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Tros : early Trojan prince, son of Erichthanius, grandson of Dardanus after whom were name the region of the Troad & the Trojans.

4 result/s found for Tros

... disturbing a kernel, And when they cavorted across the broad back of the brine, They would skim the high waves that break on the gray salt-sea; Erichthonius, then, begot Tros, King of the Trojans, And Tros had three matchless sons Assaracus, Ilus, And godlike Ganymede, the best looking boy ever born, So handsome the gods caught him up to Olympus, that he Might live with ...


... regal procession Marching in front and behind and the tramp of their feet was a rhythm Tuned to the arrogant fortunes of Ilion ruled by incarnate Demigods, Ilus and Phryx and Dardanus, Tros of the conquests, Tros and far-ruling Laomedon who to his soul's strong labour Drew down the sons of the skies and was served by the ageless immortals. Into the agora vast and aspirant besieged by its columns... their hopes and the void their stirrings of action.     "Eviller fate there is none than life too long among mortals. I have conversed with the great who have gone, I have fought in their war-cars; Tros I have seen, Laomedon's hand has dwelt on my temples. Now I behold Laocoon, now our greatest is Paris. First when Phryx by the Hellespont reared to the cry of the ocean Hewing her stones as vast... summer. Gladly the harried coasts reposed confessing the Phrygian, Caria, Lycia's kings and the Paphlagon, strength of the Mysian; Minos' Crete recovered the sceptre of old Rhadamanthus. Ilus and Tros had strength in the fight like a far-striding Titan's: Troy triumphant following the urge of their souls to the vastness, Helmeted, crowned like a queen of the gods with the fates for her coursers ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Laocoon: Trojan prince, son of Priam and priest of Apollo. He prophesies that Troy shall triumph and spurs the Trojans on to their destruction. Laomedon: A legendary king of Troy, grandson of Tros and father of Priam. He employed Apollo and Poseidon to build the walls of Troy, but cheated them of their payment, as a result of which Poseidon sent a sea monster to ravage the land. Heracles killed... Greeks mainly to destroy this control. Excavations have discovered on the site of Troy a series of towns one above the other dating back to the third millennium BC. The city of Priam, named after Tros and also known Page 125 The ruins of Troy as Ilium or Ilion, was built on the ruins of earlier cities and was surrounded by a massive wall erected, according to ...


... range on my table. Constancy most I love, nobility, virtue and courage; Fugitive hearts I abhor and the nature fickle as sea-foam. Now if the ancient spirit of Titan battle is over,- Tros fights no more on the earth, nor now Heracles tramples and struggles, Bane of the hydra or slaying the Centaurs o'er Pelion driven, Now if the earth no more must be shaken by Titan horse-hooves ...
