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Torquemada : Tomas de (1420-98), first Grand Inquisitor in Spain: his name is synonymous with the Inquisition’s horror, religious bigotry, & cruel fanaticism.

4 result/s found for Torquemada

... heart of rapture. 502) Neither do thou inflict pain, O man, on thy fellow; God alone has the right to inflict pain; or those have it whom He has commissioned. But deem not fanatically, as did Torquemada, that thou art one of these. 503) In former times there was a noble form of asseveration for souls compact merely of force and action, "As surely as God liveth." But for our modern needs another ...


... its heart of rapture. 503—Neither do thou inflict pain, O man, on thy fellow; God alone has the right to inflict pain; or those have it whom He has commissioned. But deem not fanatically, as did Torquemada, that thou art one of these. Page 350 Never forget that so long as you are capable of preference in your relations with life and men, you cannot be a pure and perfect instrument of ...


... Professor. Everything should be proved, nothing admitted. Professor —Excuse me, Scientist. Your tribe, once champions of progress, are now the stiffest and blindest opponents of new Truth going. Torquemada was a babe to you. Scientist —Well, and what about the Mystic here, who wants to go back to Paracelsus and Santa Teresa? Mystic —I should say rather, to keep unbroken the most important ...


... judge whose diseased brain and morbid temperament are consumed with the desire to have the accused convicted, are survivals of mediaeval barbarity. Such men are the lineal descendants of Jeffreys and Torquemada. In England such men are rarities upon the Bench; in India especially among Civilian Magistrates and Judges, they are not uncommon. In England the prosecuting Counsel will seldom throw unnecessary ...

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