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Uddhava : the scholarly disciple of Sri Krishna.
... other hand, the wisest counsel seems to have been given by Voltaire who advised the inquirers to learn from anywhere and everywhere, even Science from the Chinese. In our Indian legends we know that Uddhava did not hesitate to accept and learn Page 78 from more than a dozen Gurus. That is as it should be if we would have a mind and consciousness large and vast and all-encompassing. ... consciousness immeasurably innumerably in other bodies, in the unbarred expanse of the cosmic and the transcendent. The two experiences are not contradictory, rather they reinforce each other. Uddhava might have had numberless teachers and instructors, but the Guru of his soul was Sri Krishna alone, none other. We may learn many things from many places, from books, from nature, from persons; intuitions ...
... other hand, the wisest counsel seems to have been given by Voltaire who advised the inquirers to learn from anywhere and everywhere, even Science from the Chinese. In our Indian legends we know that Uddhava did not hesitate to accept and learn from more than a dozen Gurus. That is as it should be if we would have a mind and consciousness large and vast and all-encompassing. And yet there is a question... consciousness immeasurably, innumerably in other bodies, in the unbarred expanse of the cosmic and the transcendent. The two experiences are not contradictory, rather they reinforce each other. Uddhava might have had numberless teachers and instructors, but the Guru of his soul was Sri Krishna alone, none other. We may learn many things from many places, from books, from nature, from persons; intuitions ...
... Symbol, 129n., 163n., 165-6n., 225 Sridhara,21 Sutras, the, 68 TAGORE, 209 Tamas, the, 37,152 Tilak, 2 I Tintoretto, 210 Titan,45-6,66,80,209,226,253,349 Titian, 210 UDDHAVA, 99, 101 Ulysses, 293 Page 433 Upanishads, the, 10, 13, 29, 57, 63, 68, 71, 74, 78n., 83, 120, 143-4, 180, 207, 225, 263, 305 -Aitar_a,80,83 -Bri ...
... and clear calm. Dāsya is the love of the servant for the Master, of which Hanuman is the legendary type. Sakhya is the love between two friends, the Divine and the human soul, of which Arjuna, Uddhava, Sudâmâ etc. are the recognised models. Vātsalya is the love of the mother for her child. In this form of bhakti God is loved as one's own child, who is dearer than life itself. Yashoda, the mother ...
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