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Tydeus : father of Diomedes & son of Oeneus, king of Calydon in Aetolia. He was one of the leaders in the Greek invasion of Thebes.
... hear and are blind with the aegis of Pallas. Who then sustained so long this Troy, if the gods are against her? Even the hills could not stand save upheld by their concert immortal. Now not with Tydeus' son, not now with Odysseus and Ajax Trample the gods in the sound of their chariot-wheels, victory leading: Argos falls red in her heaps to their scythes; they shelter the Trojans; Victory unleashed... to leap on my victims. Learn shall all men on that day how a warrior deals with his foemen." Page 426 Darting flames from his eyes the barbarian sate, and there rose up Frowning Tydeus' son, the Tirynthian, strong Diomedes. "Ajax Oileus, thy words are foam on the lips of a madman. Cretan Idomeneus, silence the vaunt that thy strength can fulfil not. Strong art thou, fearless in... the earth and dominate Time and his ages. Nor on their left less thick came numerous even as the sea-sands Forth from the line of the leaguer that skirted the far-sounding waters, Ranked behind Tydeus' son and the Spartan, bright Menelaus, Ithaca's chief and Epeus, Idomeneus lord of the Cretans, Acamas, Nestor, Neleus' son, and the brave Ephialtus, Prothous, Meges, Leitus the bold and the king ...
... among men he arrived to the clamorous labours of Ares, Close by the stern Diomedes stood and frowned o'er the battle. He for the Trojan slaughter chose for his mace and his sword-edge Iron Tydeus' son and the adamant heart of young Pyrrhus. Page 95 But in the courts divine the Father high of the immortals Turned in his heart to the brilliant offspring born of his musings ...
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