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Valarus : sent by Penthesilea to slay Achilles & his men who were coming to the rescue of the Hellenes. He was killed by Echemus & Ascanius.
... with the cry and the hunt that gores the pack and his hunters. Valarus frowning tugged at the heavy steel; yet his right hand Smote at Echemus. Him he missed but valiant Thretaon Sat back dead in his seat and the chariot wild with its coursers Snorting and galloping bore his corpse o'er the plains to the Hellenes. But while yet Valarus strove with the shaft, obscured and encumbered, Ascanus sprang... in the palace of Priam Penthesilea. Near her her captains silent and mighty stood, from the Orient Distant clouds of war, Surabdas and iron Surenas, Pharatus planned like the hills, Somaranes, Valarus, Tauron, High-crested Sumalus, Arithon, Sambus and Artavoruxes. There too the princes of Phrygian Troya gathered for counsel And with them Eurus came, Polydamas' son, who most dearly Loved was... a Lifted with victory cried to her henchman, Aurus of Ellae, Who had the foot of the wind and its breath that scants not for running, "Hasten, hasten, Aurus; race to the right where unwarring Valarus leads his host; bid him close with the strength of the Hellenes. Soon will they scatter like chaff on the threshing-floor blown to the beaches. But when he sees their flight by Sumalus shepherded ...
... or a sunbeam". To Laocoon in the Trojan Assembly, she is heaven-sent and a continent in herself. We see her in Priam's Palace surrounded by her chieftains - Surabdas, Surenas, Pharatus, Somaranes, Valarus, Tauron, Sumalus, Arithon, Sambas and Artaboruxes. Her challenge to Achilles is delivered by the herald in Book V: Sea of renown and of valour that fillest the world with thy rumour,... ...
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