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Thermopylae : a narrow pass in Greece, nine miles SSE of Lamia, between the cliffs of Mt. Oeta & the impassable morass on the shore of the Malic Gulf. During the invasion of Greece in 480 BC by Xerxes I, the Spartan king Leonidas successfully defended the pass with 300 Spartans & some 2000 other Greek forces – all died.
... magnificence. There is the couplet which the Greek poet Simonides composed as epitaph for the Spartans who died at Thermopylae. A band of three hundred under Leonidas were ordered by the State to delay the march of the thousands sent by King Xerxes of Persia. At the narrow pass of Thermopylae they fought for several hours, thus giving precious time to the Athenians to reach up from far away. Every one ...
... wings of the Hall to be quite empty and other accounts reporting the Hall to be half empty. An allowance of some thousand spectators to watch the performances of the gallant three hundred in this Thermopylae of Moderatism, will be as liberal as the facts will allow. Could there be more damning evidence of the unpopularity of this pretentious body of well-to-do oligarchs electing themselves semi-secretly ...
... Prabhou, on the other hand, is about war and heroism and sterling patriotism; making their stand in "a tiger-throated gorge", Baji and his band of stalwart warriors resist the invaders and make a Thermopylae of Raigarh. It is Baji's "finest hour"; he has upheld Shivaji's trust, and he has changed a possible Mogul victory to a complete rout. Love and war: the tried old themes of epic and ...
... fell thickening. Yet by paces slow The lines advanced with labour infinite And merciless expense of valiant men. 39 And so Sri Aurobindo describes the vicissitudes of this modern Thermopylae with remorseless particularity, with the suspense mounting moment by moment. The Pathan infantry, "a formidable array"; the "hero sons" of Rajasthan who are the "playmate of death"; the chivalrous ...
... and so dissolves in supernatural light. To exemplify the gentle-yet-not-dull type we may begin with Simonides whose epitaph for the Spartan dead at Thermopylae is immortal for its sensitive understatement: Tell them at Lacedaemon, passer-by, That here obedient to their laws we lie. (Lucas) ...
... king of the Triballi, in a great battle. Then when the news reached him that the Thebans had revolted and were being supported by the Athenians, he immediately marched south through the pass of Thermopylae. "Demosthenes," he said, "called me a boy while I was in Illyria and among the Triballi, and a youth when I was marching through Thessaly; I will show him I am a man by the time I reach the walls ...
... king of the Triballi, in a great battle. Then when the news reached him that the Thebans1 had revolted and were being supported by the Athenians, 2 he immediately marched south through the pass of Thermopylae. "Demosthenes", he said called me a boy while I was in Illyria and among the Triballi, and a youth when I was marching through Thessaly; I will show him I am a man by the time I reach the walls of ...
... colony, 776; Adiseshiah on, 777, 778; role of TV in, 777-8; inauguration of school, 779; Matrimandir, 780 Bahadur, Naresh, 761 Baji Prabhou, 68, 114ff; a mini-epic, 114; a modem Thermopylae, 116; rich in tragedy and triumph, 118; spiritual connotation, 118,119, 174, 177, 185 Baker, Sir Edward, 322, 368m Bande Mataram, 19, 76, 88, 119, 194, 201, 218, 219ff; started ...
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