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Tripour Tripura : Tripurāsura name of the Asura Bāṇa, because he received as a gift three cities (Tripura) from Shiva, Brahma & Vishnu. He was slain by Shiva.

15 result/s found for Tripour Tripura

... of bamboos fluting shrill;     Thou thundering in the mountain-glens with cry     Of drums shouldst the sublime orchestra fill. Page 258 "Of Tripour slain are singing" ( tripuravijayo gīyate ) requires little comment. The word tripura means the "three cities" [and] refers to the three material qualities of rajas, sattva & tamas , light, passion & darkness, which have to be slain by... English] this is "The bamboos filling with the winds are noising sweetly, the Tripour-conquest is being sung by the glued-together Kinnaries; if thy thunder should be in the glens like the sound on a drum the material of the concert of the Beast-Lord is to be complete there, eh?" My own translation runs     Of Tripour slain in lovely dances joined     And linkèd troops the Oreads of the hill     Are ...

... A Captive of Her Love 20.6.1958 Today I have a meat holiday. Tripura's husband has his birthday and he did not want any meat. So I gave more time to the "garden". It is so funny - a garden in flower-pots. Everything grows so quickly - you cannot imagine - but there are also more different pests to be fought than in Europe. I do my work and practise being ...

... then? Damn fine? That would be Shakespeare. You seem to have told Doraiswamy that nobody has told you anything about Tripura. How is that? In yesterday's report there was her condition stated! [ Mother :] I never said such a thing to Duraiswami. I simply asked him how Tripura was to-day . Venkatram and Nagin continue the soup. Is it necessary? [ Mother :] They might be asked if they still... November 1938 No, you didn't send me Dilipda's English poem What the deuce has happened to it then? These dematerialisation are very annoying. Tripura has a nutlike swelling just on the wrist. Looks like bursitis. I wonder if 7 or 8 hrs. of embroidery daily should not be somewhat curtailed. [The Mother underlined "7 or 8 hrs."] It seems ...

... when he had finished with him, the man got up with the bend more than half straightened out! On another occasion an old gentleman (a Bengali) came, accompanied by his doctor son. They came from Tripura. They said the old man had Parkinson’s Disease. He shook all over. They had tried the usual, conventional medication. (They came here as one of Birenda’s old acquaintances had met them on a train, ...

... transformation of attitude, as Sri Aurobindo put it. "At one time, before the Swadeshi movement, our people were terribly afraid of these Europeans. But after 1. U. Dutt (1885-1965) came from Tripura. The sentence was changed on appeal to life imprisonment. Along with Barin and a few others he was deported to the Andamans where he remained a prisoner until 1920. Page 278 that ...

... civil Page 95 war in East Pakistan, he, accompanied by his elder brother made his escape. Trudging along a perilous route from the farthest end of Chittagong and crossing the border at Tripura, he arrived one day at the Ashram. When the Mother was told about it, she exclaimed, "Good Lord!" That’s all. So the boy’s destiny brought him back. After this, there were minor troubles, and complaints ...

... a memorable experience in Suvrata’s French class — it was held in the Library-cum-reading room in the Ashram — that she and Tripura joined; X and Y were also there. "One day, Suvrata told us that there would be no class the next day, as she was going to Madras. So, Tripura and I spent the next day doing our embroidery work. Now, Suvrata did not go to Madras and came to take her class and was angry... with her daughter Nagammal and son-in-law Ramaswami with their daughters Ramani and Lalitha, his elder brothers Kumaraswamy and his wife (a sister of T.V. Kapali Shastriar) with their children Tripura and Mani, and Chinnaswamy and his wife Mangalammal with their son Nagaswami (Swami), and his sister Rukmini (a posthumous child, widowed at an early age) and her child. Soon afterwards, Mangalammal... women wearing sarees and veiling their faces when outside. Then, when she began the Playground activities for the children, she encouraged adult sadhaks and sadhikas also to join. [ Rukmini, Amma, Tripura and Krishnamma were among those ladies, whom, asked by the Mother, Madeleine (a sadhika) taught keep-fit exercises. Amma even tried out some anti-rheumatic movements, exercising the joints from ...

... "the threefold structure of the Asura forts, which lives forth in the Hindu myth of the Tripura or 'triple fort' of the demons destroyed by Śiva." He continues: "It is clear from S[atapatha] B[rahmana] 6,3,3,24-25 that a tripura consisted of three concentric circular walls...." It is implied that the Tripura myth, first recorded in the Brāhmaṇas, enshrines a distant recollection of three-walled... originally the gods of the enemy. He points out that the Tripura belongs to the Asuras, while the gods are initially at a disadvantage because they have no forts of their own. This situation, Parpola says, reflects that of the invading Aryans who, "as could be expected of recently arrived invaders of a country, had no forts themselves." The Tripura myth does not prove much. 219 For one thing, there... in Afghanistan or elsewhere. If we are to be convinced that the Aryans encountered anything of the nature of a tripura as they advanced towards India, we may reasonably demand some indication of it in the Rigveda itself. But apart from the fact that the expression tripura occurs nowhere in this scripture, is it not curious that while the Rigveda describes forts variously with terms like 'broad' ...

... east of India, flows the cascading Brahamputra. The waters of the Brahmaputra travel all the way from China to the plains of the Indian state of Assam. Further northeast are seven other states of Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland , Mizoram,and Sikkim — together known as the seven sisters. The two rivers Narmada and Tapti in central and western India have the ...

... Tonyuquq inscription, 321 Trasādasyu, 283, 286-90, 330, 408, 409-10 Tripathi, Dr. Vibha, 239 triple fort, 297-305 triplicity, 300-304 Tripolye, 261, 264 tripura, 297-302, 306 Trita, 329 trivrsan/trivṛṣṇa, 406-7 Tṛṣṭāmā, 284 Trtsus, 354-8 trumpets, 205, 233 Tryaruna, 406-8, 410 Tureng Tepe, 293 Turkestān ...

... samples of the translator's art: "Dark like the cloudy foot of highest God When starting from the dwarf-shape world-immense With Titan-quelling step through heaven he strode." Of Tripour slain in lovely dances joined And linked troops the Oreads of the hill Are singing and inspired with rushing wind Sweet is the noise of bamboos fluting shrill; Thou thundering in ...

... whom are present all the Four Personalities of the Adya-Shakti spoken of by Sri Aurobindo as presiding over the course of the Earth's Evolution .... In Her he adored his Ista Devata, Sri Lalita Tripura Sundari, and surrendered his entire Sadhana to Her. ... Pandit also refers to a fellow-disciple of Sastriar who couldn't accept the divinity of the Mother and was told by Sastriar: "You will ...

... Aurobindo and the disciples 242, 247 brings down overmental Gods 243-5, 340-1 (cf232) management of the Ashram and the sadhaks 248ff, 251ff, 296-7, 339ff, 445, 463-4, 479, 507, 589, 699 as Tripura Sundari and Sakambari 257-8, 339, 600 strict regimen of work 286, 460-1, 489 evening drives and meditations 287 at the 'Soup ceremony' 287ff, 341 (cf 195) Powers and Personalities 292ff, 529 ...

... and individual identity alike. Perhaps, at this distance of time, it is hardly necessary to blame the leaders on either side for what happened at Surat. The Congress nearly split again at Tripura in 1939, and split spectacularly during 1969. The leaders who figured in the 1907 split were not all of a piece. Between Mehta at one extreme end and Sri Aurobindo at the other, there were so many ...

... India and Pakistan rose as a result of widespread communal rioting in East Pakistan, retaliatory attacks in India, and the consequent flight of Hindus from East Pakistan into West Bengal, Assam and Tripura, and Muslims from India into Pakistan. On 2 April 1950, Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan of Pakistan came to India to discuss these problems with Prime Minister Nehru. Six days later the two men signed ...