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Ushinars : people dwelling in Kashi (a kingdom in the Madhya Deshasee India), their king’s name was Ushinara.

2 result/s found for Ushinars

... Page 16 Narad said: Like Rantideva, the son of Sankriti, he is munificent within the means at his disposal; and like Shibi, the son of Ushinar, he is a counsellor of truth and is established in Brahmanhood. Like Yayati he is exceedingly bounteous, and is beautiful like the moon; this son of Dyumatsena, strong in build, is as handsome ...

... bright like the sun, has a sharp intellect like that of Brihaspati, is munificent like Rantideva, the son of Sanskrit, and like Yayati is exceedingly bounteous; in the manner of Shibi, the son of Ushinar, he is respectful to the learned and always speaks the truth; he is handsome like the moon and people often wonder whether he is one of the Ashwinikumars. He has mastered the senses and subdued passions ...