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Vaidehie : Sītā daughter of Videha (q.v.)
... approached them unstringing first his mighty bow and they beholding him like a rising moon with wonder in their looks gazed at the fabric of his beauty'and its glory and softness and garbed grace and at Vaidehie too with unfailing eyelids they gazed and Luxman; for they were things of amazement to those dwellers in the woods. Great-natured sages occupied in doing good to all living things, they made him sit... sound. As soon as he saw Rama and Luxman and Sita Maithili he ran upon them in sore wrath like Death the ender leaping on the nations. And with a terrible roar that seemed to shake the earth he took Vaidehie up in his arms and moved away and said, "You who wearing the ascetic's cloth and matted locks, 0 ye whose lives are short, yet with a wife have you entered Dundac woods and you bear the arrow, sword... kingdom for her son, but she sent me, beloved of all beings to the wild woods. Now today she has her desire, thaf middle mother of mine. For no worse grief can befall me than that another should touch Vaidehie and that my father should perish and my own kingdom be wrested from my hands." So Cacootstha spoke and Luxman answered him, his eyes filled with the rush of grief, panting like a furious snake controlled ...
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