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... There. After that, you only have to keep quiet. You know, this telegram... ( Mother looks for it and hands it to Satprem ). "Deep gratitude for blessing. I am always at thy service." V. V. Giri He was elected, and this telegram was sent immediately: the time coincides.... Don't you find it interesting? Yes, very. ( silence ) It's after noting a considerable number of such... × C. D. Deshmukh. × V. V. Giri. × Sanjiva Reddy. × ...
... divine origin of life, and by uniting with this aspiration the whole country can recover a unity that has never ceased to exist for the superior mentality. 7 July 1968 ( Message for Shri V. V. Giri, President of India, who visited the Ashram ) Let us all work for the greatness of India. 14 September 1969 Page 368 ( Messages for Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India ...
... * Divine Power alone can help India. If you can build faith and cohesion in the country, it is much more powerful than any man-made power. * (Message for Shri V. V. Giri, President of India, who visited the Ashram) Let us all work for the greatness of India. 14 September 1969 * (Messages for Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister ...
... × All parties, including the Congress, are divided over the choice of a new president of India: Indira proposes V. V. Giri, who will be elected, while the "old Congress" proposes Sanjiva Reddy, who will become president in 1977. × ...
... until 1964, an album of the Mother’s photos taken in Her room in January-February 1960, on 21-2-68 (Her 90th birthday), the Mother with Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi, the Mother with President V. V. Giri, the Mother on 5-7-69, 5-7-70, 5-7-71, 21-2-72, etc. She always took a keen interest in this work and invariably encouraged me and made me feel that the work was very important for Her by rewarding ...
... elections. The strange and amusing part is that Mother gave her blessings to two candidates: V.V. Giri and Sanjiva Reddy; by some quirk of communications, Sanjiva Reddy was to receive them only... eight years later, on 13 July 1977, the very day on which he was elected president, after V. V. Giri's successor. (See The Hindu of July 14, 1977.) ...
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