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Valahan : epithet of Indra as slayer of Vala.
... Standard of, 73 Royal tombs of, 54 Uruwana, 31,89 Usha 16,39,134 Vāhana, 42 vājayanta, 86 Vala, 109, 120, 121, 131, 133 Valahan ("Vala-slayer")* 133 Vailasthāna, Vailasthānaka. 131, 133 Vaishya, 114 Vamadeva, 42, 108 Varasikhas, 128 Varchin, 110, 125, 127 Varin, 87 Varuṇa, ...
... as mythological figures, demons who withhold the cows or waters of heaven..." 26 As withholders of heavenly waters they have Vritra for chief. Indra is named both Vritrahan, "Vritra-slayer", and Valahan, "Vala-slayer". Nor is Indra the only slayer of Vala and Vritra: the other gods have the same role, particularly Brihaspati. And in hymn VI. 73 we have a passage which is strongly reminiscent of Burrow's ...
... ancient Mysteries. We might indeed go farther and inquire whether there was not some original connection between the hero Bellerophon, slayer of Bellerus, who rides on the divine Horse, and Indra Valahan, the Vedic slayer of Vala, the enemy who keeps for himself the Light. But this would take us beyond the limits of our subject. Nor does this interpretation of the Pegasus legend carry us any farther ...
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