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Tilottama : an apsarā.

6 result/s found for Tilottama

... For six days he thus sits in the posture of tapas, but gazing towards "the dim unfathomed gorge"; on the seventh day, Tilottama and Urvasie come through the gorge and approach him, his steadfastness in love drawing them towards him like a powerful magnet. Tilottama makes one more feeble attempt to wean away his thoughts from Urvasie, reminding him of his path of kingly glory. But he promptly... slow surprise crept into them Afterwards; last, something far lovelier, Which was herself, and was delight, and love. 6 Their journey, however, is cut short by the other apsaras, and Tilottama reminds him of his great human worth and responsibility: O King, O mortal mightier than the Gods! For Gods change not their strength, but are of old And as of old, and man, though... and banishes Urvasie from "Swarga's streams and golden groves". Indra intercedes on her behalf, and Bharat is sufficiently mollified to set a natural limit to her exile from heaven. Escorted by Tilottama, Urvasie commences her journey to the earth, and visits bright and holy places still lost in thought, and chasing vain regrets and wayward hopes. Now Pururavas too is a waif of fortune, self-exiled ...

... Bengal, were startled out of their senses by these magnificent and mighty poems. Tilottama was a gauntlet thrown down by the Romantic school to the classical. Romanticism won: it was bound to win: it had on its side youth, fire, enthusiasm, the future, and the poems of an unexampled genius for its battle-cry. Tilottama had been the casus belli ; that marvellous epic, the Meghnad-badh , was the ... Vidyasagara and Okhay Kumar Dutt were the strivings of a few far-sighted and patriotic men in a generation misled by false ideals. On that generation Madhu Sudan's first great poems, Sharmishtha and Tilottama , had a complex effect much of a piece with the sensation created by Marlowe's Tamburlaine in Elizabethan England or Hugo's Hernani in nineteenth century France. They took men's imaginations by ...


... observation. The Hindu imagination needed some one figure into which all this should be compressed, a figure essential & superlative, compressed & running over with beauty. This was at first sought in Tilottama, the wonderful maiden to whose loveableness every gracious thing in the world gave a portion of its own subtlest charm; but this was too much of a fancy, not sufficiently profound & searching for ...


... phenomena of sense-experience, in the aspirations of the sensuous mind. The passage where Sri Aurobindo is absolutely explicit about the Goddess-function of his heroine is a speech put into the mouth of Tilottama, a sister-nymph, as she brings Urvasie to Pururavus from Swarga: "Yet, son of Ila, one is man and other The Apsaras of heaven, daughters of the sea, Unlimited in being, Ocean-like ...


... asked: "Is it like Nolini-da's ?" "Yes," I said, "Something of Nolinida's, a little bit of Purani's, a little bit of til, til, til if you gather together, perhaps it will be something like 'Tilottama"' 270 (Laughter) I could only say that it was a male voice; it was soft, it was grave, but at the same time, there was some inexpressible sweetness - not a feminine sweetness at all. Perhaps ...


... nation's soul, arose some remarkable men of original genius. "The two Dutts, Okhay Kumar and Michael Madhu Sudan, began a new prose and a new poetry." "...Madhusudan's first great poems Sharmistha and Tilottama had a complex effect, much of a piece with the sensation created by Marlowe's Tamburlaine in Elizabethan England or Hugo's Hernani in 19th century France. They took men's imagination by storm with ...