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Uranus : (1) son of Gaea, goddess of the Earth, he was the god of the Skies, the first ruler of the Universe; he was father of the Titans, the Cyclopes (one-eyed giants), & the Hecatoncheires (100-armed friendly giants). (2) seventh planet in order of distance from the Sun, & the third largest of the planets of our solar system; discovered by the English astronomer Sir (Frederick) William Herschel it was for some time called Herschel. But even in the year of the planet’s discovery a German astronomer suggested Uranus, which name was eventually accepted.

10 result/s found for Uranus

... children of Gaea, the Earth, and Uranus the Sky. Father of six Greek gods: Zeus. Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. He swallowed each of his own children at birth, but Zeus escaped. After a protracted struggle he and the other titans were vanquished. Cyclops: One of a family of gigantic one eyed-being who, like the titans, were son of Uranus and Gaea (Heaven and Earth) and older... love, beauty and fertility. She was the daughter of Zeus and Dione according to Homer. In another account, she arose from the foam of the sea that gathered around the severed genital organ of Uranus when his son Cronus, the Titan, mutilated him. She instigated the abduction of Helen by Paris; in the war which resulted, she aids her son Aeneas and the Trojans. Apollo: Greek god of music... Oceanus: The primitive Greeks imagined an immense river which formed a liquid girdle around the Universe. It lay beyond the sea and embraced the sea without however mingling with its waters. Son of Uranus and of Gaea, the river Ocean or Oceanus had himself neither source nor outlet, but gave birth to all the rivers, the entire sea, to all the waters which gushed from the earth, to all deep wells ...


... of brinjal and typhoid won't have any chance. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Quite welcome. PURANI: He has brought out new planes. Uranus SRI AUROBINDO: And Pluto. Uranus, he says, is more psychic in nature. NIRODBARAN: How can that be when Stalin is under Uranus? SRI AUROBINDO: Why not? Dictators sometimes bring about profound changes. Daladier also. It is the planet of the dictators. ...


... has discovered many new planes now which weren't known before and couldn't be used by astrologers. SRI AUROBINDO: He speaks of Uranus as well as Neptune; there is one Kutsa which I haven't heard of. But he has placed all these new planets in his calculations. Uranus seems to be the planet of dictators. Stalin is one and Daladier also. PURANI: Daladier also? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he is now coming ...


... universal sound: This is the day — When Love spings and folds over The world Its healing wings. Keats's Hyperion, a great attempt in epic code, similarly poetises the fall of Uranus (representing the rule of shapeless chaos) at the hands of Saturn (representing the rule of cosmic order), and his fall in turn at the hands of Apollo (Jove), the Power of Light and Beauty. Here ...

... with some of the influences on his thought, but there were many others. There was e.g. John Herschel’s Introduction to the Study of Natural Philosophy (Darwin had met the astronomer, discoverer of Uranus, in Cape Town). And there was more recently Robert Chambers’ Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation , a theory of evolution in the Lamarckian way, published anonymously for the sake of safety ...

... divinity in the Wind and Air or at most of the physical Life-breath. In the lesser gods the naturalistic interpretation has less ground for confidence; for it is obvious that Varuna is not merely a Vedic Uranus or Neptune, but a god with great and important moral functions; Mitra and Bhaga have the same psychological aspect; the Ribhus who form things by the mind and build up immortality by works can with ...


... Moon and other planets for sustaining life are not propitious. Sri Aurobindo : Why not ? The same conditions must not be there. There can be other conditions and other forms ! Disciple : Uranus-Sirus is a double planet. The matter of one has fifty thousand times the density of water. We cannot form an idea of such matter, but it exists there in that form ! Sri Aurobindo : It is one ...

... earth. There are seven old planets, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and two others in process of creation, Rahou & Ketou. In addition there are two dead planets corresponding to Uranus & Herschel and two others not yet discovered. These are called aprakashita graha, unrevealed or unmanifest planets. The last four have no appreciable results except in certain physical and mental details ...


... evidently the master of right knowledge, wide, self-luminous & all-containing in the world-consciousness & in human consciousness. His physical connection with the all-containing ether,—for Varuna is Uranus, the Greek Akasha, & wideness is constantly associated with him in the Veda,—leads us to surmise that he may also be the master in the ideal faculty, ritam brihat, where he dwells, urukshaya, of pure ...


... and his noose, which in the Veda never pretends to be anything more than a psychological metaphor, has become the violent lasso of the ocean-god. European scholars have identified him with the Greek Uranus and perceiving something of his original ethereal nature have supposed a conceptual transference, a sort of fall or even a deposition from azure above to azure below. Indra, perhaps, becoming master ...
