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20 result/s found for United States of America

... Roosevelt was determined and conscious of what was at stake for the free world. He decided that the United States would lend England what she needed. Monnet was still not satisfied, "The United States of America will have to supply that which will allow England to surpass the German force in 1942. In order to have suitable equipment in 1942, this effort has to be decided, planned and started now.... period was out of proportion to his official position and many Americans testified to his role in the Victory Programme. After the war the well-known economist Keynes would say, "When the United States of America entered the war, Roosevelt was presented with an aircraft production programme which all the American experts thought would require a miracle. Jean Monnet was bold enough to find it inadequate ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... embodiment than Prussian hegemony or Hohenzollern Empire. 1 In both these historic instances, as in so many others, the unification of Saxon England, mediaeval France, the formation of the United States of America, it was a real unity, a psychologically distinct unit which tended at first ignorantly by the subconscious necessity of its being and afterwards with a sudden or gradual awakening to the sense ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... group loses by not possessing a separate tongue of its own or by exchanging its natural self-expression for an alien form of speech, can be seen by the examples of the British colonies, the United States of America and Ireland. The colonies are really separate peoples in the psychological sense, although they are not as yet separate nations. English, for the most part or at the lowest in great part, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... administration of the community, secondly, a great freedom of individual temperament and action. But neither of these characteristics can flourish in the modern type of democracy, although in the United States of America there was at one time a tendency to a certain extent in this direction. In large States, the personal share of each citizen in the government cannot be effective; he can only have an equal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... complete breakdown of the maintenance of the troops brought the advance to a standstill. Moscow would never be taken. This failure, together with Hitler’s baffling declaration of war with the United States of America, on 11 December, marked the turning point of the war in Europe. A frustrated Hitler blamed the turn of events on his generals, accusing them of a lack of faith – Glaube – in Nazism and its ...


... as a surprise to many: “The Nazi principle of Nordic superiority was not hatched in the Third Reich but on Long Island decades earlier.” 24 Long Island is part of New York State in the United States of America. “Eugenics was conceived at the onset of the twentieth century and implemented by America’s wealthiest, most powerful and most learned men against the nation’s most vulnerable and helpless ...

... London on seventy-five consecutive nights in which forty-thousand people died. No wonder that Churchill felt an immense relief when, because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, the United States of America was finally forced to enter the war on its side. Fully realizing the power of its new ally, he considered the war won from that very day. “Our history would not come to an end … ” he wrote ...


... months before his death. Churchill on the left, Stalin on the right. Triumphant Courage Introduction Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected four times as President of the United States of America. Nobody did it before him and nobody will in the future as now American presidents can only be elected twice. FDR., as he was popularly known, had the most eventful presidency. He took office ...

... to your reply. Yours sincerely, Brad Adams Executive Director Asia Division This extract only proves that the Western powers and the United States of America are being slowly compelled to withdraw their support to Pakistan. The leadership might dither and hesitate but world circumstances and political forces will compel them to see the hard truth ...

... always developed a centripetal force as well and arrived inevitably at organized oneness. This is clearly illustrated in the unification of Saxon England, mediaeval France, the formation of the United States of America; in all these cases, it was a real unity, a psychologically distinct unit which tended and has been driven, at first ignorantly by the subconscious necessity of its being and afterwards with ...

... March 1926. A note on the psychic being, dictated by Sri Aurobindo and revised by him before being sent. To People in America, 1926 - 1927 . These letters were written to people in the United States of America who had read the Arya and written to Sri Aurobindo. Most of them are preserved only in the form of drafts found among his manuscripts. To Mr. and Mrs. Sharman. Early 1926 . Maude ...


... of the democratic idea as such, but to lack of stability on the part of the heads of governments and to the impersonal character of the electoral system. I believe that in this respect the United States of America have found the right way. They have a responsible President who is elected Page 256 Albert Einstein Page 257 for a sufficiently long period and has sufficient powers ...


... Crucifixion. Bible used The Revised Standard Version of the Bible is copyrighted by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America as follows: the Old Testament section, Copyright 1952; New Testament Section, First Edition, Copyright 1946; Second Edition, Copyright 1971. The address of the copyright holder is 475 Riverside ...


... homeland; it cannot be transported to India in this century and after this Great War. To be and remain free and strong and invincible, India must be and remain indivisible. The strength of the United States of America, of the United Soviets of the Russias, of the British Commonwealth ( pace Churchill) lies precisely in each one of them being a large unified aggregate, all members pooling their resources ...

... all this is practicable provided that we all collaborate in the difficult task of evolving the needed means and techniques. Not long ago, a very important report was brought out in the United States of America under the title "The Nation at Risk"; it was a powerful statement of the challenges that the American educational system is confronted with; it can be said that our nation is even at a greater ...

... stories of courage of the handicapped, that of Roosevelt is perhaps exceptionally inspiring, particularly when we realize that, undaunted by his crippling paralysis, he became President of the United States of America in 1933. Not only that, even while continuing his grim battle against the debilitating effects of his illness, he was re-elected President in 1936, 1940 and 1944. Roosevelt is one of the ...

... the Turk. Similar is the example of Italy and in the example of Germany. In all these cases, as was in many others, the unification of Saxon England, medieval France, the formation of the United States of America, Sri Aurobindo points out that there was a real unity, a psychological distinct unit which tended at first ignorantly by the subconscious necessity of its being and afterwards with a sudden ...

... homeland; it cannot be transported to India in this century and after this Great War. To be and remain free and strong and invincible, India must be and remain indivisible. The strength of the United States of America, of the united Soviets of the Russias, of the British Commonwealth (pace Churchill) lies precisely in each one of them being a large unified aggregate, all members pooling their resources ...


... Naturally, given the condition, the advance of geographical discoveries and sciences considerably slowed down. 1 America's War of Independence (1775-83) which subsequently formed the United States of America. 2 Burns, Lerner, Meacham, Western Civilizations, vol. 1. The historical facts have been taken generally from this book, as well as from Encyclopaedia Universalis, 'decouvertes (grandes) ...

... to those employed in the United States. The American surgeon was deeply impressed. Full of admiration he then proceeded to the ENT theatre. He saw there a team of Russian surgeons engrossed in a surgical operation: the patient was lying unconscious on the table and a very large portion of his neck just Page 118 below his left ear was found cut open. The American doctor enquired: "Tell... imagine how the patient reacted to this added piece of information coming from the lips of the much-practising surgeon! (5)Now a piece of American joke with its habitual dig at the pre-Gorbachevian system prevailing in the Soviet Union. An American surgeon was on a visit to a reputed Moscow hospital. He saw there the Soviet doctors doing many difficult and complicated operations with great... ear." "Then?" The Soviet surgeon replied: "We have been operating on the tonsils of his throat." Terribly puzzled the visiting American exclaimed: "Tonsilitis? If so, why are you cutting his ear?" The Russian surgeon kept quiet for some time and then whispered to the American: "This is the only feasible way of doing tonsilitis operation here; for, in our country the rule is that none should open one's ...