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Thessalian : of Thessaly: situated north of Boeotia, south of Macedonia & on the Aegean Sea, Thessaly was almost walled in by mountains, including Pindus & Oeta.
... appointed to take part in his upbringing, but the man who supervised them all was Leonidas, a severe disciplinarian, who was also a relative of Olympia s4 .... There came a day when Piloneicus the Thessalian brought ___________ 1 A contest which combines wrestling and boxing. 2 In 340 BC. Alexander was only 16 years old. 3 Pedagogue: a teacher or educator. 4 Olympias was the mother... After the battle of Issus he sent a force to Damascus and there captured the whole of the Persian army's treasure and baggage, together with their wives and children. On this occasion it was the Thessalian cavalry who obtained the richest share of the plunder. They had particularly distinguished themselves at Issus, and Alexander had deliberately sent them on this expedition to reward them for their... out again in pursuit of Darius, fully expecting that he would have to fight another battle. However when he learned that the king had been arrested by Bessus, the satrap 2 of Bactria, he sent his Thessalian cavalry back to Greece. The pursuit of Darius turned out to be long and exhausting. Alexander covered more than four hundred miles in eleven days, and b this time most of his horsemen were on the ...
... grief miscounselled the Argives. Great Idomeneus next, the haughty king of the Cretans, Raised his brow of pride in the lofty Argive assembly. Tall like a pine that stands up on the slope of Thessalian mountains Overpeering a cascade's edge and is seen from the valleys, Such he seemed to their eyes who remembered Greece and her waters, Heard in their souls the torrent's leap and the wind on... from the right and the left came heroes mighty to succour. Chiefs of the Dolopes Ar and Aglauron came mid the foremost, Hillus fair as a drifting moon but fierce as the winter; Pryas came the Thessalian and Sebes whom Pharsalus honoured, Victors in countless fights who had stood against Memnon and Hector. But though their hands were mighty, though fierce their obdurate natures, Mightier strengths ...
... kingdom which offered him riches, luxuries and the pleasures of the senses: his choice was a life of struggle, of wars, and of unrelenting ambition.... There came a day 3 when Philoneicus the Thessalian brought Philip a horse named Bucephalas, 4 which he offered to sell for thirteen talents. The king and his friends went down to the plain to watch the horse's trials, and came to the conclusion... wrestling and boxing. The date is uncertain. Alexander may have been about fourteen. Thessaly was the fine breeding-ground for horses in Greece. The name of a famous breed of Thessalian horses which were branded on the shoulder with tl sign of an ox's head. The speed of change of money-values makes it futile to try to convert the asking price i thirteen talents into modem ...
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