madras my association with the members of the Theosophical Society began to grow by degrees. The Home Rule movement was in full swing. On the first floor of the house No. 2 at Broadway, almost facing the Law College, the Home Rule Library was opened by Annie ...


... for lack of money. In 1888, when old enough to go her own way, we find her in the London which Max Théon and Alma had recently left. There Alexandra became a member of the rapidly expanding Theosophical Society, the movement that opened up the eastern religion to the West. A year later she studied Sanskrit in Paris with professors from the Collège de France. She also improved her knowledge of English... Alexandra Buddhism was not a religion but a philosophy.’ In 1892 she travelled to Ceylon and visited Colombo, then Madurai, Benares and Darjeeling on the subcontinent. As a member of the Theosophical Society she had no trouble finding friends and shelter. And she always saw to it that her handbag was stuffed with letters of recommendation from well-known or highly-placed people. Then Alexandra’s ...

... seems to have been a centre of devotion to Shri Krishna. Jnanendranath Chakravarti was also a member of the Theosophical Society and in close contact with Annie Besant, later the head of that society. ‘[Annie Besant] travelled to America [in 1893, to represent the Theosophical Society at the World Parliament of Religions] with one of the other Theosophical delegates, Gyanendra Nath 96 Chakravarti ...

... ons of the vulgar played havoc with its truths and vitiated its practice. It degenerated into the extravagances of the Gnostics & Rosicrucians and the charlatanism of magic and sorcery. The Theosophical Society was the first body of inquirers which started with the set & clear profession of bringing out this great mass of ancient truth into public notice and establishing it in public belief. The profession... the true development of Theosophy & injured its credit by allowing promise to dwarf performance and by a readiness to assert which was far beyond their power to verify. I do not deny that the Theosophical Society increases in its numbers, but it increases as a mystic sect and not in the strength of its true calling. I do not deny that it has done valuable service Page 72 in appealing to the ...


... him. My Master— how great he was! An Avatar! He mixed with me as if he was one of us, and had taken hold of my soul. How could I then be drawn to others ? My friends urged me to join the Theosophical Society and, later on, some of them pressed me passionately and untiringly to join the Non-cooperation Movement of Mahatma Gandhi. My mind gave no response to such talks. Page 186 ... night, during my sleep, they would remain under my pillow. Throughout the day they would be in my pocket. I would read them time and again. In Madras my association with the members of the Theosophical Society began to grow by degrees. The "Home Rule" movement was in full swing. On the first floor of the house No. 2 at Broadway, almost facing the Law College, the "Home Rule" library was opened ...


... movement originated in the USA, with the poltergeist experiences of the Fox Sisters in 1848, and developed rapidly into a craze which contributed to the preparation of the soil for the seeds of the Theosophical Society, planted by Blavatsky and Olcott in 1875. It is worth a moment of reflection that the Enlightenment as well as spiritism and Theosophy emerged in Anglo-Saxon countries, generally known for their ...


... by any external entity, be it religious, political, or social. 46 . Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854-1934), an English clergyman, author, clairvoyant and prominent member of the Theosophical Society. 47 . Annie Besant (1847-1933), a prominent Theosophist, women’s rights activist, writer and orator. She launched the Home Rule movement in 1916 and was also elected the President ...

... SAME THING.' A dreadful muddle! It's one of the biggest mental difficulties of this age. Anyway, in reply to this nonsense, I have said: 'Your error, to be precise, is that you go to the Theosophical Society, for example, with the same opening as to the Christian religion or to the Buddhist doctrine or with which you read one of Sri Aurobindo's books—and as a result, you are plunged into a confusion ...


... very active part in the coup d'état of 1851. He was exiled 1. After sixty years, Mother was of course not quite sure. It appears that Mme David-Neel gave only one lecture at Paris' Theosophical Society, and that was in 1947. Page 301 to Belgium along with a great friend of his, Victor Hugo. Ever since she was a little girl of five in Paris, Alexandra David wanted to ...

... found in the books of the Theosophists. Some even of the less advanced have given me proofs of far better-developed occult powers than any Theosophist I have yet known. The only member of the Theosophical Society who could give me any spiritual help I could not better by my unaided faculties, was one excluded from the esoteric section because his rare and potent experiences were unintelligible to the ...


... Gujarat he finally sent me to Kalakshetra School of Dance in Madras. He said, “I cannot let you go far away.” The lady managing the school was Rukmini Devi. She was closely connected with the Theosophical Society in Madras. I stayed in a hostel with other dancers. It was a big dormitory room. There I learned Bharatanatyam dance [the classical dance of India] and was well liked by Rukmini Devi. I was ...


... for most customary and trusted beacons seemed to vanish. An important role in this cultural upheaval – which would create the tension that led to the First World War – was played by the Theosophical Society, founded by H.P. Blavatsky and H.S. Olcott in 1875. That Theosophy spread so fast and so widely proves that it provided some answers to deep and unfulfilled needs in the human being. The human ...


... would this time yield up its whole secret. Immediately fulfilled, with a constant play of the illumined ideality in its fourfold powers. Work to be done. A Society to be formed like the Theosophical Society which will support & popularise the Knowledge & the writings which express it. Page 508 This is to be done by two means, the Will & Vyapti spreading the impulse to know & calling ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the Western way its scientific foundations. For if we do not do it ourselves, the Europeans will do it for us and do it badly, discrediting the knowledge in the process. The phenomenon of the Theosophical Society is a warning to us of a pressing urgency. It will never do to allow the science of Indian knowledge to be represented to the West through this strange & distorting medium. For this society of ...


... never written. To the Editor of the New India . [1] April 1918. Sri Aurobindo wrote this message on national education at the request of Annie Besant (1847 - 1933), president of the Theosophical Society, leader of the Indian Home Rule League, and editor of New India , a newspaper of Madras. She published it in New India on 8 April 1918, under the heading: " MESSAGES FROM SONS OF THE ...


... remember, once, it was with Madame David-Neel. It's very interesting. She came to give a lecture (I wasn't acquainted with her, that's where I met her for the first time), I think it was at the Theosophical Society (I forget). I went to the lecture, and while she was speaking, I saw Buddha—I saw him clearly: not above her head, a little to the side. He was present. So after the lecture, I was introduced ...


... the "One who has shaped the world" and "is still its Lord", surrender to the Incarnate Divine, the Ishwara-Shakti manifested in the flesh. Apparently what Krishnamurti did was to set aside the Theosophical Society: actually it was an individualistic drive towards the demolition of India's aeonic tradition of master-disciple relationship and particularly her beauty-haunted love-enchanted Yoga of Devotion ...

... to rebuild life in India on a new basis. The powers behind a few of them may be mentioned here : (1) Raja Rammohan Roy (2) Swami Dayanand Saraswati, (3) Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, (4) The Theosophical Society, ( 5 ) Rabindranath Tagore, ( 6 ) Mahatma Gandhi, ( 7) Jawaharlal Nehru, (8) Sri Aurobindo. These great men have tried to live, according to their faith, the aspect of Indian culture which ...

... Telang, the 'new' forged syntheses with the yet living, the perennially enduring past of India. Brahmo Samaj (with its later variations), Arya Samaj, Prarthana Samaj, Ramakrishna Mission, Theosophical Society are among these syntheses, each with its own secret of power and its own circle of influence. The greatest of these was undoubtedly the stupendous spiritual phenomenon of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ...

... were ahead of the British at most by twenty-four hours. SRI AUROBINDO: No, they were preparing for two months. The Germans have foresight and organisational power. (After some time) The Theosophical Society's prophecy about world war in May might come true. The Russians have given an ultimatum to Rumania on fourteen points, of which thirteen are non-existent, Rumania says, and one is unimportant ...
