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Ubhayabharati : a Kashmiri Shaivite Panditā was wife of Maṇḍana Miśra. In the Shankara-Vijaya she is chosen to adjudicate a śāstrārtha between her husband & Shankarāchārya. She ruled in favour of the latter, but later she baulked him by questioning him on Kāma Śāstra. The great Shankara, after acquiring the requisite knowledge, subsequently defeated her. Ubhayabhārati was considered to be an emanation of Saraswati, the goddess of learning.
... GURU You cannot slay Maya; you can only slay Moha, the illusion Page 166 of Maya; her you can only conquer and put her under your feet. You remember that Shankara after conquering Ubhayabharati, made her living body his asan of meditation; that is the symbol of the Yogi and the wonderful twofold Maya of the Eternal. He has conquered her & put her beneath him, but it is still upon her ...
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