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Twashtri : among Rig-Vedic gods, he is “the Fashioner of things” [SABCL 10:438]; among Puranic gods he is Viśvakarmā.

18 result/s found for Twashtri

... his passive aspects as the body of the infinite Light and the revelation. In his active power he is addressed by other names; then he is Savitri, from the same root as Surya, the Creator; or he is Twashtri the Fashioner of things; or he is Pushan, the Increaser,—appellations that are sometimes used as if identical with Surya, Page 477 sometimes as if expressing other forms and even other... creates for his accomplished Law and takes up his abode in that golden strength of his, the Seer robed in light who first stretched out his two arms of knowledge and power to create the world. He who as Twashtri the Fashioner of things attended always by the male godheads and their female energies, powers of Purusha and powers of Prakriti, made and makes all things, shall as Savitri create for man the thinker... recusant and the ill-doer, and the third administers always the seed of the creative word from the profundities of the soul; so too Earth and Heaven and the divine Waters and the great goddesses and Twashtri the Fashioner of things on whom they attend, either provide the field or bring and shape the material; but over the utter creation, over its perfect vast space and pure texture, over the sweet and ...


... horses of Indra, the car of Ashwins, the Cow that gives the sweet milk, the youth of the universal Parent and the multiplication into four of the one drinking-bowl of the gods originally fashioned by Twashtri, the Framer of things. Let us explore these accomplishments in some detail. (a) It is said that the Ribhus "fashioned by the mind for Indra his two bright steeds that are yoked by Speech, and... conditions are fulfilled by Ribhus, and they have thus fashioned immortality. (f) Ribhus have gone farther, and they have filled the physical consciousness, the single bowl which was framed by Twashtri, the Framer of things, with higher workings, and multiplied four-fold the original material body and perfected the four planes of the physical body, vital body, mental body and the causal or ideal ...

... to you entirely, to you with Indra companioned by the Maruts and with the Kings, the sons of Aditi. उत त्यं चमसं नवं त्वष्टुर्देवस्य निष्कृतम् । अकर्त चतुरः पुनः ॥६॥ 6) And this bowl of Twashtri new and perfected you made again into four. ते नो रत्नानि धत्तन त्रिरा साप्तानि सुन्वते । एकमेकं सुशस्तिभिः ॥७॥ 7) So establish for us the thrice seven ecstasies, each separately by perfect... horses of Indra, the car of the Ashwins, the Cow that gives the sweet milk, the youth of the universal Parents, the multiplication into four of the one drinking-bowl of the gods originally fashioned by Twashtri, the Framer of things. The hymn opens with an indication of its objective. It is an affirmation of the power of the Ribhus made for the divine Birth, made by men whose minds have attained to i... harmony, its power and aspiration, its pure and happy enjoyment of things. 10 And there at the sacrifice the gods drink in the fourfold bowl, camasaṁ caturvayam , the pourings of the nectar. For Twashtri, the Framer of things, has given man originally only a single bowl, the physical consciousness, the physical body in which to offer the delight of existence to the gods. The Ribhus, powers of luminous ...


... असुरस्य वीरान् of II.30. 4 भुवनस्य सक्षणिः. S. भूतजातस्य सेवनीयः; but सक्षणिः surely governs भुवनस्य, and is not its object, perhaps it means, he who cleaves to, embraces the world to enjoy it. Twashtri is the Deva as Maker, Lord and Enjoyer of the world through the female energies, ग्नाः—the image of the Vrishabha & the Cows, the Lord and the Wife or Wives always present in the Veda. “पुरंधिः”... power has to take possession of it as the horse that attains to the goal सप्तिर्न रथ्यो अह धीतिमश्याः (1) Mitra, Varuna, Adityas, Rudras, Vasus. (2) Visve Devah. (3) Indra and the Maruts. (4) Twashtri, the “Gna”s, Bhaga, Brihaddiva, Rodasi, Pusha, Purandhi (Suryâ), A¸cwins. (5) Day & Night, Earth & Heaven. (6) Ahir Budhnya, Aja Ekapad, Trita, Ribhuksha, Savitri, Apam Napat. (7) Visve Devah. ...


... sacred chant, are the strongest point of the naturalistic theory of Vedic worship; they are undoubtedly storm-gods and no other of the greater Vedic deities, Agni or the Ashwins or Varuna and Mitra or Twashtri and the goddesses or even Surya the Sun or Usha the Dawn have such a pronounced physical character. If then these storm-gods can be shown to have a psychological character and symbolism, then there ...


... त्रितो गाः ॥८॥ 8) Trita Aptya discovered the weapons of the Father and missioned by Indra went to the battle; he smote the Three-headed, the seven-rayed and let loose the ray-cows of the son of Twashtri the form-maker. भूरिविन्द्र उदिनक्षन्तमोजोऽवाभिनत् सत्पतिर्मन्यमानम् । त्वाष्ट्रस्य चिद्विश्वरुपस्य गोनामाचकाणस्त्रीणि शीर्षा परा वर्क् ॥९॥ 9) Indra, the master of beings, broke that great ...


... ster of the riches, ever fashioning all immortal things" (I.72.1). 6 "...come to be with us like a Form-Maker coming to the forms he has to carve" (VIII.I02.8). 7 "Thou art Twashtri and fashionest fullness of force for thy worshipper" (II.1.5). 8 _______ 1 Ibid., p. 51. 2Ibid., p. 55. 3 Ibid., p. 84. 4 Ibid., p. 50. 5 Ibid., p. 54. ...


... each other" – alternately. "Hari", "full of coloured light" ; •jSukra, "white, shining white". Suvarca, "full of bright light." Dasa yuvatayah (1.95.2)' "Ten young women bear the child – garbha – by Twashtri" Here Sanskrit sentence is to be inserted [1.95.2.] 8-7-1924 Sri Aurobindo  : This idea of poverty was never the Hindu ideal, not even for the Brahmin. Gandhi has advised the ...

... divine births, form within himself vast and luminous worlds for his soul to inhabit. By the word of the Truth the all-engendering Surya creates; by that rhythm Brahmanaspati evokes the worlds and Twashtri fashions them; finding the all-puissant Word in his intuitive heart, shaping it in his mind the human thinker, the mortal creature can create in himself all the forms, all the states and conditions ...


...     squint-eyed IV. With restraint. To bind, fasten टंक्     to bind, fasten.     टंकनं binding, tying. V. Formative. To make, form टुः     One who changes shape at will (probably a name of Twashtri) Consistency. I. To stand; abide; be firm     टक्कर Shiva टा      an oath (cf धर्म etc)     टंकटीकः Shiva टंकः      leg (-कं, -का, -गा)      B. []Bengali Text] टंकः (-कं)      slope ...


... accent, was a matter of supreme importance to the Vedic ritualists; for on scrupulous accuracy depended the effectuality of the sacrifice. We are told, for instance, in the Brahmanas the story of Twashtri who, performing a sacrifice to produce an avenger of his son slain by Indra, produced, owing to an error of accentuation, not a slayer of Indra, but one of whom Indra must be the slayer. The prodigious ...


... वयं प्रजा दस्यूंश्चातित्रामंतो भवेम ।। [Sy.] May we enjoy those men who by thy protections hurt all rivals & also hurt the destroyers; to us make that subject; thou didst make Visvarupa son of Twashtri subject; also to observe friendship thou didst make him subject to Trita. सारव्यस्य । The genitive of purpose. Cf V.41.[20] सिषक्तु न ऊर्जव्यस्य पुष्टेः. For us who shall conquer breaking by ...


... who are not assailed, cannot be attacked by the ignorance and darkness, cause of our suffering. × Twashtri. × The Divine as the Fashioner of things pervades all that He fashions both with His immutable ...


... our portion in the winning of the knowledge. त्वमग्ने त्वष्टा विधते सुवीर्यं तव ग्नावो मित्रमहः सजात्यम् । त्वमाशुहेमा ररिषे स्वश्वयं त्वं नरां शर्घो असि पुरुवसुः ॥५॥ 5) O Fire, thou art Twashtri and fashionest fullness of force for thy worshipper; thine, O friendly Light, are the goddess-Energies and all oneness of natural kind. Thou art the swift galloper and lavishest good power of the ...


... itself. It is indeed realised in the Saguna Brahman, but not in the Ishwara (Lilamaya). The fusion of Indra into the Agni-Vayu-Aryaman (containing already Mitra-Varuna-Surya-Bhaga-Aswins-Brihaspati-Twashtri-Maruts-Ribhus) seems to have been effected. The female energies have already been resumed in the Mahakali bhava. Only shadows now remain of the separate bhavas, shadows that are about to be ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... heaven. Singing the word of illumination in the law of thy self-empire. (14) When, O master of the Stone, all that moves and all that is Page 226 stable trembles with thy shouting, Twashtri even is shaken with fear before thy passion. Singing the word of illumination in the law of thy self-empire. (15) We cannot hold him by our thought; who is above Indra in energy? The Gods have ...


... inhabit. The secret potency of the Word is realised when we realise that it is by the Word of the Truth that all-engendering Surya Greates; by the rhythm of the Word Brahmanspati evokes the worlds and Twashtri fashions them; finding the all-puissant Word in his intuitive heart, shaping it in his mind the human sinker, the mortal creature can create in himself all the onus, all the states and conditions ...


... Agni to whom language of so mystic a fervour is addressed, to whom functions so vast and profound are ascribed?" 25 In one Hymn (II.i), Agni is addressed as Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Varuna, Twashtri, Pushan, Savitri, Bhaga, Ribhu, Aditi, Bharati, Ila and Saraswati! In another, again, there is this multiple-identification: Thou art Varuna, O Fire, when thou art born, thou becomest Mitra ...