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Toramana : Toramāna was a leader of the Huns that invaded south Rajasthan from west Asia & established himself in Mālwā around 500 AD, & extended his sway over central India. He was succeeded by his son Mihirakula, the persecutor of Buddhists, who extended his territories up to Afghanistan & made Sialkot in Punjab his capital. The expansion of the Hun rule in Central India seems to have been checked by the loyal feudatories of the Guptās, & the Hun imperial power was finally shattered c.528 by the combined forces of Yaśodharvarman of Mandsaur (western Mālwā) & Bālāditya, usually identified with Narasimha, the Gupta king of Magadha. Mihiragula fled to Kashmir which he eventually seized but did not live long to enjoy.