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Trasadasyu : author of Rig-Vedic hymns. Sri Aurobindo renders the name as ‘the disperser of the destroyers’, ‘the scatterers of the dividers’, ‘the Terror of the Destroyer(s)’, & ‘Trasadasyu’. [S/a Traivrishna Tryaruna]
... the king Trasadasyu with the river Suvāstu (= modern Swat). Even King Sudās is to be placed in the upper Indus valley: his famous victory over the ten kings took place on the river Paruṣṇī (7,18,8-9), which can be identified, with Yāska (Nirukta 9,26), with the river Irāvatī (= modern Ravi) in the Panjab; he also fought on the Yamunā (= the modern Jumna) (7,18,19). But Trasadasyu and Sudās... verse 3, as we may gather from Griffith: 512 "So Trasadasyu served thee, God, Most Youthful, craving thy favour for the ninth time, Agni; / Tryaruna who with attentive spirit accepteth many a song from me the mighty." Just as in Hale's verse Tryaruna is to be taken as the asura of its first half, so here he is to be taken as identical with Trasadasyu of the verse's beginning. In Sri Aurobindo's reading... reading, the three dawns constitute in Tryaruna Trasadasyu the state of a demi-god, man turned into the Indra-type. Interpreting as "the disperser of the destroyers" the name "Trasadasyu" which literally means "one who makes the Dasyus tremble", Sri Aurobindo 513 translates verse 3: "For thus has he done desiring thy grace of mind, new-given for him new-manifested, - he, the disperser of the destroyers ...
... the Veda The Twenty-Seventh Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Strength and Illumination [The Rishi under the figure of the demigod, Traivrishna Tryaruna Trasadasyu, and the seer Ashwamedha, symbolises the fulfilment in the human mentality of the illumination of the God-Mind Indra, and the power of the God-Will, Agni in the vitality. The Mind-Soul, destroyer... × The Triple Bull is Indra, lord of the three luminous realms of Swar, the Divine Mind; Tryaruna Trasadasyu is the half-god, man turned into the Indra type; therefore he is described by all the usual epithets of Indra, "Asura", "Satpati", "Maghavan". The triple dawn is the dawn of these three realms on... wain; as horses symbolising power of knowledge to the chariot of Indra, the liberated pure mind. × Trasadasyu; in all things he reproduces the-characteristics of Indra. × The seer by this self-fulfilment on ...
... × Or, O lord of the Riches, × Or, Fire of Trasadasyu. ...
... Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Tryaruna Traivrishna, Trasadasyu Paurukutsya, Ashwamedha Bharata SUKTA 27 अनस्वन्ता सत्पतिर्मामहे मे गावा चेतिष्ठो असुरो मघोनः । त्रैवृष्णो अग्ने दशभिः सहस्त्रैर्वैश्वानर त्र्यरुणश्चिकेत ॥१॥ 1) The Master of beings, the Holder of Plenty, the mighty Lord most awake to knowledge has made me largesse ...
... अग्निरत्रिं भरद्वाजं गविष्ठिरं प्रावन्नः कण्वं त्रसदस्युमाहवे । अग्निं वसिष्ठो हवते पुरोहितो मृळीकाय पुरोहितः ॥५॥ 5) Fire protected Atri and Bharadwaja and Gavishthira, protected for us Kanwa and Trasadasyu in the battle, Fire Vasishtha the vicar priest calls, the vicar priest calls him for grace. ...
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