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Thetis : mother of Achilles. She was loved by Zeus & Poseidon, but because it was destined that her son would be greater than his father they married her to Peleus.

12 result/s found for Thetis

... death to the ravenous fish. And deep in a hollow cave she came on Thetis. Gathered round her sat the other immortal sea-nymphs while Thetis amidst them mourned her brave son's fate, doomed to die, she knew, on the fertile soil of Troy, far from his native land. Quick as the wind now Iris rushed to the goddess, urging, "Rise, Thetis — Zeus with his everlasting counsels calls you now!" Shifting on her... who live in bliss forever sat in a grand assembly. And Thetis took a seat beside the Father, a throne Athena yielded. Hera placed in her hand a burnished golden cup and said some words of comfort, and taking a few quick sips, Thetis gave it back... The father of men and gods began to address them: "You have come to Olympus now, immortal Thetis, for all your grief — what unforgettable sorrow seizes... they are our rights. But as for stealing courageous Hector's body, we must abandon the idea — not a chance in the world behind Achilles' back. For Thetis is always there, his mother always hovering near him night and day. Now, would one of you gods call Thetis to my presence? — so I can declare to her my solemn, sound decree: Achilles must receive a ransom from King Priam, Achilles must give Hector's body ...


... invasion, were collectively known; perhaps originally a specific tribe. It is the common Homeric term for the Greeks. Achilles: son of Peleus (king of Phithia and a grandson of Zeus) and Thetis, a sea goddess. He was the mightiest Greek hero in the Trojan War. In his infancy, his mother dipped him into the Styx and so made him invulnerable except in the heel by which she held him. She... l fire in particular, later the smithy fire) and of labour and craftsmanship. He is a son of Zeus and Hera and is usually depicted as lame. It was he who, after the death of Patroclus, asked by Thetis, Achilles' mother, forged Achilles' marvelous new shield and armor making him almost invincible. Hera: Consort and sister of Zeus and queen of the heavens; identified with the Roman Juno... Oceanus had himself neither source nor outlet, but gave birth to all the rivers, the entire sea, to all the waters which gushed from the earth, to all deep wells. Oceanus married his sister Thetis and by her had the three thousand oceanids (nymphs of the sea) and the three thousand rivers. Odysseus: Son and successor of Laertes, king of Ithaca, and leader of the Ithacan contingent ...


... Achilles' troops against Troy; Hector slays him, and (XVII) fights Ajax fiercely over the body of the youth. (VIII) Hearing of Patroclus' death, Achilles at last resolves to fight. His goddess-mother Thetis persuades the divine smithy, Page 49 Hephaestus, to forge for him new arms and a mighty shield. (XIX) Achilles is reconciled with Agamemnon, (XX) engages Aeneas, and is about to kill him... y of rising above the lower nature. According to Greek mythology, Achilles, the greatest warrior of Agamemnon's army at Troy, was the son of the mortal king Peleus and the immortal sea-nymph Thetis. In one tale of his childhood, it is related that his mother dipped him into the river Styx to thus immortalize him and to make him invulnerable in war. Apparently she was interrupted in her task,... strength was his fearless poise in the face of his own immanent death. He had known from childhood that he has the power to choose the course of his life: "Mother tells me, The immortal goddess Thetis with her glistening feet That two fates bear me on to the day of death. If I hold out here and I lay siege to Troy, My journey home is gone, but my glory never dies. If I voyage ...


... Ill The story of Iliad, which is centered on the siege of Troy, had its beginning, according to the Greek mythology, at a feast of the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. Peleus was the king of Phithia and Thetis was the goddess of the sea. All the gods came to the wedding to present their gifts and take part in the banquet, but Eris, goddess of discord, had been left out. Eris, therefore... beautiful Aphrodite. Thereafter, Hera and Athena showed their opposition to Paris, while Aphrodite offered her advice to Paris how best to conquer Helen. In the meantime, Achilles was born to Thetis, who wanted to make her son immortal; she dipped the child in the waters of the sacred river of Styx, but since she held him by the heel, he remained vulnerable at that point. Later on, Peleus took ...

... blessing? Easily Zeus afflicts who trouble their hearts for a woman; But in our ships that sailed close-fraught with this dolorous Ate Worse was the bane they bore which King Peleus begot on white Thetis. Evil ever was sown by the embrace of the gods with a mortal! Alien a portent is born and a breaker of men and their labours, One who afflicts with his light or his force mortality's weakness Stripping... White-armed net of bliss slipped down from the gold Aphrodite." And to Achilles answered the captive white Briseis: "Long have they vexed my soul in the tents of the Greeks, O Achilles, Telling of Thetis thy mother who bore thee in caves of the Ocean Clasped by a mortal and of her fear from the threats of the Ancients, Weavers of doom who play with our hopes and smile at our passions Painting Time... were nearer, Apollo Sent a thought for his bale to the heart of Zethus the Hellene. He to Achilles' car drew close and cried to the hero: "Didst thou not promise a boon to me, son of Peleus and Thetis, Then when I guarded thy life-breath in Memnon's battle from Hades? Therefore I claim the proudest of boons, one worthy a Hellene. Here in the front I will fight against dangerous Penthesilea. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... the Myrmidons, father of Achilles by the goddess, Thetis. Pergamus: the citadel of Troy. Phyrigia: region in Asia Minor east of Troy. Polyctor: the false name given by Hermes as his father when in disguise he meets Priam on the way to the Greek camp. Priam: king of Troy, father of Hector and Paris. Thetis: sea-goddess, daughter of Nereus, married... a rainbow. Judgment of Paris: a tale of ancient Greece. According to it, all the gods and goddesses were invited to the wedding feast of the mortal Peleus (Achilles' father) and Thetis, a sea-goddess, except one immortal: Eris. The slighted goddess threw a golden apple inscribed with the words 'for the fairest' into the center of the guests and the daughters of Olympus quarreled ...


... consider in performing any action; that is, whether he is acting rightly or wrongly, like a good man or a bad one. On your view the heroes who died at Troy would be poor creatures, especially the son of Thetis.²² He, if you remember, made so light of danger in comparison with incurring dishonour that when his goddess mother warned him, eager as he was to kill Hector, in some such words as these, I fancy... often simply means "mysterious". It is used here with reference to Socrates' "warning voice". 21 bastard children: the heroes and demigods of mythology. 22 son of Thetis: Achilles. The passage, which Socrates partly paraphrases and partly quotes, is Iliad XViii. 94-106. 23 Potidaea in Chalcidice revolted from Athens in 432 and was reduced two years ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... consider in performing any action; that is, whether he is acting rightly or wrongly like a good man or a bad one. On your view the heroes who died at Troy would be poor creatures, especially the son of Thetis. 22 He, if you remember, made so light of danger in comparison with incurring dishonour that when his goddess mother warned him, eager as he was to kill Hector, in some such words as these, I fancy... ing adjective often simply means "mysterious". It is used here with reference to Socrates' "warning voice". bastard children: the heroes and demigods of mythology. son of Thetis: Achilles. The passage which Socrates partly paraphrases and partly quotes is Iliad XViii. 94-106. Potidaea in Chalcidice revolted from Athens in 432 and was reduced two years later. ...


... was said could ensure a safe crossing. For nine years victory had wavered, now to this side now to that. Then a quarrel flared between Agamemnon and Achilles, son of Peleus and the sea-goddess Thetis, and for a time it turned the tide in favor of the Trojans. Again, the reason was a woman. Agamemnon had received Chryseis, daughter of Apollo’s priest, as a price of honor, and when her father... and great sailors. Apollo helped the Trojans for the sake of Hector, son of Priam and mainstay of Troy, and Artemis, his sister, did so too. Zeus, for his part, tried to stay neutral, but, urged by Thetis, who cruelly wounded by her son’s dishonor wanted a Trojan victory, agreed to help and sent a false dream to Agamemnon promising him victory. Instead, at the end of the day, and after dreadful fighting ...


... emotion essetai ēmar hot' an pot' olōlē Ilios hirē (There shall be a day when sacred Ilion shall perish) but in its depths, not with any outward vehemence. In the fourth quotation: Heard Thetis' foul petition and wished in any wise The splendour of the burning ships might satiate his eyes the first line has the ordinary ballad movement and diction and cannot rank, the second is fine ...


... eyes on the other's Dear parents, we've both heard the stories which mortal men Have passed down from days gone by. Men say you're the son Of matchless Peleus and that your mother is Thetis, She of the beautiful braids, a child of the brine. But I claim descent from courageous Anchises, my father, And Aphrodite herself! And of these two couples, One or the other shall ...


... he was under the special protection of the gods, and therefore _______________ 1 Achilles in Greek mythology, son of the mortal Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and the Nereid, or sea nymph, Thetis. He was the bravest handsomest, and greatest warrior of the army of Agamemnon in the Trojan War. During the first nine years of the war, Achilles ravaged the country around Troy and took 12 cities ...
