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Urdu : Urdu, a Turkī word meaning “camp”, was originally a camp language of Mohammedan invaders who later settled in India, hence made up of words taken from Persian, Turkī, & Hindi. Its script is Persian which is written from right to left; used mainly by Muhammadans of northern India, it gradually developed a literature & produced many poets. It is the national language of Pakistan & also one of the official languages of India.

38 result/s found for Urdu

... Muslims has affected them in so many diverse ways that a new culture— GangaJamuni Tehzeeb —was born. Hindi and Urdu, both are products of this interaction. Amir Khusro (1255-1325 AD) was a disciple of Nizamuddin Aulia and was the first poet of Khari Boli from, which the twin sisters, Hindi and Urdu have developed. It is said that he wrote one lakh stanzas consisting of Paheliyan, do sukhna, mukarnian, ...

... Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Hardwar. Dr. D.R . Vij, Jalandhar. Professor Gautam Vohra, President, Development Research and Action Group, New Delhi. Shri Kadir Zaman, Authour in Urdu, Hyderabad. * * * Page 750 भारतीय दारनिक्श अनुसंधानपरिषद् Page 751 Page 752 Page 753 Page 754 Page... International Institute of Educational Research Professor Donald Kelman, Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research Shri Kadir Zaman, Author in Urdu Smt. Ajnali Jaipuria, Managing Trustee, The Mother's Institure of Research Dr. Shashi Prabha Kumar, Associate Professor, Centre for Sanskrit ...

... very much pleased with the answer, and instead of punishing him, gave him lots of priceless 112From "The Song of Wandering Aengus" (1899). 113Emperor, in Urdu. 114King of Kings, Protector of the World, in Urdu. Page 77 gifts. So this is the story as recorded, and the commentator adds that it is love alone that makes you a king or a queen, even though you may ...


... words become familiar. So there is no reason why one shouldn't have one's own language. DR. MANILAL: At present Urdu words are much favoured. SRI AUROBINDO: When we have Sanskrit, why should we leave it and go to Urdu? DR. MANILAL: What about a word like "collector" Isn't the Urdu equivalent—jilladhisha—preferable? SRI AUROBINDO: The English word "collector" is itself far better. DR. MANILAL ...


... among Hindus since the middle of the nineteenth century made the Aligarh movement increasingly politically oriented. Earlier in 1867 the Hindus in Banares had launched an agitation for the ouster of Urdu from courts. As years rolled by, Sir Sayyid also became increasingly fearful of the numerical, educational and economic superiority of the Hindus; this led to his demanding reservation of seats for... demands. The Hindu agitation for making Hindi the court language in U.P., Bihar and Oudh succeeded in 1890. As a response to this agitation, the Muslims under Nawab Muhsin-ul-Mulk organized the Urdu Defence Association in 1900. Before long, this Association took on the complexion of a political platform; it also became the forerunner of the All-India Muslim League. The Partition... purely administrative reasons; and it was only as a by-product that there came about the emergence of the Muslim majority province of East Bengal and Assam. According to the Muslim leaders, the anti-Urdu agitation in U.P., and Bihar; the cow-protection activities, the setting up of Shivaji Clubs, the demand for elections on a non-denominational basis which would preclude Muslims from getting elected ...

... you see lying in the road or on the mountain side may be a little page in nature's book and may be able to tell you something if you only knew how to read it. To be able to read any language, Hindi or Urdu or English, you have to learn its alphabet. So also you must learn the alphabet of nature before you can read her story in her books of stone and rock. Even now perhaps you know a little how to read... long time. But people in those days wrote beautifully and we have today many books in our libraries which were beautifully written by hand. In India we have specially books in Sanskrit and Persian and Urdu. Often the man who copied the book made flowers and drawings on the sides of the page. With the growth of cities, gradually countries and nations were formed. People who lived near each other in ...

... creation of Pakistan was a mistake. Addressing a meeting at Acton Town Hall in London last week, Hussain departed from his usual Urdu to declare in slow, measured English. "The division of the Indian subcontinent was the biggest blunder in the history of mankind." Then in Urdu: "What did I say?" Switching over to English, he then repeated his line on Partition all over again. Hussain spoke from "a stage ...

... Editorship of Sri Aurobindo with Speeches Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram Love Me or Die 09-April-1908 The Editor of the Urdu Swarajya has been warned to refrain from seditious writings. The Magistrate in conveying the warning unctuously remarked that "the Government never dissuades righteous criticism, it is only a dis ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... survivor will have nobody left to swap lines of poetry with from memory. His memory is more richly stored than mine - I believe he knows almost the whole of Ghalib and Iqbal by heart in the original Urdu or Persian. I don't think I can recite at short notice even my own poetical works in toto. But a good number of lines of English poetry float through my mind at all hours and if a particular word ...


... that—not like Raihana or Harm. So. But anyhow I am so glad to be sure it sounds Hindi all right. You see I had an early gift for languages— but I don't know Hindi thoroughly. I had once engaged an Urdu Professor at Calcutta to learn it and they all said (Malviyaji, Motilal Nehru, etc.) that my pronunciation was ideal. But it was because I was always a good reciter in all languages—when I sang German ...

... only a transitional being, so that at the highest height of manhood, man can transform himself into the higher state of super-manhood". In Page 69 regard to manhood, he cited an Urdu couplet which says, "yun to sadiyon se hai insan ka vajood, magar nigah aj bhi tarasti hai insan ke liye". (Man has existed for centuries, our eyes are yet thirsty to see the Man.) He also referred ...

... taste some specimens of Sri Aurobindo's humour on various matters 'literary'. (1) "Don't differentiate between Rama and Shyama, brother]" (The great medieval saint Kabir composed a song in Urdu, addressed to Lord Rama; Dilip Kumar translated this song into Bengali but in the process substituted Krishna for Rama. Sri Aurobindo commented on this change in the following words.) Page 180 ...

... textbooks are insensitive to the religious diversity of the Pakistani society. While the teaching of Islamiat is compulsory for Muslim students, on average over a quarter of the material in books to teach Urdu as a language is on one religion. The books on English have lessons with religious content. Islamiat is also taught in Social Studies classes. Thus, the entire education is heavily loaded with ...

... important point to note is that Jinnah's, and to an even greater extent, Liaquat's effectiveness was limited by the fact that they were immigrants from India. The fact that Jinnah had insisted on making Urdu the national language was resented by many ethnic groups, such as the Bengalis in East Pakistan, who had a pride in their language. Slowly and as a consequence of these problems, the Muslim League, ...

... AUROBINDO: Yes, and when he writes lyrics he is superb NIRODBARAN: Have you seen Iqbal's poems? Some hold he greater than Tagore. SRI AUROBINDO: I don't know what his poems are like Persian or Urdu. But the translations give me the impression that they haven't got as great and original a substance as Tagore's poetry. PURANI: Do present conditions permit the writing of an epic It is said that ...


... vanished and he was quite all right. So I asked Sri Aurobindo: "In one night, everything gone, Sir! Is it your Force?" Then He writes: "Subhan Allah! 299 With your 299 Glory to Allah, in Urdu - the words can also be used to denote the speakers surprise at and appreciation of a marvel. Page 255 diagnosis, one would have expected him to already be in paradise." (Laughter) ...


... it that? But then there are other minorities who will come in and say the same and their demands may be granted subject to the consent of the Muslims? PURANI: Looks like it. Some Muslim will say Urdu must be common language and Ramaswamy will say Tamil. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he will but he knows that it has no chance. PURANI: Vijay Raghavacharya has asked why these communal troubles in U.P. ...


... people; but the poetry of the regional tongues sprang straight from the heart of the people and its writers came from all classes from the Brahmin to the lowest Shudra and the outcaste. It is only in Urdu and to a less degree in the Southern tongues, as in Tamil whose great period is contemporaneous with the classical Sanskrit, its later production continuing during the survival of independent or se ...


... poem ‘Jivanmukta’ into Bengali way back in 1934! (see pp. 137-39) Sri Aurobindo’s poem was published in 1934 in a book titled Six Poems of Sri Aurobindo . He also knew Sanskrit and picked up some Urdu from his friend Prashanto. Vishwajit tried his level best to ruffle Bihari-da’s calm or rouse his ire — all to no avail — except once when he fed him a well cooked dish of pork, camouflaged with ...


... undeterred by his appearance, did talk to him found him exceedingly interesting. He talked slow and soft. His English was as you may guess the “King’s” — spiced with an occasional “sala;” or some other Urdu or Hindi word (expressive if not expletive). His work in the D.R. over, he may come out and head East, West, North or South — as fancy took him. Once I happened to meet him heading North from the ...


... one who, to all outward seeming, lived remote — almost in a far cloudland of unreality so far as we were concerned — and yet could inspire us with a deep sense of progressive fulfilment. I recall an Urdu ghazal which I once translated and often sang to describe this: Thou wok'st my heart to thy memory And mad'st the world parched, pale as sand : How shall I sing thy diamond ...


... primitive," like a picture all in intense lines, but only two or three essential lines at a time; the only colour is the hue of a single and very simple strong spiritual idea or emotion or experience. The Urdu poems are still more so. It is hardly possible to carry that over into modern poetry; the result would probably be instead of the bare sincerity of the original some kind of ostensible artificial a ...

... eminent gurus. Along with his academic studies, he devoted nearly 15 years to the study of all the available ancient music-treatises in Sanskrit, Telugu, Page 303 Bengali, Gujarati, Urdu, German, Greek and English with the help of scholars and interpreters. He also became proficient in Sanskrit. Esculap Dayashankar: Dr. Dayashankar came from a place near Pattan in Gujarat ...

... privileged leave & as soon as it is sanctioned shall make ready to start. I shall pass by Ajmere & stop for a day with Beno. My articles are with him; I will bring them on with me. As I do not know Urdu, or indeed any other language of the country, I may find it convenient to bring my clerk with me. I suppose there will be no difficulty about accommodating him. I got my uncle's letter inclosing ...


... spoken and finds room for many sides of his mind, he rarely loses the magical mood, the inspired no less than measured intonation. In the East two names have stood high in our own day, one in Urdu and Persian by a dynamic colourful passion of religious thought, the other in Bengali by a deep and exquisitely imaged devotionalism, and both by an intonation inspired and measured: Iqbal and Tagore ...


... In a sense, it is a moral code evolved for individuals which would not apply to the socio-political order of Islam. 7. Rivadari (Tolerance): One wonders what is the English equivalent of this Urdu term, Rivadari because 'tolerance' does not capture its whole meaning. In a sense, it is similar to forgiveness and means that one should avoid many an irritating nuisance, ignore small mistakes ...

... nothing, perhaps you 190These are noble characters in Bankim Chandra's novel. The author of the article is saying here that Sri Aurobindo is equal to all of them at once. 191Foreigner, in Urdu and Hindi. The word often carries a derogatory connotation. 192A temple to the Divine Mother who is representative of the nation. Page 135 didn't get the hint. Well, I did go to ...


... it can or cannot be done. NB: Can a Muthu** or a sadhak be ever a Sri Aurobindo, even if he is supramentalised? I say that it is absolutely impossible, impossible, a thousand times so. * Urdu term meaning "Glory to God". ** An illiterate servant of the Ashram. Page 165 Sri Aurobindo: What need has he to be a Sri Aurobindo? He can be a supramentalised Muthu! NB: ...

... in the understanding of painting, liberation of the mind in three days, transformation of Nature. × Urdu term meaning "Glory to God". × Oil used for insanity, composed of thirteen herbs and barks. Madhyam ...

... about my last month's salary without which I cannot very easily move. However I have written for a month's privileged leave and as soon as it is sanctioned shall make ready to start.... As I do not know Urdu, or indeed any other language of the country, I may find it convenient to bring my clerk with me. I suppose there will be no difficulty about accommodating him. I got my uncle's letter enclosing ...


... to tell you, but I have already published a little pamphlet containing most of the things that I have said and I have been saying and I think you can easily get that publication both in English and Urdu from the League Office. It might give you a clearer idea of our aims. It contains very important resolutions of the Muslim League and various other statements. Anyhow, I have placed before you the task ...

... motherland through writing, and, under a pen name, started writing novels dealing with problems of Hindu society. He worked as a journalist as well. By 1907 Premchand had established himself in Urdu letters but he was unhappy. His wife had left him for good. Without consulting his family he decided to marry a girl who had been widowed in childhood, a radical step in those days. In 1908 a collection ...

... to tell you, but I have already published a little pamphlet containing most of the things that I have said and I have been saying and I think you can easily get that publication both in English and Urdu from the League Office. It might give you a clearer idea of our aims. It contains very important resolutions of the Muslim League and various other statements. Anyhow, I have placed before you the task ...

... the well-known Indian classical musicians are not only Hindu but also Muslim. Thus Indian music has become one of the most powerful tools of cultural unification. Similarly in literature, the Urdu language is a beautiful language made up of different elements from the languages of India. All this has been brought beautifully in this extract from the writings of Sri Aurobindo on the spirit ...

... the sixth. In the last foot of seven syllables, there is a variation permitted in the arrangement of the long and short vowels so as to avoid a monotonous pattern in every line, as in the ghazal of Urdu or Persian or the doha in Hindi. These seven syllables are accordingly arranged in a varying combination of the short and long vowels, such as four-three, five-two, three-four, two-five, the last ...

... would be the divinised society of the future, and that would also be the true communistic society.* * At the Bombay Seminar on 'Sri Aurobindo and Indian Literature' (14 May 1972), more than one Urdu scholar (K.A. Faruqi, Malik Ram, Waheed Akhtar) referred to the similarities between Sir Mohammad Iqbal and Sri Aurobindo. Both had been critical of Sankara's Mayavada. Both had visualised a great future ...

... privileged leave and as soon as it is sanctioned shall make ready to start. I shall pass by Ajmere and stop for a day with Beno. My articles are with him; I will bring them on with me. As I do not know Urdu, or indeed any other language of the country, I may find it convenient to bring my clerk with me. I suppose there will be no difficulty about accommodating him. "I got my uncle's letter inclosing ...

... like German, Italian and Spanish. Back in India he had learned Bengali enough to produce original works in it, besides having more than a nodding acquaintance with Gujarati, Marathi and Hindusthan (Urdu). Who then better qualified than he to take up such lexicological work? He now turned his attention to Tamil, which he had begun at the Karmayogin Office in Calcutta. All that I knew. Page 366 ...